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  • Offer
    Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 1/4 stem (30L)
    Clear stem 45-50cm Head size 65cm Common name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to...
    Was: £198.00
    Now: £188.00
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  • Magnolia 'Little Gem' 1/2 stem (18L)
    Clear stem 95cm Head size 55-60cm An evergreen tree or shrub with large, glossy green leaves that are brown and felted beneath. The creamy white flowers are beautifullly scented and produced throughout summer and autumn. This variety is much more compact...
    Price: £230.00
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  • Offer
    Photinia fr. 'Red Robin' 1/2 standard (18L)
    Clear stem 85cm Head size 60-65cm Common name: Christmas berry 'Red Robin' An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves. It's new growth in the spring is bright red that turns green.   Creamy white flowers in Spring Great for topairy Full Sun/partial...
    Was: £130.00
    Now: £110.00
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  • Offer
    Photinia fr. 'Red Robin' 1/2 standard (30L)
    Clear stem 100cm Head size 60-65cm Common name: Christmas berry 'Red Robin' An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves. It's new growth in the spring is bright red that turns green.   Creamy white flowers in Spring Great for topairy Full...
    Was: £195.00
    Now: £180.00
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  • Offer
    Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 1/2 stem (20L)
    Clear stem 75cm Head size 75cm Common name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to desired...
    Was: £198.00
    Now: £188.00
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  • Offer
    Ligustrum delavayanum 1/2 stem (20L)
    Clear stem 85cm Head size 65cm Common name: Privet An evergreen shrub with small, rounded shiny deep green leaves. Small white flowers are produced in early summer followed by blue/black berries. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Was: £130.00
    Now: £120.00
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  • Offer
    Ilex crenata 'Kinme' pom pom 15L
    Current height 65-60cm Common name: Box-leaved Holly A versatile evergreen shrub with tiny dark green leaves that are very similar in appearance to Box. The foliage is dense and lends itself well to shaping into topiary. Full sun Hardy These specimens...
    Was: £110.00
    Now: £95.00
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  • Offer
    Euonymus jap. 'Aureus' 1/2 stem (25L)
    Clear stem 80cm Head size 45-50cm Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft. Full sun/partial...
    Was: £180.00
    Now: £165.00
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  • Offer
    Euonymus jap. 'Aureus' 1/4 stem (13L)
    Clear stem 40cm Head size 40-45cm Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft.  Full sun/partial...
    Was: £110.00
    Now: £98.00
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  • Acca sellowiana (Feijoa) 1/2 stem (25L)
    Clear stem 95cm Head size 55-60cm An evergreen shrub with grey-green leaves densely white-felted on the underside. It produces flowers with four red petals, white on the outside, appear in the leaf axils in the summer. 
    Price: £195.00
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  • Ilex aqui. 'J.C. van  Tol' lollipop (90cm stem)
    Clear stem 90cm Common name: Holly A handsome shrub with spineless glossy green foliage. This is a female, self-fertile variety that produces an abundance of red berries from September. Prune to keep shape. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £85.00
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  • Ilex aqui. 'Alaska' lollipop (90cm stem)
    Clear stem 90cm Common name: Holly An upright, compact shrub/tree with narrow, glossy, deep-green, prickly- edged foliage and attractive bright red berries in the autumn. Prune to keep shape. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £85.00
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  • Ilex aqui. 'Alaska' lollipop (60cm stem)
    Clear stem 60cm Common name: Holly An upright, compact shrub/tree with narrow, glossy, deep-green, prickly- edged foliage and attractive bright red berries in the autumn. Prune to keep shape. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £75.00
  • Ilex alta. 'Golden King' lollipop (90cm stem)
    Clear stem 90cm Common name: Holly (female) An upright evergreen shrub with grey-green mottled leaves with broad bright gold margins. Produces small white flowers followed by bright red fruit in September. Tolerant of exposed positions. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £85.00
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  • Laurus nobilis lollipop (bay) Xmas pot- 2 sizes
    Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. The leaves can be used in cooking. Average height 6ft. Flowers April to May.  Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.   Dimensions: Small £55 £451/4 stem with a head size of 25/30cm...
    Price: £45.00 - £130.00
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  • Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' lollipop (30L)
    Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October, followed by orange speckled silver fruit in...
    Price: £180.00
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  • Photinia fr. 'Red Robin' 1/2 standard
    This specimen has an approximately 90cm clear stem with a 60-80cm diameter head Common name: Christmas berry 'Red Robin' An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves. It's new growth in the spring is bright red that turns green.   Creamy...
    Price: £220.00
  • Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' lollipop (18L) 1/2 stem
    Clear stem 90cm Head size 45-50cm Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October, followed by orange...
    Price: £150.00
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  • Ilex crenata 'Kinme' 3/4 standard
    Common name: Box-leaved Holly A versatile evergreen shrub with tiny dark green leaves that are very similar in appearance to Box. The foliage is dense and lends itself well to shaping into topiary. These specimens have been attractively shaped into...
    Price: £140.00
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  • Ilex crenata 'Kinme' 1/2 standard (20L)
    Clear stem 70-80cm Head size 45cm Common name: Box-leaved Holly A versatile evergreen shrub with tiny dark green leaves that are very similar in appearance to Box. The foliage is dense and lends itself well to shaping into topiary. These specimens have...
    Price: £160.00
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  • Photinia 'Little Red Robin'  lollipop (15L)
    These lollipops make a striking specimen in pots adding year round interest to the garden.  Height of clear stem: 80cm (approx) Diameter of head: 35-40cm (approx)   Photinia 'Red Robin' is an evergreen with dark green leaves, bright red...
    Price: £140.00
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  • Viburnum tinus 1/2 standard (50-60cm head)
    Stem approx 70cm, head 50-60cm Common name: Laurus tinus A standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £140.00
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  • Lollipop bay (30L)
    Stem 100cm approx.  Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. The leaves can be used in cooking. Average height 6ft. Flowers April to May. Fruits June to August. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £110.00
  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 3/4 standard
    Common name: Laurus tinus A standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £250.00
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  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' lollipop
    Common name: Laurus tinus A standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £160.00
  • Bay Lollipop (Laurus Nobilis) Standard (60-65cm Head)
    Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy in a sheltered position...
    Price: £350.00
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  • Lollipop Bay (Laurus Nobilis) 35-40cm
    £93 special price £77 Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £77.00
  • Standard Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' 1.5m (5ft)
    These mature, standard trees are perfect for creating an instant evergreen screen. They can be planted to form an avenue or as a hedge above a wall or fence, or used as a divider between two parts of the garden. Trim yearly to retain a neat...
    Price: £450.00
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  • Lollipop Bay (Laurus Nobilis) 50-55cm
    £191 special price £160 Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full...
    Price: £160.00
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  • Lollipop Bay (Laurus Nobilis) 40-45cm
    £147 special price £122 Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £122.00
  • Bay Lollipop 1m Standard (Laurus Nobilis) 60-65cm Head
    Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy in a sheltered position...
    Price: £220.00
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  • Syringa 'Norrfjärden' - Standard (1.2m)
    1 Rootballed plant. 'A standard form of the Common Lilac with a 1.2m stem. This variety bears large clusters of fragrant, double blue-violet flowers in May opening from pink buds. Great for growing in pots as a focal point or either side of an entrance...
    Price: £65.00
  • Syringa 'Michel Buchner' - Standard (1.2m)
    1 Rootballed plant. 'A standard form of the Common Lilac with a 1.2m stem. This variety bears large clusters of fragrant, double, pale rosy lilac flowers from May to June. The blooms are loved by pollinators. Great for growing in pots as a focal point or...
    Price: £65.00
  • Syringa 'Madame Lemoine' - Standard (1.2m)
    1 Rootballed plant. 'A standard form of the Common Lilac with a 1.2m stem. This variety bears long clusters of strongly fragrant, double, white flowers that open from creamy buds from May to June. Great for growing in pots as a focal point or either side...
    Price: £65.00
  • Syringa 'Andenken An L. Spath' - Standard (1.2m)
    1 Rootballed plant. 'A standard form of the Common Lilac with a 1.2m stem. This variety bears clusters of fragrant, single, dark purple-red flowers from May to June. Great for growing in pots as a focal point or either side of an entrance. Full sun...
    Price: £65.00
  • Prunus lusitanica 1/2 stem - 90cm clear stem lollipop
    SPECIAL PRICE £170 £145   90cm clear stem with a 40cm head.    Common name: Portuguese laurel A large evergreen shrub with dark green ovate leaves.  Small racemes of white flowers in the summer followed by small, dark purple berries. Great for topairy -...
    Price: £145.00
  • Photinia fr. 'Red Robin' 1/2 standard XXL
    SPECIAL PRICE £200 £180   cm clear stem with a cm head   Common name: Christmas berry 'Red Robin' An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves. It's new growth in the spring is bright red that turns green.   Creamy white flowers in Spring Great for...
    Price: £180.00
  • 3/4 Std. Bay Ball (Laurus Nobilis) 40cm
    'Bay Tree. An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy in a sheltered position.'
    Price: £110.00
  • Standard Viburnum tinus
    1 standard potted tree, current approximate height 1.7m (including the pot) Laurus tinus. A compact standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black...
    Price: £245.00