
Fagus sylvatica pleached - 10/12cm girth

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Price: £550.00
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Product Description

These mature, pleached trees are perfect for creating an instant screen. They can be planted to form a hedge above a wall or fence, or used as a divider between two parts of the garden. Trim once or twice a year to maintain the desired shape.

A British native plant with wavy margined leaves, pale at first, turning glossy dark green, then yellow to orange-brown in autumn. Suitable for any size, formal or free-growing hedge or as a specimen/pleached tree. Excellent autumn colour. Average height as a specimen tree 40ft+


Average height: 50ft

Spread: 30ft

Aspect & Soil type: Most soils, does well in heavier soils such as clay

Hardiness: Fully hardy

Special attributes: Easily trimmed into shape, year-round screen

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