


There are various types of cornus that are chosen for different purposes such as for hedging or as a statement tree. The cornus used for hedging usually has attractive coloured stems that make an impressive feature in the winter. For those looking for a statement tree for their garden then the kousa type cornus are perfect for this.


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  • Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' 80-100cm RB
    Common name: Flowering Dogwood A small tree of multi-stemmed shrub with slightly twisted mid-green leaves, which turn red and purple in autumn. Small green flowers are surrounded very long-lasting by ruby-pink bracts which clothe the tree in April to...
    Price: £110.00
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  • Cornus controversa (60ltr)
    Common name: Giant Dogwood, Wedding Cake Tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black berries. Average height...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Cornus 'Stellar pink' 80-100cm (20L)
    A beautiful and unusual large vigorous shrub with rounded mid green leaves. Long lasting light pink flowers are borne in profusion and clothe the  shrub from May to June. Makes a beautiful specimen. Average height 10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £140.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Satomi' 100-125cm (15L)
    Common name: Kousa Dogwood A beautiful small tree with dark green leaves, which turn a striking dark orange in autumn. Long lasting small green flowers, surrounded by dark pink bracts are borne from April to June, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £125.00
  • Cornus kousa 'Bultink's Giant' - 15L
    A beautiful cornus with a compact & upright habt.  It has large dark green leaves that turn red-purple in the autumn. It produces clusters of small, greenish flowers are surrounded by large, creamy-white bracts in the summer.  In the autumn it...
    Price: £150.00
  • Cornus mas
    Common name: Cornelian Cherry, Dogwood A spreading shrub or small tree with dark green leaves, which turn red- purple in autumn. From February to March, yellow flowers are produced in small umbels before the leaves appear. These are followed by fleshy...
    Price: £150.00
  • Cornus 'Wietling Select' 15ltr
    Common name: Flowering dogwood A small, upright tree that produces stunning white flowers tinged pink. Red autumn colour. Average height: 12ft+ Full sun, partial shade  
    Price: £120.00