
Pyrus (Ornamental Pear)


Pyrus (Ornamental Pears)

Ornamental pears are known for their stunning display of white spring blossom. Pyrus 'Chanticleer' is very popular as a tree in urban areas not only due to it's amazing blossom but also it's narrow space-saving shape and tolerance to air pollution.

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  • “Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 8/10cm
     Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £120.00 - £150.00
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  • Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' (Weeping Pear) -6/8cm
    A mature tree with a 6-8cm girth (trunk circumference), current approximate height 8-10ft Weeping Pear. A small weeping tree with narrow grey-felted leaves. It produces clusters of creamy white flowers in spring followed by green pears in May...
    Price: £75.00
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  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 12/14cm
    This mature tree is currently approx. 15ft tall An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark...
    Price: £210.00
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  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 200/250cm
    Common name: Ornamental Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn.  It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £45.00 - £56.00
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  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear)  6/8cm
     Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 10/12cm
    Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £165.00 - £195.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Pyrus communis (Common Pear) 2-3ft/3-4ltr
    Common name: Wild Pear   Common or Wild Pear is an ornamental tree with a columnar shape and long dark green glossy leaves. In spring the tree bears an impressive display of white blossom which is borne in long racemes over the entire tree. The...
    Price: £6.50
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