
Dwarf Conifers

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  • Pice glauca 'Conica' (Dwarf Conifer) 3ltr
    Common name: Dwarf Alberta Spruce  A neat cone-shaped dwarf conifer with dense, bright green needle-like leaves. Great for use as a miniature Christmas Tree! Average eventual height 7ft (but slow growing)  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
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  • Pinus sylvestris 'Martham' 35/40cm (15L)
    Common name: Dwarf Scots Pine A dwarf rounded conifer with blue-green, twisted needle-like, leaves. Produces green cones ripening brown. Ideal for pots or small spaces to provide year round structure and interest. Low maintenance and slow growing. Full...
    Price: £82.00
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  • Pinus sylvestris 'Martham' 20cm stem (8L)
    Common name: Dwarf Scots Pine A dwarf rounded conifer with blue-green, twisted needle-like, leaves. Produces green cones ripening brown. This grafted specimen makes a stylish and unusual alternative to the usual topiary plants and is also low maintenance...
    Price: £62.00
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  • Pinus parviflora 'Aui' 40/50cm (8L)
    Common name: Japanese White Pine A decorative conifer of neat and compact growth with striking glaucous-blue foliage. Easy to grow and low maintenance but can be trimmed in spring if required. Ideal for pots or small spaces. Average eventual height 3-3...
    Price: £78.00
  • Pinus nigra 'Green Pearl' 20cm stem (6L)
    Common name: Dwarf Black Pine A stylish and unusual alternative to the usual topiary plants available that is also very tough and winter hardy. This dwarf pine is grafted onto a 20cm stem and forms a neat, rounded evergreen mound. Small brown cones...
    Price: £62.00
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  • Pinus nigra 'Lemon Pearl' 20cm stem (6L)
    Common name: Dwarf Black Pine A stylish and unusual alternative to the usual topiary plants available that is also very tough and winter hardy. This dwarf pine is grafted onto a 20cm stem and forms a neat, rounded evergreen mound. Small brown cones...
    Price: £62.00
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  • Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' 30/35cm (6L)
    Common name: Western Red Cedar A compact conifer with unusual elongated tendrils resembling whipcords that have an attractive weeping habit. The foliage develops coppery colours in autumn.  Average height 5-6ft, but slow growing. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £38.00
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  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata David' 50/60cm (11L)
    Common name: Fastigiate Yew A slow-growing, narrowly columnar evergreen conifer with narrow bright green leaves. Naturally forms a neat shape without need for clipping. 'David' is a male variety and doesn't have berries. Growth rate 6-9in per year...
    Price: £68.00
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  • Sciadopitys verticulata 30/40cm (8L)
    Common name: Japanese Umbrella Pine An unsual and slow growing, conical pine with red-brown peeling bark. The narrow glossy dark green needles grow in whorls and take on a bronze tint in winter. Produces cones. Average growth per year is 6". Full...
    Price: £68.00
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  • Pinus mugo 'Varella' 20cm stem (6L)
    Dwarf Mountain Pine. A tough and low maintenance dwarf conifer with an unusual appearance due to the way the needles simultaneously appear in two different lengths. Clusters of small cones are produced which ripen to brown. Over time it grows wider than...
    Price: £58.00
  • Pinus mugo 'Sherwood Compact' 35/40cm (12L)
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A lovely and unusual small specimen plant that is low maintenance and drought tolerant. The branches point upwards with stiff dark green needles topped in yellow. Small brown cones are produced in autumn. Dwarf conifers...
    Price: £98.00
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  • Pinus mugo 'Gnom' 35/40cm (11L)
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine Architectural and easy to grow, dwarf conifers are ideal small specimen plants providing year round interest and structure to pots and borders. 'Gnom' forms an attractive mound with dark green needles and green-brown...
    Price: £68.00
  • Pinus mugo 'Benjamin' 30/35cm (12L)
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A dwarf rounded conifer that won't reach more than around 1ft in height. Dense, stiff bright green needles and a clusters of attractive narrow, upright brown cones give year round interest and texture. Slow growing so...
    Price: £88.00
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  • Pinus banksiana 'Velda' 40/50cm (15L)
    Common name: Jack Pine 'Velda' An unusual coniferous tree with an attractive shape that is a cultivated variety of the Jack Pine, native to Canada and northern USA. The short, olive green needles grow in pairs and it bears small, curved, reddish-brown...
    Price: £92.00
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