
Houseleek arachnoides (11cm)

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Local delivery/collection (Oxfordshire) available* Nationwide Delivery Available  Small herbs: (11cm) 5 for £17 1
Price: £3.50
*Nationwide delivery is NOT available on all items. At checkout it will show whether the item is only available to COLLECT from the nursery or it will show nationwide delivery options if eligible. Delivery may be possible on additional items but please email the office for a quote. If you choose to collect from our nursery you may wish to sign up to our Garden Trade Card to receive extra discounts (5-10%).

Product Description

One Houseleek plant in 11cm pot. An attractive succulent with rosettes of fleshy red-tinged leaves. Plant in a container of gritty compost. Spreads by producing little plant-lets. Buy a few Houseleeks of several colours to make a display in a shallow terracotta pot.


Buy any 5 small herbs (11cm pots) for £17 (mix and match). Discount will be calculated automatically at checkout

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