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New plants in this month

This page is kept updated with plants that arrive each month. For more recent arrivals look at the 'new in this week' page. 

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  • Prunus 'Snow Showers' (Ornamental Cherry) 200/250cm
    Common name: Weeping Cherry A small tree with an elegant weeping habit that bears a mass of single white blossom in spring that will attract bees into the garden. The foliage turns attractive shades of orange, red and gold in autumn. Perfect for a...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Prunus 'Frilly Frock' (Ornamental Cherry) 200/250cm
    Common name: Weeping Cherry A small tree with an elegant weeping habit that bears a mass of white blossom in spring. Attractive variegated  leaves turning orange, red and gold in autumn. Perfect for creating a long season of interest and suitable...
    Price: £43.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Lonicera nitida 'Maygreen' - 2ltr pot
    BULK OFFER 10+ £4.50 EACH Common name: Shrubby Honeysuckle A tough, bushy evergreen shrub with small ovate leaves. Tiny white flowers bloom in late spring followed by dark purple berries.  Ideal for creating a dense hedge or as ground...
    Price: £5.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Euonymus japonica 'White Spire' 2ltr
    BULK RATE 10+ £11 EACH Common name: Japanese Spindle This small, upright growing evergreen shrub has dense, glossy, variegated green and cream. It is ideal for planing as an unusual low hedge or edging for a border, as a substitute for box...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Euonymus japonica 'Paloma Blanca' 2ltr
    BULK RATE 10+ £8.50 EACH Common name: Japanese Spindle A compact evergreen shrub with small, dark green leaves, that emerge a bright creamy white in the spring, before turning deep green. The dense foliage lends itself well to creating low...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Euonymus japonicus 'Green Rocket' 2ltr
    BULK RATE 10+ £8 EACH Common name: Japanese Spindle This compact, upright growing evergreen shrub has dense, glossy, dark green leaves that are a vibrant green when young. It is ideal for planing as a low hedge or edging for a border, as a...
    Price: £9.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Euonymus japonicus 'Francine' 2ltr
    BULK RATE 10+ £9.50 EACH Common name: Japanese Spindle A small evergreen shrub with attractive dark green and cream variegated leaves. Good for adding winter interest. Average height and spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £10.50
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  • Offer
    Bulk Offers
    Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 125/150cm - rootballed
    BULK OFFER 10+ FOR £23 £18.40 eachCommon name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen...
    Was: £26.00
    Now: £20.80
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  • Robinia pseudoacacia 'Casque Rouge' 6/8cm
    An open, rounded  tree or shrub with very attractive, dark green leaves with many leaf-lets. Striking, pendent clusters of fragrant purple-pink flowers are borne in profusion from May to June. Average height and spread 30ft. Full sun or partial shade...
    Price: £120.00
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  • Hellebore niger 'Joel' in stone pot
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average height...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Hellebore Christmas Carol (large - p12)
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Helleborus 'Christmas Carol' (7cm)
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average...
    Price: £5.50
  • Pice glauca 'Conica' (Dwarf Conifer) 3ltr
    Common name: Dwarf Alberta Spruce  A neat cone-shaped dwarf conifer with dense, bright green needle-like leaves. Great for use as a miniature Christmas Tree! Average eventual height 7ft (but slow growing)  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
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  • Euphorbia Characias "Humpty Dumpty" 3ltr
    Common name: Spurge A compact evergreen perennial with silvery green leaves and large yellow-green flower spikes from April to June. Average height/spread 1.5-2ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy but needs protection from very severe cold weather  
    Price: £11.00
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  • Euphorbia characias 'Silver Edge'-3L
    Common name: Spurge A striking evergreen perennial with variegated grey-green leaves edged in white. In spring and early summer the foliage is topped with cream/yellow flowers. The flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. Average height 2ft. Full...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Euphorbia x martini Ascot Rainbow 3ltr pot
    Common name: Spurge An unusual evergreen sub-shrub with striking green and cream variegated foliage, tinged with red. The flowerheads are also variegated in an attractive mix of cream, pink and green. Excellent architectural plant. Average height 3ft...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Heucherella 'Kimono' 3L
    A mound-forming evergreen perennial with attractive silvery green leaves with dark purple veins.  It produces spikes of pale pink flowers late in spring & summer.  Average height 1ft.  Full sun or partial shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
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  • Euphorbia 'Glacier Blue' - 3ltr
    Common name: Spurge An evergreen perennial with blue green leaves which are edged cream. Clusters of cream flowers are borne in the spring which are loved by bees and other pollinators. Average height/spread 3ft. Full Sun. Hardy
    Price: £11.00
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  • Euphorbia 'Red Wing'-3L
    Common name: Spurge A compact, evergreen perennial with dark green foliage that gradually takes on deep red tints. The long-lasting flowers are vivid lime green/yellow and emerge in spring. Average height 2ft, spread 2ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
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  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' 5L
    A dense rounded shrub with holly-like, glossy, dark green leaves edged in creamy white. Clusters of fragrant tubular white flowers are produced from August to September. Average height 4-5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
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  • Asplenium ebenoides 1L
    Common name: Dragon's Tail Fern A small evergreen fern producing broadly toothed triangular fronds. The light green frnods arch randomly over each other. Average height 0.5ft Evergreen.  Partial shade.  Hardy. Ideal in a sheltered site eg woodlands or...
    Price: £7.50
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  • Camellia jap. 'Fairy Blush' 7.5L
    An evergreen with glossy dark green leaves, smaller than other camellias that are tipped red when new.  It produces pink buds that open into a profusion of dainty single white flowers with pink-red flush in spring. Average height 3-4ft.  Partial shade...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Pinus sylvestris 'Martham' 20cm stem (8L)
    Common name: Dwarf Scots Pine A dwarf rounded conifer with blue-green, twisted needle-like, leaves. Produces green cones ripening brown. This grafted specimen makes a stylish and unusual alternative to the usual topiary plants and is also low maintenance...
    Price: £62.00
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  • Pinus nigra 'Lemon Pearl' 20cm stem (6L)
    Common name: Dwarf Black Pine A stylish and unusual alternative to the usual topiary plants available that is also very tough and winter hardy. This dwarf pine is grafted onto a 20cm stem and forms a neat, rounded evergreen mound. Small brown cones...
    Price: £62.00
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  • Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' 30/35cm (6L)
    Common name: Western Red Cedar A compact conifer with unusual elongated tendrils resembling whipcords that have an attractive weeping habit. The foliage develops coppery colours in autumn.  Average height 5-6ft, but slow growing. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £38.00
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  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata David' 50/60cm (11L)
    Common name: Fastigiate Yew A slow-growing, narrowly columnar evergreen conifer with narrow bright green leaves. Naturally forms a neat shape without need for clipping. 'David' is a male variety and doesn't have berries. Growth rate 6-9in per year...
    Price: £68.00
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  • Sciadopitys verticulata 30/40cm (8L)
    Common name: Japanese Umbrella Pine An unsual and slow growing, conical pine with red-brown peeling bark. The narrow glossy dark green needles grow in whorls and take on a bronze tint in winter. Produces cones. Average growth per year is 6". Full...
    Price: £68.00
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  • Pinus banksiana 'Velda' 40/50cm (15L)
    Common name: Jack Pine 'Velda' An unusual coniferous tree with an attractive shape that is a cultivated variety of the Jack Pine, native to Canada and northern USA. The short, olive green needles grow in pairs and it bears small, curved, reddish-brown...
    Price: £92.00
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  • Camellia jap. 'Beauty Blush' 7.5L
    An evergreen with glossy dark green leaves, smaller than other camellias that are tipped red when new.  It produces pink buds that open into a profusion of dainty single white flowers with pink-red flush in spring. Average height 3-4ft.  Partial shade...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Camellia jap. 'Cupido' 7.5L
    An evergreen with glossy dark green leaves, smaller than other camellias that are tipped red when new.  It produces pink buds that open into a profusion of dainty single white flowers with pink-red flush in spring. Average height 3-4ft.  Partial shade...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Mahonia nitens 'Cabaret' 3L
    Common name: Oregon Grape A small evergreen shrub that packs a lot of punch offering year round interest with attractive holly-like foliage and racemes of bright yellow flowers from August to November. The flowers open from pretty orange buds and are...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Prunus laur. 'Novita' 120-140cm (27L bag)
     Bulk rate 5+ = £45 or 20+ = £38 Common name: Cherry laurel A new variety bred to be hardier than regular cherry laurel. A very dense, fast growing, evergreen plant with large, glossy green leaves.  In April to May, upright...
    Price: £58.00
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  • Trachelospermum jasminoides - 2L (4 canes)
    Common name: Star Jasmine A twining climber with glossy dark green leaves,  often turning crimson in winter. Pure white star-shaped flowers with a strong sweet scent are borne from July to August. Average height 12ft+. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £12.00
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  • Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine) 50-60cm 3L
    Common name: Star Jasmine A twining climber with glossy dark green leaves,  often turning crimson in winter. Pure white star-shaped flowers with a strong sweet scent are borne from mid to late summer. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average height/spread...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Prunus 'Kojo-no-mai'60-80cm 10L
    Common name: Dwarf Ornamental Cherry A compact shrub that becomes gently spreading with age. Abundant pretty pale pink flowers, opening from red buds, are produced in April/May. The leaves emerge a light green, darkening to deep green in summer before...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Polystichum munitum - 7L deep
    Common name: Sword fern An attractive fern with divided, leathery fronds, tapering at the ends, forming neat shuttlecocks. Average height 2-3ft Shaded site Hardy Note: Remove old fronds in Spring after last frosts to encourage new growth
    Price: £20.00
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  • Abies koreana 'Kohout's Icebreaker' 25/30cm (6L)
    Common name: Korean fir A small coniferous tree with dark green needles that curve inwards to reveal the silvery-white colour underneath giving the appearance of frost or a dusting of snow.  Cones are cylindrical, green ripening to brown. Average height...
    Price: £78.00
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  • Pieris japonica 'Variegata' 2L
    A compact evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, margined white. Clusters of pendent white flowers in late winter and spring. The new foliage emerges a light pink. Average height and spread 3ft.  Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
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  • Skimmia jap. 'Rubella' 100+ blooms (p32) INSTANT
    A compact evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves.   It produces panicles of red buds which add interest to the garden or pot in the winter. These open to fragrant white flowers in spring.  Partial shade Average height & spread 3ft. Hardy.  
    Price: £88.00
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  • Nandina 'Obsessed' (10L)
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo A compact, evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a stunning rich red when young. Pretty clusters of tiny white flowers with large yellow anthers in mid-summer are followed by bright red fruit in August. Average height 2...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Nandina 'Lemon Lime' 10L
    Common name: Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo A compact evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a vibrant lime green when young, aging to a slightly richer green as the season progresses. Sprays of small white flowers in summer are followed by red berries. For...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Ligustrum (privet) 9cm
    BULK 5+ = £1.20 each Privet is a quick growing, evergreen/semi-evergreen shrub with oval, rich green leaves.  It produces clusters of pretty white flowers from August to September (only if not pruned every year) followed by black berries in August. ...
    Price: £1.50
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  • Ajuga rep. 'Burgundy Glow' 3ltr
    Common name: Bugle Creeping semi-evergreen alpine with red, bronze leaves and spike-like light blue flowers that are produced  from April to August. Average height 6" spread 2ft - good groundcover. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Polystichum polyblepharum (hardy fern)
    Common name: Japanese Tassel Fern An attractive evergreen fern producing shuttlecock-like upright glossy dark green fronds that have a golden tint when they first emerge. A magical sight in winter when the fronds are covered in frost. Prefers...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Polystichum setiferum
    Common name: Soft Shield Fern An attractive fern with shuttlecock-like, arching soft, dark green fronds. The fronds have a particulary finely cut feathery appearance that contrasts well with other foliage. Average height 4ft, spread 3ft. Excellent for...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Dryopteris erythrosora 1.5L
    Common name: Japanese Shield Fern A beautiful, semi-evergreen fern with finely divided, compact fronds that emerge in rusty orange shades before turning dark green. Prefers damp conditions but will tolerate dry shade as long as it is well-watered until...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Argenteum' (30-40cm) 3L
    Common name: Silver Privet A conical, evergreen shrub with rich green leaves, margined creamy white. White flowers from August to September are followed by black berries. Average height 13-14ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £6.50
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  • Hydrangea petiolaris (15L) pot
    Common name: Climbing Hydrangea A large climbing shrub with dark green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Large domed clusters of white flowers are borne from July to August Average Height 12-15ft. Excellent cover for a shady wall. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
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  • Rosemary 'Miss Jessop's Upright' 4L
    Common name: Rosemary An aromatic evergreen shrub with leathery,  narrow grey-green leaves. Very upright habit. Pretty purple-blue flowers from mid-spring to early summer and may flower again in autumn. Average height/spread 3ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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  • Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 300/350cm
    Currently approx. height 300-350cm Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen screening...
    Price: £220.00
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  • Salvia greggii 'Mirage' Mix 1.5L
    A bushy perennial that blooms prolifically with racemes of red, white, pink and bi-colour flowers produced from June to September.  The mid to dark green leaves are small and aromatic and evergreen if they get through the winter frosts. Average...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' - 5ltr
    A vigorous, spreading, evergreen shrub which has rich gold variegation. Strongly scented white flowers are produced from May to July, followed by red fruit in October to November.  Average height 6-8ft. Full sun  Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Pieris 'Mountain Fire' 5L
    A rounded, evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, red when young, turning glossy chestnut-brown. Clusters of pendent white flowers are produced from February to April. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy. Needs acid soil...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Skimmia rubella 3L
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves. Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from dark red buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 80-100cm (3L)
    Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen screening. Growth rate is up to 3ft per year so...
    Price: £9.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Prunus laur. 'Novita' 60-80cm (3L)
     Bulk rate 20+ = £9 each Common name: Cherry laurel A new variety bred to be hardier than regular cherry laurel. A very dense, fast growing, evergreen plant with large, glossy green leaves.  In April to May, upright spikes of white...
    Price: £13.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Prunus laur. 'Novita' 100-125cm (10L)
     Bulk rate 5+ = £33 or 20+ = £28 Common name: Cherry laurel A new variety bred to be hardier than regular cherry laurel. A very dense, fast growing, evergreen plant with large, glossy green leaves.  In April to May, upright...
    Price: £40.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' (60-80cm) 5L
    Bulk offer: 5+ plants £15.50 each / 20+ plants £13 each Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced...
    Price: £19.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Berberis julianae (Barberry) 30-50cm (Potted)
    Common name: Barberry Dense evergreen shrub, leaves green, with needle-like spines. Clusters of yellow flowers are followed by white-glaucous black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.   Recommended planting...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Rhamnus cathartica (Common Buckthorn) 3-4ft - 15ltr
    Common name: Common Buckthorn A dense, thicket-forming, spiny plant with dark green leaves which turn yellow in autumn. Spherical black fruit are produced in autumn. Forms thick, thorny hedges with an average height of 7ft or a small specimen tree 15ft...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Rosa rugosa (Hedgehog Rose) INSTANT - pink or white
    Pot of 3 rosa rugosa plants 60-80cm tall - perfect for instant hedge! Common name: Hedgehog Rose A dense growing rose with dark green 'crinkled' leaves. The scented,single dark pink or white flowers are borne in summer followed by very large red rose...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Rouge' - 175-200cm
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £45.00
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  • Skimmia japonica 'Finchy' (p17)
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves.  Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from lime green buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' 2L
    A new variety of Pittosporum with a neat, rounded habit. A bushy shrub with minty green leaves with wavy margins. Bell-shaped, honey-scented, brown-red flowers are produced from May to June. Average height 4ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
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  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
    A rounded  shrub with glossy dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers in april - May.  Average height 9 - 12ft (if left unpruned)  Full sun / partial shade  Hardy 
    Price: £9.50
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  • Prunus 'Kojo-no-mai -  3L
    Common name: Dwarf Ornamental Cherry A compact shrub that becomes gently spreading with age. Abundant pretty pale pink flowers, opening from red buds, are produced in April/May. The leaves emerge a light green, darkening to deep green in summer before...
    Price: £18.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus x ebbingei (80-100cm) 10L
    Common name: Oleaster.  A vigorous evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves, silvery underneath. A tough and tolerant plant that is good for hedging. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October followed by orange...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Acer campestre (Field Maple) 3-4ft/15ltr
    A pot of 3 plants approx 3-4ft tall - good for instant hedges Common name: Field Maple Acer campestre is a native British, medium sized tree that is good for tall hedges. The new leaves emerge with a flush of red, then turn a bright green over summer,...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Lonicera similis Delavayi
    A twining evergreen climber with dark green leaves. In the summer it produces muted yellow flowers. Eventual height 15-18ft if left unpruned.  Full sun / partial shade Hardy   
    Price: £7.50
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  • Lonicera japonica Halliana
    Japanese Honeysuckle. A twining evergreen climber with dark green leaves and very fragrant white flowers ageing to yellow from May to August, followed by blue-black berries in August. Average height 8ft+. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. Average height...
    Price: £7.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Prunus avium (Wild Cherry) 3-4ft/15ltr
    Common name: Wild Cherry A native deciduous tree with reddish-brown bark. It produces beautiful spring blossom in April-May and has rich autumn tones. Bright red cherries appear in autumn which are loved by birds. Average height 50ft+. Excellent...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Daphne odora 'Perfume Princess'
    An upright evergreen shrub that produces beautifully scented clusters of unusually large light pink flowers that open from deep tinged buds. The blooms are produced in late winter and early spring. Average height and spread 5ft  but slow growing. Partial...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Euonymus europaeus (Spindle) 3-4ft - 15ltr
    Common name: Spindle Spindle is a bright, familiar native hedgerow shrub with dark green leaves which turn a stunning bright scarlet in the autumn. Small yellow flowers are borne is spring, that attract insects and bees and are followed by brilliant,...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Rosmarinus  officinalis (rosemary)
    Common name: Rosemary. A useful and attractive upright shrubby herb with aromatic needle-like foliage that can be used to flavour many dishes and pretty lilac blue flowers from mid-spring to early summer. A second flush of flowers may appear again in...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Pieris japonica 'Red Mill'
    A medium sized evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves (Red when young) and pendulous clusters of small white flowers in spring. Average height: 3m - 10ft  Average spread: 2m - 6.5ft. Flowers March to April. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Prunus 'Kojo-no-mai' 5ltr
    Common name: Dwarf Ornamental Cherry A compact shrub that becomes gently spreading with age. Abundant pretty pale pink flowers, opening from red buds, are produced in April/May. The leaves emerge a light green, darkening to deep green in summer before...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Ligustrum ovalifolium (Privet) 80-100cm - 5ltr
    Bulk offer: 5+ plants £15.50 each / 20+ plants £13 each Common name: Garden Privet Privet is a quick growing, evergreen/semi-evergreen shrub with oval, rich green leaves. It produces clusters of pretty white flowers from August to...
    Price: £19.50
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  • Phyllostachys aurea (Golden Bamboo) 175/200cm (18L)
    OFFER £115 £95 Current height 175/200cm Common name: Golden Bamboo, fishpole bamboo A fast-growing bamboo with upright canes that emerge a vibrant green and age to a golden yellow if grown in sun. The bright green, narrow leaves create a beautiful, airy...
    Price: £115.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Vinca major 'Variegata' (Periwinkle) - 2ltr
    Common name: Greater Periwinkle An evergreen shrub with arching stems of dark green leaves, margined creamy white. Dark violet or violet-blue flowers produced from April to September. Average height 1.5ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £6.00
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  • Berberis darwinii (Darwin's barberry) - 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10ltr pot Darwin's barberry. Shiny green foliage, producing small yellow or orange flowers. Good for hedges Height: 2.5m / 8ft Spread: 2.5m / 8ft Full sun/part shade - Well drained soil Flowers during spring, followed by berries...
    Price: £28.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Vinca minor (Periwinkle) - 2ltr
    Common name: Lesser Periwinkle A mat-forming evergreen shrub with trailing stems of dark green leaves.  Violet-blue flowers produced from  April to September. Excellent groundcover for shady sites. Average height 0.5ft Average spread 1...
    Price: £6.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Sempervivum Mixed - 9cm pot
    1 plant in 9cm pot picked from out selection on the nursery. A hardy perennial that are drought tolerant and produce incredible rosettes. Great for rockeries also known as Houseleeks. ·      Height: up to 8cm  ·      Spread: up to 30cm  ·      Full sun...
    Price: £3.00
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