
Weekly Newsletter - 12th July 2024

Posted by Lucy on 14th Aug 2024

News from the nursery:

You’ll be pleased to know that Simon & Lucy are back from their soggy week camping ? Whilst they have been away the team have been busy with hiring out trees for local weddings. Visit our website for more information if you have an upcoming event you might want to decorate with trees, plants or barrels. Jack’s beans have had a growth spurt in the nursery whilst we’ve been gone and there are still plenty that need a new home! If you want to read more about Jack’s Beans then you can visit the page on our website.

Lucy & Liz have now finished their beekeeping course with OBKA. Their new Winnie the Pooh hives have arrived and they’ll be collecting their bees at the end of the month. This means that next year there may be some Bunkers Hill honey for sale again ?

This week’s FREEEBEE is a syngonium plant, which is commonly known as the arrowhead plant or goosefoot. It got this name from the shape of its leaves which resemble the foot of a goose. It is a fast-growing houseplant and this one has particularly pretty pink leaves. They are easy to grow, just needing bright, indirect light and allow to dry out in between watering.

This week’s DEEBEE is a codiaeum variegatum (Croton) for just £2. It’s common name is Joseph’s coat due to the amazing colours including red, pink orange & yellow that are splashed upon its thick oval leaves. It is a beautiful foliage houseplant that need lots of bright light, warmth & humidity - good for east or west facing windowsills. They are part of the euphorbiaceae family so are toxic with sap that irritates so best kept out of reach of children & pets.

This week’s highlights: Jack’s beans, lupins, sunflowers, rudbeckia, echinacea, foxgloves, coreopsis, geraniums & more!

Some jobs for the garden:
* Keep deadheading roses & summer bedding to prolong the flower displays

* Clear debris or weeds from pond & keep topped up
* Cut back main flower stem of penstemons, lupins & foxgloves once they’ve gone over to encourage more flowers
* Thin fruit on fruit trees to prevent rot and allow good sized fruit to develop.

Wishing you all the best
Andrew, Liz, Lucy & Simon
P.S. Old Walter’s Meadow is now open ?