Handmade bird boxes & tables
These bird boxes are made by the Wildlife and Birdcare Nature Recovery Project which is unique in its approach to providing work opportunities and employment for people with learning disabilities and those with autism and diverse needs. Working in partnership with other stakeholders they take their passion, love and the critical need to save nature and extend that passion, to people. This project recognise that some people need a nurturing environment in which to excel. for those who have skills and interest in its range of production areas, will be supported to develop and enhance their work skills ultimately paving the way into supported paid employment.
WBC nest boxes come in a variety of styles to appeal to your taste. The rustic made boxes are made from Larch, a 40 year lasting wood, that is a natural water repellent. There are general nesting boxes which is perfect for a range of similar-sized birds, plus designs that suit birds like Owls, Starlings and Woodpeckers. The main bird nesting season is from March through to August. National Nest Box Week takes place each year between 14-21st February and is organised by the British Trust for Ornithology.

Why do nest boxes matter?
British birds are short of nesting holes, and there are plenty of reasons why.Our gardens, parks and woodland are neater and tidier than they used to be, depriving birds of natural holes to find a home. And to make matters worse there are fewer handy nooks and crannies in modern buildings. The populations of many bird species are down as a result of this housing shortage.
The good news is that everyone can do their bit to help… and your own garden’s a great place to start. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) reckons that if all the gardens in Britain were rolled up into one giant plot, it would be a huge area bigger than Suffolk.Just imagine how our wild birds would benefit if each one of those gardens contained a nestbox or two, plus plants and insects to provide food.
Alongside common visitors – like Blue Tits, Great Tits, House Sparrows, Robins and Starlings – putting up a box will also boost your chance of attracting rarer species into the bargain. Don’t forget that nestboxes are good for us too. Spending time in the garden, watching birds make themselves at home are all great stress-busters.