
Laurel (Prunus)

Bareroot and rootballed hedging available November - March

laurels-potted-5.50.jpg     laurels-rootballed.jpg

                      3ltr potted Laurels                                             Rootballed Laurels                            

Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia')

Cherry laurel is a very dense, fast growing, evergreen plant with large, leathery, glossy green leaves. It is ideal for creating a dense screen, and will form a tall, wide, substantial hedge. We have bareroot, potted and rootball laurels, from young whips to mature 6ft plants. The prices and sizes listed below are our winter range.


Portuguese Laurel (Prunus lusitanica)

Portugese laurel is slower growing than cherry laurel, and is ideal for creating a more formal hedge. The evergreen leaves are smaller and darker green, and the stems are an attractive deep red colour. It produces small fragrant flowers in summer, followed by glossy black berries.


We keep a selection of sizes of rootballed hedging in stock from November to March, however please be aware when placing your order that there may be a wait of up to 2 weeks before delivery/collection as your plants may have to be freshly lifted to order if we don't have the required quantity in stock.

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