
Acer Orangeola (p26)

  • Acer Orangeola (p26)

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Local delivery/collection (Oxfordshire) available* Nationwide Delivery Available 
Price: £65.00
*Nationwide delivery is NOT available on all items. At checkout it will show whether the item is only available to COLLECT from the nursery or it will show nationwide delivery options if eligible. Delivery may be possible on additional items but please email the office for a quote. If you choose to collect from our nursery you may wish to sign up to our Garden Trade Card to receive extra discounts (5-10%).

Product Description

1 plant in a 26cm (dia.)pot

Japanese Maple. A lovely, slow-growing small tree that will make a beautiful specimen in dappled shade either grown in a pot (mixture of ericaceous and normal compost) or in the ground. The elegant leaves are finely dissected and give a long season of interest as the colours change from orange-red in spring to green and red shades in summer before turning brilliant orange-red in autumn.



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