
Mature Trees & Evergreen Screening


Mature Trees & Evergreen Screening

The trees on these pages are perfect if you need an instant screen, or just want to add immediate height to your garden. Our standard trees can be planted near a fence or wall to provide coverage above and make a smart, year-round hedge.


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  • Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 300/350cm
    Currently approx. height 300-350cm Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen screening...
    Price: £220.00
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  • Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' 10/12cm
    Common name: Norway maple A medium-sized deciduous tree with beautiful golden yellow foliage in spring that develops greener tones through the summer. Bears small yellow flowers in spring which are attractive to pollinators. Average height 40ft (if...
    Price: £240.00
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  • Prunus padus 'Watereri' - 8/10cm
    Common name: Bird cherry A spreading tree with dark green leaves that turn red or yellow in autumn. Pretty, cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers are produced from April to May, followed by glossy blue-black fruit in June which are loved by birds...
    Price: £105.00 - £125.00
  • Liquidambar styr. 'Lane Roberts' (Sweet Gum) 10/12cm
    Common name: Sweet Gum A broadly conical, deciduous tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning purple then orange-yellow in autumn. Leaves are followed by mace-like fruit clusters Average height 18ft in 10 years (but can reach an eventual height of...
    Price: £295.00
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  • Betula pendula 'Zwister's Glory' - 12/14cm
    Common name: Silver Birch 'Zwister's Glory' A new variety of silver birch, with a very uniform, pyramidal habit, making it perfect for avenues. The peeling bark is a gleaming white. It's dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn and yellow-brown catkins...
    Price: £270.00
  • Betula pendula 'Zwister's Glory' - 10/12cm
    Common name: Silver Birch 'Zwister's Glory' A new variety of silver birch, with a very uniform, pyramidal habit, making it perfect for avenues. The peeling bark is a gleaming white. It's dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn and yellow-brown catkins...
    Price: £240.00
  • Apple (Malus) 'Queen Cox' 8-10cm (45ltr)
    Dessert Apple. A late-season dessert apple that has the same great flavour of a 'Cox's Orange Pippin' but with larger, more richly coloured fruits. Harvest in September-October. Self-fertile but yields are increased if a pollination partner is present...
    Price: £165.00
  • Standard Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' 1.5m (5ft)
    These mature, standard trees are perfect for creating an instant evergreen screen. They can be planted to form an avenue or as a hedge above a wall or fence, or used as a divider between two parts of the garden. Trim yearly to retain a neat...
    Price: £450.00
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  • Prunus 'Pandora' (Ornamental Cherry) - 10/12cm
    Current height, approx 12-13ft Common name: Ornamental Cherry An excellent variety of cherry blossom tree with bronze leaves when young. Masses of pretty cup-shaped pale pink flowers open from dark pink buds in March- early April. Excellent autumn...
    Price: £160.00 - £250.00
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  • Cotoneaster cornubia (10/12cm)
    A vigorous semi-evergreen shrub/small tree with arching branches with dark green leaves, some turn bronze in winter. White flowers in May and June are followed by bright red, round fruit that is loved by birds. Average Height 18ft, spread 12ft. Fruits...
    Price: £280.00
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  • Crataegus lavallei - 6/8cm
    Common name: Lavalle Hawthorn A sparingly thorny, deciduous small tree with a dense broad crown and glossy oval leaves turning red in late autumn and falling late. It produces white flowers that are popular with bees and bears large berries afterwards...
    Price: £90.00 - £110.00
  • Quercus rubra (Red Oak) 10/12cm
    Common name: Red Oak. A vigorous, spreading tree with smooth greyish brown bark. Matt dark green leaves turn yellow to red-brown in autumn. Flowers May to June followed by acorns. Average eventual height 80ft, spread 65ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £295.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Photinia fras. 'Red Robin' Bush 200-220cm
    Common name: Christmas berry or Red robin An evergreen with dark green leaves, that are a striking bright red when young. Small white flowers are sometimes followed by bright red fruit. Makes an excellent screen - prune regularly to keep it dense. Height...
    Price: £160.00
  • Laurus nob. Bush 220-250cm
    Common name: Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay An evergreen tree or large shrub with glossy, dark green, aromatic leaves. It produces white flowers from April to May Average height 20ft - keep pruned to desired height Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £110.00
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  • Gleditsia 'Sunburst' - 8/10cm
    A mature tree in a 45 litre container with an 8-10cm trunk circumference, current height approx 8-10ft. Common name: Honey Locust A tree with handsome fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green later in the summer. In autumn the...
    Price: £210.00
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  • Alnus glutinosa (Common Alder) - 200/250cm
    Common name: Common Alder A conical, deciduous tree with long-lasting, glossy dark green leaves.   Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open from January to March, before the leaves. Average eventual height 50ft+. Full sun/Partial shade.   "Provides nectar...
    Price: £38.00 - £45.00
  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - Feathered (20-22cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £550.00
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  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - (22/24cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £525.00
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  • Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - 5ft
    Current approximate height 5ft (not including the pot) Japanese maple. An elegant, slow-growing multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with deeply lobed red-purple leaves turning brilliant red in autumn. Average height 10-15ft (over a long period of time)...
    Price: £180.00
  • Quercus robur (English Oak) - 10/12cm (70ltr)
    A mature, pot-grown specimen with a girth of 10-12cm Common Oak, English Oak. A huge and majestic, long-lived, deciduous, spreading tree with fissured grey-brown bark and dark green leaves which have 4 or 5 lobes on each side. It produces acorns...
    Price: £250.00
  • Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime)  18/20cm girth
    This mature tree is currently approx. 12ft+ tall A broadly columnar tree with rounded dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. It produces clusters of pale yellow flowers in July. Average height 40ft. Excellent as specimen trees or as avenue trees. Flowers...
    Price: £200.00
  • Prunus padus 'Watereri' 12/14cm
    Bird Cherry 'Watereri'. A selection of the native Bird Cherry, this medium-sized tree bears spectacular long spikes of fragrant, cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers from April to May, followed by glossy blue-black fruit in June. The dark...
    Price: £220.00
  • Prunus avium 'Plena' (Double Wild Cherry) 12/14cm
    Double Wild Cherry. A large spreading tree with bronze leaves when young, turning red in autumn. Pretty double white flowers from April to May, are followed by red fruit. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average eventual height: 30ft+ (after 20-30 years)...
    Price: £240.00
  • Prunus avium (Wild Cherry) 12/14cm
    12/14cm girth Wild Cherry. A large, native deciduous tree with reddish-brown bark that produces beautiful white spring blossom in April-May followed by round dark red berries. The foliage takes on rich autumn tones. An excellent specimen tree if you...
    Price: £250.00
  • Prunus 'Pandora' (Ornamental Cherry) 12/14cm
    Ornamental Cherry. An excellent variety of cherry blossom tree (a hybrid of Prunus subhirtella and Prunus yedoensis) with masses of pretty, scented, cup-shaped pale pink flowers opening from dark pink buds in March to early April. The...
    Price: £275.00
  • Malus hupehensis (Hupeh Crab Apple) 12/14cm (70ltr)
    Hupeh Crab Apple. A round-headed tree with arching branches. Produces an excellent display of fragrant white and pink flowers in spring, that open from red buds. Red/yellow berries follow the flowers. These are highly decorative and an important food...
    Price: £295.00
  • Malus floribunda (Japanese Crab Apple) - 8/10
    Japanese Crab Apple. A small deciduous crab apple tree with a neat tapering shape and lavish displays of fragrant white and pink flowers in spring, that open from red buds. Red/yellow berries follow the flowers. These are highly decorative and also...
    Price: £180.00
  • Malus 'Direktor Moerland' (Crabapple) - 10/12cm
    A small crab apple tree with deep red wine coloured blossom that is produced profusion during the spring months. the leaves are a dark red red and fade to a dark coppery bronze colour as the summer goes on.  Average height if left unpruned 25 -30ft Full...
    Price: £250.00
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  • Malus 'Direktor Moerland' (Crabapple) - 8/10cm
    Common name: Crab apple A small crab apple tree with dark red leaves that  fade to a dark coppery bronze colour as the summer goes on.  It produces deep red wine coloured blossom in profusion during the spring months Average height if left unpruned 25...
    Price: £120.00 - £140.00
  • Crataegus prunifolia - 12/14cm
    Broad-leaved Cockspur Thorn 'Prunifolia'. A rounded tree with large thorns and glossy deep green leaves, turning fiery orange and red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in spring are followed by bright red fruit. Average eventual height: 20-25ft (if...
    Price: £280.00
  • Crataegus prunifolia - 10/12cm
    Broad-leaved Cockspur Thorn 'Prunifolia'. A rounded tree with large thorns and glossy deep green leaves, turning fiery orange and red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in spring are followed by bright red fruit. Average eventual height: 20-25ft...
    Price: £250.00
  • Amelanchier lamarckii - 12/14cm (70L)
    Girth (circumference of trunk): 12/14cm A beautiful, upright small tree with mid-green leaves.It produces masses of white flowers in April to May, accompanied by copper coloured new foliage. Flowers are followed by purple-black fruit in June to August...
    Price: £495.00
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  • Acer campestre 'Fastigiata' - 10/12cm girth
    Girth (circumference of trunk): 10/12cm An upright and narrow from of the native British Field Maple, a medium sized tree with green leaves that turn yellow, red or golden in autumn. Flowers in spring are small and green, forming typical winged maple...
    Price: £250.00
  • Betula alba (White birch) - 15ft
    Silver Birch. A tall, elegant tree with characteristic peeling white bark, with contasting dark markings. The small dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn, and yellow-brown catkins are produced in spring. The tips of the branches have a pendulous habit...
    Price: £325.00
  • Standard Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' 8/10cm girth
    £350 special wholesale price £250   These mature, standard trees are perfect for creating an instant evergreen screen. They can be planted to form an avenue or as a hedge above a wall or fence, or used as a divider between two parts of the garden. Trim...
    Price: £250.00
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  • Morus nigra (Black Mulberry) - 250/275cm
    Black Mulberry. A spreading tree with dark green leaves, velvety underneath. Cup-shaped green flowers are produced from May to June, followed by edible green fruit ripening to red and then dark purple in August. Average height 25ft+. Hardy.
    Price: £135.00
  • Morus alba (White Mulberry) - 250/275cm
    A spreading tree with fresh yellow-green veined leaves. It produces cup-shaped green flowers from May to June, which is followed by white fruit which ripens to pink and red during August. Max Height 10m. Max Spread 10m. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £135.00
  • Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime) 20-25cm girth
    These very mature trees are currently approx. 5m tall (16ft) A broadly columnar tree with rounded dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. It produces clusters of pale yellow flowers in July. Average height 40ft. Excellent as specimen trees or as avenue...
    Price: £495.00
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  • Cotoneaster cornubia (10/11cm)
    A vigorous semi-evergreen shrub/small tree with arching branches with dark green leaves, some turn bronze in winter. White flowers in May and June are followed by bright red, round fruit that is loved by birds. Average Height 18ft, spread 12ft. Fruits...
    Price: £185.00
  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - Std (22/24cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £595.00
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  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - Std (20/22cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. It will retain it's brown leaves over winter, proving a...
    Price: £550.00
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  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - Standard (20/22cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £425.00
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  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) - Standard (18/20cm girth)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £595.00
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  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) 6/8cm
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £85.00
  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 12/14cm (15ft)
    This mature potted tree is currently approx. 15ft tall   Black Walnut. A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit in August...
    Price: £120.00
  • Quercus robur (English Oak) - 8/10cm (45ltr)
    Common name: English Oak A huge, long-living, deciduous, spreading tree with fissured grey-brown bark and dark green leaves which have 4 or 5 lobes on each side.  It produces acorns in September to October.   Average height 60ft+. Full...
    Price: £195.00
  • Liquidambar 'Worplesdon' (Sweet Gum) 8/10cm
    Common name: Sweet Gum A broadly conical, deciduous tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning purple then orange-yellow in autumn. Leaves are followed by mace-like fruit clusters Average height 18ft in 10 years. Average eventual height 80ft. Full...
    Price: £120.00
  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear)  6/8cm
     Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 10/12cm
    Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £165.00 - £195.00
  • Gleditsia 'Sunburst' - 6/8cm.
    Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst'Honey Locust. A tree with handsome fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green later in the summer. In autumn the leaves turn back to a bright yellow. Attractive long seed pods are also produced in...
    Price: £135.00
  • Crataegus 'Paul’s Scarlet' - 8/10cm girth
    Common name: May, Midland Hawthorn A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Abundant clusters of double scarlet flowers are produced in spring, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Average height 15-20ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial...
    Price: £120.00 - £135.00
  • Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' 8/10cm - 10ft Standard.
    This standard mature tree is approx 10ft tall, with a clear stem of 6.5ft. It has a girth of 8/10cm (circumference of the trunk)   Holly (female). An excellent variety with glossy dark green leaves that have small spines. It reliably produces a good crop...
    Price: £280.00
  • Cotoneaster 'Cornubia' 8/10cm
    A mature tree with a girth (trunk circumference) of 8-10cm. Cotoneaster 'Cornubia' is a vigorous semi-evergreen small tree (it will keep most of it's leaves through winter unless it is particularly severe weather). Its arching branches and dark green...
    Price: £90.00 - £195.00
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  • Salix Chermesina (Scarlet Willow) 6/8cm
    A mature tree with a girth (trunk circumference) of 6-8cm, current approx. height 8-10ftSalix Chermesina (Scarlet Willow). A striking, fast-growing, male plant with carmine-red young winter shoots. It produces yellow catkins from March to May, with the...
    Price: £55.00
  • Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum' - Feathered
    Fastigiate Tulip tree. An upright, narrow form of Tulip Tree. The attractive, saddle-shaped, dark green leaves, turn yellow in autumn. Really unusual looking cup-shaped pale green flowers with orange bands at the bases are produced in mid-summer...
    Price: £275.00
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  • Eucalyptus gunnii 6-7ft - 10ltr
    'Cider Gum. A tree with whitish green bark shed annually in late summer, leaves round when young followed by grey-green, adult leaves. Umbels of white to cream flowers from June to September. Average height 15ft+ (if left un-pruned). Full Sun. Hardy.'
    Price: £40.00
  • Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar) - 10-12ft
    These tree have been grown on here at the nursery and are variable in shape and height ranging from 9-10ft up to 12-13ft tall (not including pot) and will create an instant, year-round evergreen screen. Please enquire for availability on the different...
    Price: £195.00
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  • Prunus laurocerasus 'Novita' - Cherry Laurel
     This Cherry Laurel is currently approx. 5-6t tall not including pot. These bushy, mature plants will create an immediate screen.   A new variety bred to be hardier than regular cherry laurel. A very dense, fast growing, evergreen plant with large,...
    Price: £55.00
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