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New plants in this week

Up-to-date stock that changes each week when new plants arrive. 

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  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' bush 60-80cm (p30)
    Cpmmon name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to desired height or shape. Full Sun...
    Price: £75.00
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  • Wisteria sinensis alba 200-225cm (10L)
    Common name: Chinese Wisteria A twining climber with pendent clusters of fragrant, white pea-like flowers in late spring and early summer. Average height/spread 25ft.  Flowers May to June. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.    
    Price: £78.00
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  • Cornus controversa Variegata 80-100cm (27L)
    Common name: Wedding cake tree A tree or multi-stemmed shrub with, spreading, tiered branches. Dark green, glossy leaves with bold, creamy white margins, turn red and purple in autumn. Small white flowers in May and June are followed by blue-black...
    Price: £58.00
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