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  • Helleborus ‘Pirouette’ - 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten rose An elegant evergreen perennial with silvery green leaves and saucer-shaped soft pink flowers in from December to March. Avergae height 1.5ft. Average spread 1-1.5ft.  Partial shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus Spring Promise "Molly" 3ltr
    NEW Common name: Lenton rose A clump-forming evergreen perennial with large lobed leaves.  It produces stunning doublewhite, speckled centered flowers in earlypring.  Average height 1ft.  Partial or full shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
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  • Hellebore orientalis mixed (sq)
    Common name: Lenten rose A gorgeous hellebore with saucer shaped, flowers borne from February to April, in shades of light pink and white, often speckled on the petals. Average height and spread 1.5ft. Good in dappled shade under trees. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Hellebore niger 'Joel' in stone pot
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average height...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Hellebore Christmas Carol (large - p12)
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average...
    Price: £9.50
  • Helleborus 'Christmas Carol' (7cm)
    Common name: Christmas rose A compact evergreen perennial producing shiny dark green, divided leaves. The saucer-shaped white flowers with golden stamens are produced from December to April. The flowers turn a pinkish colour as they age. Average...
    Price: £5.50
  • Hellebore 'Ice n Roses' (p13)
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Hellebore 'Ice n Roses' in gold pot
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £32.00
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  • Helleborus x grandiflora 'Ice N' Roses Red' 3ltr
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus Spring Promise 'Hope' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, maroon flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Average height 1.5ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus Double yellow spotted 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen foliage and saucer-shaped double yellow flowers with plum speckles. Brings some welcome colour to the garden from January to April when little else is flowering...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus 'Double White Picotee' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen foliage and saucer-shaped double white flowers flushed and edged in plum. Brings some welcome colour to the garden from January to April when little else is flowering...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus 'Double Purple' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen divided foliage and saucer-shaped double flowers in gorgeous shades of rich deep purple and black from January to April. Brings some welcome colour to the garden when...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus orientalis - 2ltr
    Common name: Lenten rose A gorgeous hellebore with saucer shaped, flowers borne from February to April, in shades of light pink and white, often speckled on the petals. Average height and spread 1.5ft. Good in dappled shade under trees. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Hellebores (Rodney Davies group) 3L
    Common name: Christmas rose Vigorous clump-forming evergreen perennial. Marbled leaves with saucer-shaped pink or purple flowers in winter & spring Part shade or full shade Height & spread: 1.5-2ft
    Price: £15.00
  • Helleborus orientalis (p12)
    Common name: Lenten Rose An evergreen, clump-forming perennial producing leathery dark green, divided leaves. Large saucer-shaped flowers are produced from January to April in a variety of colours. Average height 18in. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Helleborus x hybridus Frostkiss 'Illumi Lime'-3L
    Common name: Christmas rose Vigorous clump-forming evergreen perennial. Marbled leaves with saucer-shaped lime green flowers in winter & spring Part shade or full shade Height & spread: 1.5-2ft Hardy   Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or grasses in...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus Frostkiss 'Anna's Red'-3L
    Common name: Lenten Rose Marbled evergreen leaves with stunning saucer-shaped red flowers in winter and spring. Great for adding colour to the winter garden. Average height 2.5-3ft Partial shade Hardy Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or grasses in 3ltr...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Spring Candy'-3L
    Common name: Christmas rose Vigorous clump-forming evergreen perennial. Beautiful double white flowers flushed with soft pink at the edges in winter & spring Height & spread: 1.5-2ft Part shade or full shade Hardy   Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Hello Red' 3L
    Common name: Lenten Rose An evergreen, clump-forming perennial producing leathery dark green, divided leaves. Large saucer-shaped pink-red flowers are produced from January to April. Average height 1-2ft.   Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Moonbeam'  3L
    Common name: Lenten rose An evergreen perennial with large saucer-shaped creamy white flowers from February to April. The flowers develop rich red tones as they age and the foliage has an attractive variegation. Lovely for brightening up the garden in...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Spring Wonder'-3L
    1 plant in 3ltr pot Common name: Lenten Rose A semi-evergreen perennial with glossy dark green, divided leaves. Beautiful, triple-layered pink flowers hang elegantly from the tops of the stems. Flowers are produced from February to April. Average height...
    Price: £12.00
  • Helleborus 'Angel Glow' 3L
    Common name: Lenten Rose A strong-growing variety with evergreen foliage and elegant creamy pink flowers on sturdy stems from December to March. The flowers take on green tones as they age and contrast beautifully with the glaucous foliage. Average...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Spring Lemon Yellow'-3L
    1 plant in 3ltr pot  Common name: Lenten Rose Evergreen foliage and elegant pale lemon flowers on sturdy upright stems from December to March. Wonderful for brightening up a shadier part of the garden during winter and spring. Average height 1.5ft...
    Price: £12.00
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Tutu' 1ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose. A semi-evergreen perennial with glossy dark green, divided leaves.  Unusual semi-double purple speckled saucer-shaped flowers are produced from January to April. Average height 1.5ft  Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Offer
    Bulk Offers
    Calluna 'Beauty Ladies Trio' (heather)
    Common name: Heather A bushy, dwarf shrub withs stems of narrow tightly-packed green leaves.  It produces pink or white flowering spikes.  Long-lasting display of colour.  Acid soil.  Full sun. 
    Was: £5.50
    Now: £4.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Hellebore mixed
    Hellebores are excellent for winter and spring interest.  The cup-shaped flowers are borne in shades of pink and white, often speckled on the petals. The evergreen leaves create a neat mound throughout the year.   Average height and spread 1.5ft. Good in...
    Price: £9.50
  • Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Sunshine'-3L
    Common name: Lenten rose A clump forming evergreen perennial with large star-shaped cream flowers in winter & spring.  Average height & spread 1ft.  Partial or full shade Hardy   Bulk offer: Any 3 hellebores in 3ltr pots for...
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus ‘Tutu’ - 3ltr
    Common name: Lenton rose A robust and easy to grow evergreen perennial with large star-shaped pink flowers in winter and spring.  Average height & spread 1.5ft Partial or full shade Hardy
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus niger Christmas Carol XL
    Common name: Christmas rose An clump-forming semi-evergreen perennial that produces saucer-shaped cream flowers with yellow centres in late winter or spring.  Partial shade Average height 1-2ft  
    Price: £20.00
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