
Looking Good

Looking Good 

Here are a few plants that are looking particularly good at the moment. 

They may be in flower, showing attractive foliage or will add instant impact to your garden!

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  • Helleborus ‘Pirouette’ - 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten rose An elegant evergreen perennial with silvery green leaves and saucer-shaped soft pink flowers in from December to March. Avergae height 1.5ft. Average spread 1-1.5ft.  Partial shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
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  • Helleborus Spring Promise "Molly" 3ltr
    NEW Common name: Lenton rose A clump-forming evergreen perennial with large lobed leaves.  It produces stunning doublewhite, speckled centered flowers in earlypring.  Average height 1ft.  Partial or full shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
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  • Ficinia 'Ice crystal'
    A clump-forming grass-like evergreen perennial with dark green leaves that have a striking, frosty cream-white margains.  Brown rounded flower spikelets in spring.  Ideal for containers.  Average height 1ft.  Full sun.  Hardy. 
    Price: £15.00
  • Offer
    Taxus baccata cone 80-90cm
    Special offer £110 £90 Common name: English Yew A slow-growing, evergreen conifer with dense, deep green leaves. It produces bright red fruits in winter which are attractive to birds. Excellent as a specimen tree (30ft+) or a a thick...
    Was: £110.00
    Now: £90.00
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  • Offer
    Taxus baccata ball 50-55cm
    SPECIAL PRICE £170 £155 Common name: Yew A slow-growing, evergreen conifer with dense, deep green leaves. It produces bright red fruits in winter which are attractive to birds. Can be clipped into precise shapes for topiary. Shade...
    Was: £170.00
    Now: £155.00
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  • Sarcococca hook. 'Winter Gem' (p17)
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box A dwarf suckering shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of highly fragrant pink-tinged, white flowers are borne from January to February followed by dark blue-black fruit. A good winter plant for pollinators...
    Price: £15.00
  • Hellebore niger 'Joel' in stone pot
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average height...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Hellebore 'Ice n Roses' (p13)
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Camellia 'Nuccio's Cameo' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with striking double soft pink blooms. Flowers appear in spring from March to May. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 9-10ft. Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk island pine)
    Common name: Norfolk Island Pine An unusual conifer with light green soft, fan-like needles arranged in whorls. It is slow growing plant that would make an excellent christmas tree. Bring indoors during winter. Aveage growth rate 6" per year. Partial...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'
    An evergreen plant which produce strong red flowers. Flowers are produced in late autumn up until Christmas. Plant in ericaceous soil  Average Height:120cm  Average Spread: 75cm Partial shade Best protected when temperatures  drop...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Hakonechloa macro Aureola (Grass) 3ltr pot
    Common name: Golden Hakonechloa A beautiful grass, native to Japan’s Mount Hakone, forming low mounds of densely overlapping leaves of rich yellow with thin stripes.  Takes on lovely reddish tints in autumn and winter Brings a calming...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Aucuba Japonica 'Variegata'
    Common name: Spotted Laurel A rounded shrub with glossy leaves, splashed and speckled yellow. Small purple-red flowers in April and May are followed by bright red berries. Average height 6-8ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50 - £35.00
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  • Offer
    Salix caprea 'Kilmarnock' SPECIAL OFFER
    Common name: Kilmarnock Willow A small standard weeping tree with yellow-brown branches and dark green leaves, grey-green beneath. Produces soft, grey catkins with yellow anthers in spring, before the leaves. Full sun. Hardy.
    Was: £38.00
    Now: £25.00
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  • Cyclamen coum (Hardy Cyclamen) - 10.5cm
    Common name: Hardy Cyclamen A tuberous perennial with shiny, heart-shaped, mid-green leaves with silver marking or entirely green. Delicate, white or pink flowers with dark pink at the base of each petal, are borne from January to March. Average height...
    Price: £4.50
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  • Helleborus x hybridus Frostkiss 'Illumi Lime'-3L
    Common name: Christmas rose Vigorous clump-forming evergreen perennial. Marbled leaves with saucer-shaped lime green flowers in winter & spring Part shade or full shade Height & spread: 1.5-2ft Hardy   Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or grasses in...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus Frostkiss 'Anna's Red'-3L
    Common name: Lenten Rose Marbled evergreen leaves with stunning saucer-shaped red flowers in winter and spring. Great for adding colour to the winter garden. Average height 2.5-3ft Partial shade Hardy Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or grasses in 3ltr...
    Price: £14.00
  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Rouge' - 175-200cm
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £45.00
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  • Nandina domestica 3L
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo An unusual, evergreen shrub with elegant green foliage and pretty white flowers with large yellow anthers, produced from July, followed by bright red fruit in August. The new foliage emerges a bronze/red. Eventual...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Sarcococca confusa (p17)
    Common name: Christmas box, sweet box Great for hedges - as an alternative to buxus (box). Prune to keep neat.  A compact evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves.   It produces clusters of small fragrant creamy-white flowers in the winter, followed...
    Price: £13.00
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  • Skimmia japonica 'Finchy' (p17)
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves.  Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from lime green buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Coprosma - rainbow mix
    Common name: New Zealand laurel A rounded evergreen shrub really striking leaves, in shades of green, gold and orange, turning red later in the season. Makes an excellent year-round foliage plant. Average height 4-5ft, spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Garrya Elliptica (1.2-1.5m trellis) 20ltr
    Common name: Silk-tassel Bush (male form) An upright shrub with glossy, evergreen green leaves. Attractive grey-green catkins are produced in mid-winter. Very well-suited well-suited to being grown as a fan or an espalier supported on wires or trellis...
    Price: £72.00
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  • Camellia japonica 'Centifolia Alba' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with pure white double blooms in spring. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 6-7ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £95.00
  • Camellia japonica 'Bonomiana' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with striking double blooms in soft pink with darker stripes. Flowers appear in spring from March to May. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Camellia japonica 'Doctor King' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with large semi-double flowers from February to April, the blooms are deep rose pink with yellow centres. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 6-7ft...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Camellia × williamsii 'Jury's Yellow' 10L
    An upright, evergreen shrub or small tree. with glossy, dark green leaves.  Stunning, semi-double, white flowers with pale yellow centres are produced from February to March. Average height 15ft, spread 9ft. Partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £95.00
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  • Offer
    Taxus baccata (Yew) ball 30-35cm
    SPECIAL PRICE £55 £45 Common name: Yew A slow-growing, evergreen conifer with dense, deep green leaves. It produces bright red fruits in winter which are attractive to birds. Can be clipped into precise shapes for topiary. Shade tolerant...
    Price: £55.00
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  • Helleborus ‘Tutu’ - 3ltr
    Common name: Lenton rose A robust and easy to grow evergreen perennial with large star-shaped pink flowers in winter and spring.  Average height & spread 1.5ft Partial or full shade Hardy
    Price: £14.00
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  • Cercis can. Ruby Falls (18L)
    Common name: Weeping Eastern Redbud A beautiful small weeping tree with large, heart-shaped, dark purple-red leaves. Deep crimson, purple or pink flowers are borne on the bare stems before the leaves appear. Average ultimate height and spread 6-7ft...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Edgeworthia chrysantha grandiflora  (20L)
    A stunning deciduous specimen shrub, with deep green leaves. It produces beautifully scented, rounded yellow flowerheads on the tips of the bare branches from Feb-April.  Full sun or partial shade. Average height/spread 5ft. Hardy down to -5°C but needs...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    A primrose in a 9cm pot.  They come in a range of colours.  Great for adding to the front of a border or in containers for colour throughout the autum & winter.
    Price: £1.50
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  • Helleborus niger Christmas Carol XL
    Common name: Christmas rose An clump-forming semi-evergreen perennial that produces saucer-shaped cream flowers with yellow centres in late winter or spring.  Partial shade Average height 1-2ft  
    Price: £20.00
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  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' - 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring...
    Price: £28.00
  • Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' 20+ blooms (p15)
    A compact evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves.   It produces panicles of red buds which add interest to the garden or pot in the winter. These open to fragrant white flowers in spring.  Average height & spread:...
    Price: £18.00
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  • Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' - 3L
    Common name 'Arrowwood' Clusters of light pink and white beautifully scented flowers are produced alongside dark green oval leaves during winter. ·       Height: 2.5m ·      ...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Skimmia jap. 'Rubella' - 12+ blooms
    A compact evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves.   It produces panicles of red buds which add interest to the garden or pot in the winter. These open to fragrant white flowers in spring.  Partial shade Average height & spread 3ft. Hardy.  
    Price: £12.00
  • Acacia dealbata 'Gaulois Astier' 100-120cm
    Common name: Mimosa An open evergreen tree with fern-like, glaucous to silvery hairy leaves. Long racemes of round, fragrant yellow flowerheads from November to April. Average height 15ft+.   Full sun. Protect in harsh winters. 
    Price: £35.00
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  • Rhododendron ponticum Variegatum - 5ltr
    An evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves margined creamy white. Clusters of showy, mauve to lilac-pink flowers are produced in late spring and early summer. Needs acid soil (use ericaceous compost). Average height/spread 16ft.   Flowers...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' 4L
    Common name: Beauty Berry A deciduous shrub with bronze young foliage, clusters of pale pink flowers are produced from June to July followed by dark velvet berries. Average height 6-8ft Full sun  Hardy 
    Price: £20.00
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  • Viburnum x bodnantense 'Charles Lamont'- 3ltr pot
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot A upright, winter flowering shrub with dark green leaves, bronze when young.  Dense clusters of very fragrant, tubular pink flowers are borne on bare stems from late autumn to spring.  Average height/spread...
    Price: £9.50
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