
Sylvagrow ericaceous compost - 2.5 cubic metres (loose)

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Price: £415.00
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Product Description

2.5 cubic metres (wrapped pallet loose)

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A unique blend of fine bark (a by-product of sustainably managed British forests) and coir (from known, ethically-approved sources). SylvaGrow Ericaceous contains balanced nutrients sufficient for the first 4 - 6 weeks of growth.

This professional-quality, 100% peat-free ericaceous compost is ideal for growing blueberries, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, camellias and other lime-hating plants in tubs and containers and for planting out.

•Sustainable growing medium for lime-hating plants

•Superb quality, 100% peat-free compost as used by professionals

•Suitable for a wide range of garden applications including potting-on, planting out and as a growing bag

•RHS endorsed

•Suitable for vegans






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