
Dracenas and other bigger houseplants


Dracaena and large houseplants

These plants are great if you have a corner of a room to fill and are looking for a statement plant. Make sure not to over-water and you'll be rewarded by happy healthy plants. They love being misted with water (it reminds them of home) so keep a spray mister handy and give them a little shower every now and again.

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  • Offer
    Dracaena marginata - INSTANT
    £12 £24 Common name: Madagascar Dragon Tree A handsome foliage plant with a snake -like stem and long strap-like green leaves margined red. Average height 4-5ft.   Bright room away from direct sunlight. Min temp 55°F / 12°C.
    Was: £24.00
    Now: £12.00
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  • Offer
    Schefflera (Umbrella tree)
    £20 £12 Common name: Umberella Tree An attractive and easy to grow foliage plant with large glossy palmate green leaves. Average height 4-6ft.  Bright room away from direct sunlight. Min temp 55°F / 12°C.
    Was: £20.00
    Now: £12.00
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  • Dracaena 'Lemon & Lime'
    £24 £12 A stately foliage plant with zesty yellow and green stripes along each leaf providing a bold and attractive feature.  Average eventual height 4ft Bright room away from direct sunlight. Minimum temp 12°C. Water when the...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Monstera (large)
    £18 £12 Common name: Swiss Cheese Plant. An imposing foliage plant with very large glossy green leaves which are perforated with elliptical or oblong holes. Average eventual height 6ft+ Bright room with some direct sunlight. Minimum temp...
    Price: £12.00
    Out of stock