
Standard Roses


Standard roses are grafted onto a stem of approximately 4ft and are perfect planted either side of an entrance or to create height and interest in a border.


All of our bare root roses are available to PRE-ORDER NOW! 

For Nationwide delivery from November 2022, please browse our selection below


To view our current stock of potted roses please click HERE 

 Please note that potted roses are only available for local delivery or to 'click&collect' from the nursery in Oxfordshire


All Products

  • Thinking of You - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    An elegant rose with classic, deep red, velvety double blooms. The flowers open from pointed buds, typical of a hybrid tea and have a fruity fragrance.  Average height 3ft. Flowering: June to September.   1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot...
    Price: £25.00
  • Pink Paradise - Shrub Rose (Standard Rose)
    A strongly perfumed shrub rose with bright pink double flowers that are yellow at the base of each petal. They have a wonderful fragrance and repeat flower throughout the summer months. The foliage is a glossy dark green.  Flowering period: May to...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Bride and Groom - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    This large flowering hybrid tea rose is an attractive dark pink with a light pink centre. It has a light fragrance and is a vigorous grower. The young leaves are a beautiful bronze-red which become semi glossy olive green when mature. Flowering period:...
    Price: £25.00
  • Warm Wishes - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    A sweetly scented, repeat-flowering hybrid tea with beautiful peach-coloured blooms. Perfect for a gift or special occasion. Flowering period: June to September   1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in containers of damp compost in...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Lucky! - Floribunda (Standard Rose)
    Rose of the Year 2009. A sweetly fragranced floribunda with pretty lilac-pink semi-double flowers in large clusters. Repeat-flowering. Flowering time: June to October/November 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in containers of damp...
    Price: £25.00
  • Birthday Boy - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    Striking double violet pink blooms with a strong damask fragrance. Produces several flushes of flowers from Summer to Autumn.    Flowering period: June to September. 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in containers of damp...
    Price: £25.00
  • Special Anniversary - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    The blooms on this standard hybrid tea are a deep, rich pink and are perfectly formed. This rose has good disease resistance and bushy growth. The foliage is a dark glossy green. Flowering period: May to October 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot...
    Price: £25.00
  • Blessings - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    A fragrant, large-flowered standard rose with dark green leaves. Pretty double, salmon-pink flowers are produced from summer to autumn. Flowering time: June to September. 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in containers of damp compost...
    Price: £25.00
  • Birthday Girl - Floribunda (Standard Rose)
    A strong growing bush rose that has eye-catching, unusual flowers of creamy yellow, edged with a vivid cherry-pink. This low, arching Floribunda creates a mass of colour.  Flowering period: June to September. 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are...
    Price: £25.00
  • Simply the Best - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    A beautiful rose with dark green glossy foliage that is reddish when new. This hybrid tea standard rose produces bright, rich orange, yellow blooms fading to soft apricot.   Flowering period: June to September 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are...
    Price: £25.00
  • Silver Anniversary - Hybrid Tea (Standard Rose)
    A free-branching, vigorous Hybrid Tea with glossy, light green leaves. The urn-shaped, double flowers are a simple, crisp white and lightly scented. Flowering period: June to September.    1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in containers of...
    Price: £25.00
  • Mum in a Million (Standard Rose)
    A tall hybrid tea rose with abundant, fully double rich pink blooms. This rose had bushy growth and a lovely scent.   Average height 3.5ft, spread 3ft. Flowering period: June to October.   1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are...
    Price: £25.00
  • Ruby Wedding - Hybrid tea standard rose
    A vigorous Hybrid Tea standard rose with dark green leaves that produces majestic, delicately scented, double red flowers. Perfect for commemorating a special occasion. Flowering period: June to September 1 bareroot plant. Our bareroot roses are kept in...
    Price: £25.00