
Bee-Friendly Perennial Collection

Bee -Friendly Perennial collection - coming soon

A collection of perennials that are loved by pollinators.


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  • Ajuga rep. 'Burgundy Glow' 3ltr
    Common name: Bugle Creeping semi-evergreen alpine with red, bronze leaves and spike-like light blue flowers that are produced  from April to August. Average height 6" spread 2ft - good groundcover. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' 3L
    Common name: Italian Aster A late flowering perennial that produces lilac daisy flowers on upright stems from July to September. Pollinator-friendly. Average height 1.5ft. Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.  
    Price: £7.50
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  • Aster dumosus 'Island Barbados' 3L
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy Masses of pretty daisy-like purple flowers with yellow centres from May to September. Long-flowering and a fantastic source of pollen and nectar late in the season. Average height 1-2ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Salvia microphylla 'Glimmer'-3L
    A bushy perennial with aromatic foliage and attractive spikes of scented creamy white flowers from mid-summer to autumn.  Attractive to pollinating insects. Average height 2ft. Average spread 3ft. Full sun. Needs protection from severe frosts.
    Price: £9.50
  • Salvia nemerosa 'Marvel' mixed
    Common name: Balkan Clary A bushy, upright perennial with aromatic, greyish green leaves and a profusion of deep rose pink, blue or white flowers on strong, upright spires from July to September. Excellent plant for attracting bees and other pollinators...
    Price: £7.50
  • Nepeta 'Walkers Low' 1ltr
    Common name: Catmint A low-growing perennial with aromatic green leaves and mauve-blue flowers from June to August. Average height 1ft, spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £6.00
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  • Offer
    Verbena 'Bampton'
    OFFER £9 £8 Common name: Vervain A lovely verbena that produces elegant purple-pink flowers on long, narrow stems from June to September. The flowers will attract a range of pollinators into the garden and the seedheads provide winter...
    Was: £9.00
    Now: £8.00
  • Offer
    Digitalis grandiflora 'Carillon'
    Common name: Yellow Foxglove A short-lived perennial with veined, dark green leaves. Pendular pale yellow flowers with brown veins inside are borne on tall spires above a rosette of leaves from May until June.  Average height 1ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Was: £8.50
    Now: £4.00
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  • Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips'
    Common name: Bellflower Clump-forming perennial with heart-shaped, toothed, mid-green leaves. Attractive, upturned open bell-shaped, pure light blue flowers from June to August.  Average height 1ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £4.00
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  • Helleborus orientalis - 2ltr
    Common name: Lenten rose A gorgeous hellebore with saucer shaped, flowers borne from February to April, in shades of light pink and white, often speckled on the petals. Average height and spread 1.5ft. Good in dappled shade under trees. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Veronica gentianoides
    Common name: Gentian Speedwell A lovely cottage garden plant, an abundance of sky blue flowers bloom above a mat of bright green foliage.  Average height/spread 1.5 ft. Full Sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
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  • Nepeta faassenii 'Purrsian Blue'-3L
    Common name: Catmint A hardy perennial with aromatic green-grey foliage and lavender blue flowers than are borne in proofusion in summer. Bees and insects love the flowers and cats love the foliage! Creates dense mounds of blue that are perfect for...
    Price: £9.50
  • Verbena bonariensis - 4L
    A  rather tall perennial producing many clusters of small purple flowers throughout the summer. Loved by bees and other pollinators.  ·      Height: 2.5m / 8ft  ·      Spread: 50cm /1.5ft ·      Full sun ·      Season of interest: Summer - Autumn  ·     ...
    Price: £9.50
  • Stachys byzantina  - 2ltr pot
    1 plant in a 2 litre pot Common name: Lamb's Ear An evergreen, mat-forming perennial with grey-green leaves that are covered in a dense layer of fine silvery hairs. Bears purple-pink flowers on upright woolly stems in summer. A very undemanding plant...
    Price: £7.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (1L)
    Common name: Sage A vigorous, spreading shrub that produces large tubular white and red flowers over an amazingly long period from early summer to autumn. The narrow leaves have a pleasant aromatic smell. Likes well drained soil in full sun. Average...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Geranium Rozanne - 3ltr
    1 plant in 3 ltr pot.  A vigorous spreading perennial. Producing an abundance of violet blue flowers throughput the summer. Average height: 50cm -1.5ft Average spread: 1m / 3ft Full sun / Partial shade Summer- Autumn flowering   
    Price: £12.00
  • Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' 1ltr
    Lollipop is a lower growing variety of Verbena bonariensis. A perennial with strong, airy stems that bear pretty clusters of lilac-purple flowers over a long period from July to September. Average height 3ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Nepeta faassenii 'Junior Walker' (Catmint) 1ltr
    Common name: Catmint A hardy perennial with aromatic green-grey foliage and lavender blue flowers than are borne in profusion in summer. Creates dense mounds of blue that are perfect for the front of the border.   Average height 1-1.5ft. Full...
    Price: £4.50