


There are various types of cornus that are chosen for different purposes such as for hedging or as a statement tree. The cornus used for hedging usually has attractive coloured stems that make an impressive feature in the winter. For those looking for a statement tree for their garden then the kousa type cornus are perfect for this.


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  • Cornus stol. 'White Gold' 40-60cm 3L
    Common name: Dogwood A shrub with variegated minty green and cream leaves. Clusters of white flowers in summer are followed by white fruits. The leaves turn a stunning bright gold in autumn and then drop to reveal shining bright yellow stems that...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Cornus mas 3L
    Common name: Cornelian Cherry, Dogwood A spreading shrub or small tree with dark green leaves, which turn red- purple in autumn. From February to March, yellow flowers are produced in small umbels before the leaves appear. These are followed by fleshy...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Cornus controversa Variegata 125-150cm (36L)
    Common name: Wedding cake tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves with bold, creamy white margins, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black...
    Price: £135.00
  • Cornus controversa Variegata 100-125cm (36L)
    Common name: Wedding cake tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves with bold, creamy white margins, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black...
    Price: £125.00
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  • Cornus controversa Variegata 80-100cm (27L)
    Common name: Wedding cake tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves with bold, creamy white margins, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black...
    Price: £58.00
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  • Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' 80-100cm RB
    Common name: Flowering Dogwood A small tree of multi-stemmed shrub with slightly twisted mid-green leaves, which turn red and purple in autumn. Small green flowers are surrounded very long-lasting by ruby-pink bracts which clothe the tree in April to...
    Price: £110.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' 2-3ft/3-4ltr
    Bulk Offer 10 plants for £45 Common name: Golden-twig Dogwood Cornus 'Flaviramea' is known for its amazingly vivid yellow stems that look stunning in winter. It has  dark green leaves that take on bright red autumn colours. Small white flowers are borne...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Cornus controversa (60ltr)
    Common name: Giant Dogwood, Wedding Cake Tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black berries. Average height...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Cornus kousa 'Couronne' 5L
    Common name: Flowering dogwood An attractive shrub or large tree with an upright growing habit with dark green leaveas that are tinted orange & purple in the winter.  In early summer it produces narrow curling white bracts that look like crowns...
    Price: £55.00
  • Cornus kousa 'National' 5L
    Common name: Dogwood A large vigorous tree with a vase shape habit.  It has wavy margined varieagted leaves, which turn orange, red-purple in autumn.  Small creamy flowers are surrounded by large ivory bracts from April to June, followed by...
    Price: £55.00
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  • Cornus 'Stellar pink' 125-150cm (20L)
    A beautiful and unusual large vigorous shrub with rounded mid green leaves. Long lasting light pink flowers are borne in profusion and clothe the  shrub from May to June. Makes a beautiful specimen. Average height 10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £195.00
  • Cornus 'Stellar pink' 80-100cm (20L)
    A beautiful and unusual large vigorous shrub with rounded mid green leaves. Long lasting light pink flowers are borne in profusion and clothe the  shrub from May to June. Makes a beautiful specimen. Average height 10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £140.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' 5L
    Common name: Dogwood A broadly conical tree with dark green foliage which turns a lovely medley of reds and oranged in autumn. A profusion of long lasting long-lasting large white bracts smother the tree in spring, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £55.00
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  • Cornus kousa 'John Slocock' 5L
    Common name: Flowering dogwood An attractive shrub or large tree with a bushy compact habit with dark green leaveas that are tinted orange & purple in the winter.   In early summer it produces creamy-white bracts that mature with pink splashes...
    Price: £55.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Copacabana' 5L
    Common name: Flowering dogwood A deciduous small tree or large shrub with a conical habit. It has oval, wavy leaves that emerge maroon-red in spring and then fade to green in the summer.  In the autumn it has amazing autumn colour with the leaves turning...
    Price: £55.00
  • Cornus kousa 80-100cm (7.5L)
    Common name: Dogwood A broadly conical tree with wavy margined dark green leaves, which turn deep crimson purple in autumn. Small green flowers are surrounded by white bracts are produced from April to June, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red fruit...
    Price: £58.00
  • Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadow'
    Common name: Golden Wedding Cake Tree A stunning small tree or multi-stemmed shrub with distinctive spreading, tiered branches. The bold yellow-green leaves have an emerald green centre. Small white flowers are followed by blue-black berries. Average...
    Price: £55.00
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  • Cornus kousa 'Satomi' 100-125cm (15L)
    Common name: Kousa Dogwood A beautiful small tree with dark green leaves, which turn a striking dark orange in autumn. Long lasting small green flowers, surrounded by dark pink bracts are borne from April to June, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £125.00
  • Cornus kousa chinensis 4L
    Common name: Dogwood A very ornamental flowering shrub or small tree that produces beautiful long-lasting pink tinged white flowers in April to June, followed by red strawberry-like fruits. Also has excellent autumn colour. Average height 21ft, spread...
    Price: £22.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Satomi' 5L
    Common name: Kousa Dogwood A beautiful small tree with dark green leaves, which turn a strking dark orange in autumn. Long lasting small green flowers, surrounded by dark pink bracts are borne from April to June, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £38.00
  • Cornus alternifolia 150-175cm multistem
    Common name: Dogwood A large shrub with a lovely habit of growth producing a tiered effect with the branches Produces white flowers from May to June & has excellent autumn colour.  Average height 7-9ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £395.00
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  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' - 10L
    Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring.  Soft green leaves turn...
    Price: £40.00
  • Cornus kousa chinensis 3L
    Common name: Dogwood A very ornamental flowering shrub or small tree that produces beautiful long-lasting pink tinged white flowers in April to June, followed by red strawberry-like fruits. Also has excellent autumn colour. Average height 21ft, spread...
    Price: £20.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Bultink's Giant' - 15L
    A beautiful cornus with a compact & upright habt.  It has large dark green leaves that turn red-purple in the autumn. It produces clusters of small, greenish flowers are surrounded by large, creamy-white bracts in the summer.  In the autumn it...
    Price: £150.00
  • Cornus x 'Stellar Pink' - 20L
    A beautiful and unusual large vigorous shrub with rounded mid green leaves. Long lasting light pink flowers are borne in profusion and clothe the  shrub from May to June. Makes a beautiful specimen. Average height 10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £165.00
  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' (Dogwood) - 5ltr
    1 plant in a 5 litre pot Common name: Dogwood.  One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in...
    Price: £18.00
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  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' (Dogwood) 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most striking coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowers are produced in spring...
    Price: £9.50
  • Cornus mas
    Common name: Cornelian Cherry, Dogwood A spreading shrub or small tree with dark green leaves, which turn red- purple in autumn. From February to March, yellow flowers are produced in small umbels before the leaves appear. These are followed by fleshy...
    Price: £150.00
  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' (Dogwood) - 5L
    1 plant in a 5ltr pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring. Soft...
    Price: £24.00
  • Cornus kousa (Chinese Dogwood) 'China Girl' 5L
    Commonname: Chinese Dogwood A very ornamental flowering shrub or small tree that produces beautiful long-lasting white flowers in spring, later than many of varieties. The flowers are followed by red strawberry-like fruits. Also has excellent autumn...
    Price: £35.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Milkyway'
    Common name: Dogwood A broadly conical tree with dark green foliage which turns a lovely medley of reds and oranged in autumn. A profusion of long lasting long-lasting large white bracts smother the tree in spring, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £250.00
  • Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata' (3ltr)
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'Red-barked Dogwood. A vigorous shrub with red winter shoots. Grey-green leaves, margined white, turn red in autumn, white flowers from April to June are followed by white berries, often tinged blue. Max Average height and spread...
    Price: £8.50
  • Cornus 'Wietling Select' 15ltr
    Common name: Flowering dogwood A small, upright tree that produces stunning white flowers tinged pink. Red autumn colour. Average height: 12ft+ Full sun, partial shade  
    Price: £120.00
  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' - 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring...
    Price: £28.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Cornus alba 'Kesselringii' 2-3ft/3-4ltr
    Bulk Offer 10 plants for £45 Common name: White Dogwood 'Kessekringii' This is a truly stunning variety of dogwood with deep purple stems, that appear almost black in winter. The dark green leaves that take on bright red autumn colours. Small...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Cornus controversa Variegata (Wedding cake tree)
    Common name: Wedding cake tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves with bold, creamy white margins, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black...
    Price: £58.00