
Prunus (Cherry laurel)

Cherry laurel is a fast, easy to grow evergreen shrub that is useful for creating an instant hedge. We stock the traditional Prunus rotundifolia as well as some new & improved varieties. 

Prunus laurocerasus 'Novita'


A cherry laurel with glossy fresh green leaves that are particularly verdent and disease-resistant compared to common cherry laurel.


 We highly recommend this new, improved 'Super Laurel'

Prunus laurocerasus 'Etna'


A very dense laurel that is more compact than 'Rotundifolia'. The large, glossy green leaves are bronze tinted when young.


Forms a tall, wide, substantial hedge & it is shade tolerant. 


Prunus laurocerasus 'Elly'


A new variety of cherry laurel that has been bred to be more slender than the traditional variety.


With its naturally bushy, compact and upright growing habit it's ideal for growing as a narrow hedge. 

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