
Looking Good

Looking Good 

Here are a few plants that are looking particularly good at the moment. 

They may be in flower, showing attractive foliage or will add instant impact to your garden!

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  • Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' 3L
    Common name: Italian Aster A late flowering perennial that produces lilac daisy flowers on upright stems from July to September. Pollinator-friendly. Average height 1.5ft. Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.  
    Price: £7.50
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  • Aster dumosus 'Island Barbados' 3L
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy Masses of pretty daisy-like purple flowers with yellow centres from May to September. Long-flowering and a fantastic source of pollen and nectar late in the season. Average height 1-2ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colours' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Black-eyed susan An upright biennial that has hairy stems & leaves.  It produces large daisy-like flowers which are golden flushed red, rust & bronze from throughout the summer into autumn.  Its seed heads look great in the winter...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Stipa arundinacea 3L
    Common name: Pheasant's Tail Grass A perennial grass with narrow leathery dark green arching leaves turning orange-brown in winter. Pendent purplish green spikelets from late summer to late winter. Average height 3ft, spread 4ft. Flowers August to...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Stipa 'Tenuissima' 3L
    Common name: Feather Grass A perennial grass with erect narrow bright green leaves. Soft feathery greenish white panicles of flowers ore borne in early summer, ageing to buff  and remaining ornamental until late autumn. Ultimate height approx 2-3ft. Full...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Agapanthus 'Poppin' Purple' 2L
    Common name: Lily of the Nile A beautiful, clump-forming perennial producing tall, large, round heads of trumpet-shaped purple flowers from August to September. Average height 2ft. Good for containers. Full sun. May need some winter protection, mulch...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Agastache 'Kudos Silver Blue' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Dwarf hummingbird A mound forming deciduous perennial with scented foliage.  It prdouces spikes of lilac blue flowers.  Average height 1.5ft. Full sun. Hardy.  Great for pollinators!
    Price: £9.50
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  • Salvia (Instant) 'Angel Wings'
    A bushy perennial with aromatic pale green leaves and upright spikes of pretty two-toned pale pink and dark pink with flowers that are produced in abundance from June to September. Average height 2.5-3ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender) 'Super Blue'
    OFFER 5 FOR £22 Common name: English Lavender A super variety with silver-grey aromatic foliage and large blooms with a rich purple-blue colour and an intense lavender fragrance. The flowers are held on short flower spikes to provide more...
    Price: £4.50
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  • Offer
    Dahlia 'Sunrise' (small)
    Large flowers in a colourful mix of vibrant pink and yellow. Flowers from July until the first frosts.  Perfect for pots, borders and the cutting garden. Average height 4ft. Full sun. Mulch heavily or lift and store tubers over winter.
    Price: £6.00
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  • Offer
    Common name: Cape Leadwort A fast-growing, evergreen climber that will quickly cover a conservatory wall and bears beautiful racemes of intense sky blue flowers from June to October. Loves to be outside during the heat of the summer but move indoors...
    Was: £35.00
    Now: £25.00
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  • Hydrangea paniculata 'Sundae fraise' 10L
    An upright to spreading shrub with dark green leaves and large flowerheads that has cream flowers.   Average height 9ft, spread 6ft. Flowers August to September. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £35.00
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  • Hydrangea macro. 'Sylvia Purple' 5L
    Common name: Mophead hydrangea A compact, bushy shrub with dark purple broze leaves.  It produces flowerheads with bright purple florets with greenish centres.  Average height 3ft.  Grow in a neutral soil.  Partial shade...
    Price: £18.00
    Out of stock
  • Clematis Bill Mackenzie 1.5m trellis
    A vigorous late small flowered climber with abundant open bell shaped, single yellow flowers with red anthers, followed by large fluffy seed heads. Flowers July to October. Average height 20ft (if left un-pruned), spread 6-7ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £58.00
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  • Salvia salgoon 'Lake Flamingo' 3L
    The Salgoon® Series of salvias are vigorous plants with many side shoots and an exceptionally long flowering period. 'Lake Flamingo' has stunning brilliant pink flowers from April to September. Pollinator-friendly. Average height 2-2.5ft. Full sun...
    Price: £18.00
    Out of stock
  • Cotinus 'Cotton Candy' 18L
    A large shrub or small tree with oval leaves that emerge bronze the spring & have fantastic shades of yellow, orange, purple & red in the autumn.  It produces clouds of pink flowers that give the appearance of smoke from a distance...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Pervoskia (Salvia yangii) 'Rocket Man' 2L
    Common name: Russian Sage A compact shrub with a neat, upright habit and deeply cut silvery foliage. Airy spires of violet-blue flowers are held on strong stems from July to October which are followed by purple calyces to continue the long season of...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Echinacea 'Feeling Pink' 1L
    Common name: Coneflower A compact, uupright perennial with strong stems of large bright pink daisy-like flowerheads produced from July to late September. The vivid pink petals surround a prominent deep brown centre. Average height 1.5ft, spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Salvia - Sensation Mix
    Common name: Ornamental Sage A compact perennial with aromatic foliage and spires of flowers in white, pink or purple that are produced over a long period from early summer to autumn. Average height 1.5ft, spread 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy...
    Price: £6.00
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  • Indigofera howellii 'Reginald Cory'
    Common name: The king of dyes An elegant shrub with small grey green leaves.  It produces tapering racemes of small bright pink flowers from June to autumn.  Average height 6-12ft.  Full sun.  Hardy - grow in a sheltered position
    Price: £18.00
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  • Gaura Gambit Variegata Rose 1L
    A compact clump-forming perennial with slender stems.  It produces star-shaped pink flowers on tall airy stems above the variegated foliage. Average height/spread 35-50cm. Flowers July to September. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £6.50
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  • Passiflora caerulea (Passion Flower) 1.5m trellis
    Common name: Blue Passion flower A vigorous climber with rich green leaves and bowl-shaped white flowers with blue tips from June to August, followed by orange-yellow fruit in August. Average height 10ft+. Partial shade in a sunny, sheltered position.
    Price: £72.00
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  • Clematis Etoile Violette 1.5m trellis
    A small-flowered, vigorous climber with small green leaves. It produces, with open bell-shaped, purple flowers, with pale yellow anthers from July to September. Average height 6-12ft. Avergae spead 4ft.  Full sun/partial shade Hardy "Awarded...
    Price: £72.00
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  • Vitis vinifera 'Cabernet Franc' 3L
    A self-fertile variety and one of the main, great, wine-making grapes.  Its dark purple grapes make superb wine and refreshing juices. Full sun. Hardy. Any well-drained soil.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Hydrangea 'Ruby Annabelle' - 15ltr
    A compact, rounded shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Large round clusters of striking reddish-pink flowers are produced from July to September.  Average height 4ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £55.00
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  • Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' 175-200cm 18L
    Common name: Eastern Redbud 'Hearts of Gold' A small tree with heart shaped, vibrant golden green that have an orange tint when young. A profusion of long-lasting vivid fuschia-pink flowers emerge on the bare branches and clothe the whole tree in...
    Price: £180.00
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  • Salvia patens (2ltr)
    Common name: Gentian Sage A lovely perennial with downy foliage and striking deep blue flowers from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Average height 1.5-2ft, spread 1.5ft. Flowers July to October. Full sun/partial shade. Needs winter protection.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Sedum 'Firecracker'-3L
    A compact perennial with fleshy burgundy leaves that forms a mound.  From late summer to early autumn it produces flat flowerheads made up of clusters of pink starry flowers  Average height up to 1ft.  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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  • Nepeta faassenii 'Purrsian Blue'-3L
    Common name: Catmint A hardy perennial with aromatic green-grey foliage and lavender blue flowers than are borne in proofusion in summer. Bees and insects love the flowers and cats love the foliage! Creates dense mounds of blue that are perfect for...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Hypericum 'Magical Impression'
    An attractive shrub with an upright habit.  It produces small yellow flowers with large stemens from May to June along with red berries from June to July meaning the plant has both at the same time.  Lovely autumn colour.  Average height & spread 2-2...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Offer
    Lupin  mixed colours 3L
    OFFER £9.50 £5 Common name: Lupin A tall perennial with attractive foliage and spikes of flowers that are produced on upright stems in early and mid-summer. A versatile plant that looks good in traditional and contemporary planting schemes...
    Was: £9.50
    Now: £5.00
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  • Cercis can. Ruby Falls (18L)
    Common name: Weeping Eastern Redbud A beautiful small weeping tree with large, heart-shaped, dark purple-red leaves. Deep crimson, purple or pink flowers are borne on the bare stems before the leaves appear. Average ultimate height and spread 6-7ft...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Vaccinium 'Emblue' (Blueberry) (30L)
    Common name: Blueberry A variety with large sweet blue-black berries in July to August that are produced in abundant clusters. Average height and spread 5-6ft.   Acid loving - add ericaceous compost. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £55.00
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  • Offer
    Anthurium (houseplant) red
    Common name: Flamingo Flower An eye catching houseplant with exotic waxy pallet like blooms from June to October. Average height & spread 1ft. Likes a bright room away from direct sunlight.  Min temp 15°C. Harmful if eaten/skin and eye...
    Was: £16.00
    Now: £8.00
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  • Vitis 'Phillip' 4ltr
    Common name: Grape A woody plant, climbing by tendrils. It produces tiny green flowers followed by small pointed black grapes in Sept/Oct.  Average height: 9-12ft Full sun, partial shade  
    Price: £45.00
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  • Vitis 'Fanny' 4ltr
    Common name: Grape A woody plant, climbing by tendrils. It produces tiny green flowers followed by small white desert grape in Sept/Oct.  Average height: 9-12ft Full sun, partial shade  
    Price: £45.00
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  • Cistus creticus 3L
    Common name: Rock Rose, Sun Rose A rounded upright evergreen shrub with wavy-margined, grey-green leaves. Many pink, papery flowers are produced over a long period from June to September. Average height 2-3ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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  • Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (1L)
    Common name: Sage A vigorous, spreading shrub that produces large tubular white and red flowers over an amazingly long period from early summer to autumn. The narrow leaves have a pleasant aromatic smell. Likes well drained soil in full sun. Average...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Vitis 'Katharina' (Grape Vine)
     A desert grape grown for its large pink fruits. Currently 5ft tall Average height: 3m / 10ft Average spread: 3m / 10ft Full Sun  Fruits - September  Hardy 
    Price: £45.00
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  • Aster frikartii 'Monch' 1ltr
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy An upright, perennial with narrow, dark green leaves. Bears masses of long lasting clear lavender-blue daisy-like flowerheads on stout stems from August to late September Average height 3ft, spread 2.5ft Full sun/partial...
    Price: £6.00
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  • Catalpa purpurea 27L bag
    Common name: Indian Bean Tree Spreading tree with large broad leaves blackish purple when young, maturing green. The summer flowers are white, marked yellow and purple on upright panicles followed by slender seed pods. Average height and spread 30ft...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Buddleja 'Black Knight' - 3ltr pot
    Common name: Butterfly Bush A fast-growing shrub with arching, grey-green stems and leaves. Long, conical panicles of deep violet-blue flowers with orange eyes are produced from May to August. Average height 8ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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