
Evergreen Shrubs


During the spring & summer we have a huge range of shrubs in stock. Below you will find the shrubs currently available on the nursery. If you have any questions or there is a particular shrub you are looking for that is not listed on our site please send us an email.

The shrubs in this category will retain their leave the whole year round, giving structure to the garden


Delivery information: Our shrubs are available for local delivery. Delivery cost is dependent on postcode and will work out automatically at checkout. Click here for more info. 


Click and collect: Select this option at checkout if you would like to collect from the nursery. We will then email you when your order is ready (collection times during normal nursery hours). 


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  • Magnolia 'Little Gem' 80-100cm bush
    An evergreen tree or shrub with large, glossy green leaves that are brown and felted beneath. The creamy white flowers are beautifullly scented and produced throughout summer and autumn. This variety is much more compact than other Grandifloras and has a...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 5L
    A large bushy shrub with mid-green leaves. An excellent evergreen foliage plant that makes a lovely foil for perennials. Good for screens and hedges and tolerant of partial shade. Tint bell-shaped, honey-scented, black-red flowers are produced from May...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Euonymus japonicus 5L
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A small, slow-growing evergreen shrub with narrow glossy dark green leaves. Makes an excellent dense year-round foliage plant and is a great substitute for Box. Average height/spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii' (4L)
    A dwarf, spreading, evergreen shrub with small, robust blue-green leaves on purple stems. Small clusters of white flowers are borne in late spring and early summer. Creates an evergreen cushion of foliage that is an excellent groundcover. Average height:...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' - 5ltr
    A vigorous, spreading, evergreen shrub which has rich gold variegation. Strongly scented white flowers are produced from May to July, followed by red fruit in October to November.  Average height 6-8ft. Full sun  Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' 5L
    A large, bushy shrub with white leaves that are attractively  mottled with green. Bell-shaped, black-red flowers are borne from may to June. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft. Full sun in a sheltered position. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Fatsia 'Spider Web' 3L
    Common name: Japanese Aralia A spreading evergreen shrub with deeply lobed, dark green leaves, boldly splashed with white. Round creamy white flowers on long stalks are produced from September to October, followed by black fruit.  Average height 3-5ft...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' bush 200-250cm (70ltr)
    An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, that are a stunning bright red when young. Clusters of small white flowers are produced in late spring/early summer if not pruned every year.  Perfect for growing as a specimen or clipping into a...
    Price: £250.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Lonicera nitida (Box Honeysuckle) 2L
    A compact lonicera with glossy, dark green leaves, creamy white flowers in spring, followed by purple-blue berries that are great for attracting birds into the garden. Excellent for dense hedging . Average height 4-6ft (if left un-pruned). Drought...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Escallonia 'Peach Blossom' - 2ltr
    A bushy evergreen, arching shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty peach-pink flowers with white centres are produced from May to July. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' bush 7.5L
    Common name: Californian lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with dark glossy leaves. It produces compact trusses of blue flowers in late summer/autumn.  Loved by butterflies and pollinators. Full sun /partial shade Average height and spread 8ft
    Price: £28.00
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  • Euonymus 'President Gaultier' 1.2m trellis
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A spreading, evergreen, variegated shrub with a strong foliage effect. The relatively large leaves are rich, bright green in the centre, fading to creamy yellow round the margin.  Average height 6ft, spread 6ft. Full...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Pyracantha 'Saphyr Rouge' - 2ltr
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Cytisus praecox ‘Allgold’ 2ltr
    Common name: Broom A compact shrub with arching stems and small green leaves. Abundant dark yellow flowers are borne in clusters from March to April. Average height 4ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Sarcococca confusa - 2ltr
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box A dense, bushy evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of very fragrant white flowers in winter and early spring are followed by glossy black fruit in March. Average height: 3ft Aspect:...
    Price: £8.50
  • Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape) 3ltr
    Common name: Oregon Grape An open suckering shrub with bright green spiny toothed leaves often turning purple-red in winter. Clusters of yellow flowers are produced from April to May, followed by blue-black berries in June. Average height 4ft. Full...
    Price: £9.50
  • Escallonia 'Red Elf' 3L
    A compact evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty, tubular, dark crimson flowers. Average height 4-5ft. Full sun. Frost hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Choisya 'Aztec Gold' - 5ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A new variety of compact evergreen shrub with narrow golden leaves and masses of pink-tinged white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
  • Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem' 5ltr
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box. A compact evergreen shrub with narrow, glossy dark green leaves and purple stems. Clusters of fragrant white flowers tinged red appear in winter followed by black or blue-black fruit. Attractive to pollinators...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Euonymus jap. 'Ovatus aureus' 3L
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Laurus nob. Bush 175-200cm
    Common name: Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay An evergreen tree or large shrub with glossy, dark green, aromatic leaves. It produces white flowers from April to May Average height 20ft - keep pruned to desired height Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £80.00
  • Pittosporum tobira (36L)
    Common name: Japanese Mock Orange A large evergreen bushy shrub with lustrous deep green leaves with recurved margins. Clusters of sweetly scented, creamy white flowers are produced in summer. Can be grown as a hedge. Average height 8ft, spread 4ft. Full...
    Price: £25.00
  • Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Vivileg' 18L
    Bulk 10+ rate = £83 £66.40 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster This is a new variety with particularly dark green leaves which create a real contrast with the yellow margins. It is particuar;y vigorous and dense, making it ideal for a...
    Price: £85.00
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  • Escallonia 'Donard Seedling'
    An evergreen, arching shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty pink-tinted white flowers opening from pink buds are produced over a long period from may to July. Average height/spread 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £38.00
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  • Hypericum hidcotensee 'Hidcote' 5L
    Common name: St John's wort 'Hidcote' An upright shrub with aromatic dark green leaves. Clusters of star-shaped yellow flowers from mid-summer to mid-autumn followed by large fruit which flush pinkish red on ripening. Flowers July to October. Fruits...
    Price: £26.00
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  • Osmanthus 'Fragrans'
    Common name: Sweet Olive An unusual evergreen shrub with attractive glossy, foliage and masses of sweetly scented white flowers in summer. Requires a very sheltered, sunny position.  Average height/spread 18-20ft. Hardy to approximately -5°C
    Price: £45.00
  • Phillyrea angustifolia (27L)
    Common name: Narrow-leaved Mock Privet A tough evergreen shrub with narrow dark green leaves and small creamy white fragrant flowers bloom mid to late June. Looks good when clipped into topiary balls. Drought tolerant. Average height/spread 10ft (if...
    Price: £58.00
  • Euonymus aureus 1.2m trellis
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £45.00
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  • Ceanothus Yankee Point - 1.2m trellis
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse bright blue flowers are produced from April to June. Can either be left to grow horizontally where it will reach 2-3ft or grown on wire or trellis where...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Fatsia 'Spider's Web' INSTANT
    An evergreen shrub with unique foliage with dapple white patches.  Average height: 2.5m - 8ft Average spread: 2.5m - 8ft Partial shade Frost Hardy  - May need winter protection.
    Price: £58.00
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  • Corokia 'Sunsplash' 5L
    An unusual and very tolerant evergreen, upright bush with dense hardy golden variegated foliage. Produces red berries in winter.  Average height 4ft, spread 5ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
  • Aucuba Japonica 'Variegata'
    Common name: Spotted Laurel A rounded shrub with glossy leaves, splashed and speckled yellow. Small purple-red flowers in April and May are followed by bright red berries. Average height 6-8ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50 - £35.00
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  • Pieris 'Mountain Fire' 5L
    A rounded, evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, red when young, turning glossy chestnut-brown. Clusters of pendent white flowers are produced from February to April. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy. Needs acid soil...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo) 25L bushy
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo. An unusual, evergreen shrub with elegant green foliage and pretty white flowers with large yellow anthers, produced from July, followed by bright red fruit in August. The new foliage emerges a bronze/red. Average...
    Price: £110.00
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  • Osmanthus burkwoodii 100-125cm (36L)
    A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers that are borne from April to May. Average height: 9-12ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full sun/partial shade Hardiness: Hardy
    Price: £42.00
  • Viburnum tinus 'Purpureum'
    Common name: Laurustinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves, purple tinted when young. Clusters of white flowers from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft.  Flowers February to May. Fruits June.  Full...
    Price: £32.00
  • Offer
    Rhododendron 'Pintail' 3L
    A dwarf evergreen rhododendron with dark green leaves.  It produces pretty pink trumpet-shaped flowers  Average height 2ft.  Partial shade.  Hardy.
    Was: £12.00
    Now: £8.00
  • Lonicera pileata 'Maygreen' 3L
    A small bushy shrub with small ovate leaves. Tiny white flowers bloom in late spring followed by more significant berries. Full Sun / partial shade Average height: 1.5m - 5ft Average spread: 1.5m - 5ft Hardy
    Price: £15.00
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  • Leucothoe 'Zeblid' 2L
    Common name: Switch Ivy An evergreen shrub with arching branches and lance-shaped, glossy leaves. The leaves are dark red-purple when young,  turning dark green, then bronze in Winter. In Spring, bears small white flowers in long racemes. Average height...
    Price: £12.00
  • Daphne gemmata 'Royal Crown' (p13)
    Common name: Spurge laurel A compact, rounded shrub with smooth, bright green leaves.  Small, fragrant, butter-yellow flowers are produced in clusters from May to June followed by bright red berries. Average height 2ft (slow-growing) Full sun/partial...
    Price: £16.00
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  • Hebe 'Sutherlandii' 10L
    A compact rounded dwarf shrub with leathery silvery green leaves on purple stems. Small clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer. Average height and spread 1ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £25.00
  • Offer
    Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' 100-125cm (20L)
    Bulk rate (10+ plants) = £75 £60 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October,...
    Was: £78.00
    Now: £62.40
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  • Offer
    Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' 80-100cm (10L)
    Bulk rate (10+ plants) = £42 £33.60 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September...
    Was: £45.00
    Now: £36.00
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  • Offer
    Photinia 'Pink Marble' 10L
    Common name: Christmas Berry The evergreen leaves are variegated with various shades of pink and green and red, making an eye-catching shrub. Good for screens and informal hedges. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average Height & Spread 6-8ft Full sun /...
    Was: £48.00
    Now: £38.00
  • Pyracantha 'Red Cushion' (Firethorn) 30-40cm - 3L
    Common name: Firethorn A compact evergreen shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Average height 4ft (if left un-pruned). Average spread...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Pittosporum tenuifolia 'Gold Ball' 40-50cm (10ltr)
    This new variety of Pittosporum has a neat, rounded habit and is ideal for adding year-round structure and interest to the garden. Bushy evergreen shrub with gold-green leaves that have attractive wavy margins.  Bell-shaped, honey-scented,...
    Price: £46.50
  • Offer
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    Photinia x fraseri 'Mandarino' 80cm (10L)
    Bulk rate 10+ = £50 £40 each A newer variety of the ever popular photinia with smaller leaves and the new growth is an electric red/orange. Great for using as an evergreen hedge. Average height and spread 4-5ft Full sun or partial...
    Was: £60.00
    Now: £48.00
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  • Skimmia jap. 'Rubella' sense
    A compact evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves.   It produces panicles of red buds which add interest to the garden or pot in the winter. These open to fragrant white flowers in spring.  Partial shade Average height & spread 3ft. Hardy.  
    Price: £30.00
  • Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree) - 12L
    Common name: Strawberry Tree A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red peeling bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with unusual, red strawberry like fruits are produced from August to October.  Average height 8-12ft. Full Sun.  Hardy.
    Price: £72.00
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  • Rhododendron 'Wine & Roses'
    A compact evergreen shrub with deep-green glossy leaves that have red tones underneath and a bronze tinge when the leaves first emerge. Beautiful trusses of soft pink flowers with darker pink edges in April/May. Average height 4ft. Partial shade...
    Price: £28.00
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  • Fatsia japonica 30ltr
    Common name: Castor oil plant, Japanese aralia  An evergreen shrub with palmately-lobed, glossy green leaves. Sheltered position Average height 6-8ft.  
    Price: £68.00
  • Offer
    Fatisa 3L
    Common name: Castor oil plant, Japanese aralia  An evergreen shrub with palmately-lobed, glossy green leaves. Sheltered position Average height 6-8ft.
    Was: £7.50
    Now: £6.00
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  • Ceanothus 'Skylark'  3L
    Common name: Californian Lilac Bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Abundant dark blue flowers clothe the shrub from March to May. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Nandina dom. 'Magical Sunset'
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo An unusual, evergreen shrub with elegant green foliage and pretty white flowers produced from July, followed by bright red fruit in August. This new variety has striking orange young foliage.  Eventual height approx 6ft. Full...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Viburnum Judii 10L
    Common name: Laurustinus A rounded shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of fragrant, pink tinted white flowers from April to May.  Average height 4ft.  Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £75.00
  • Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree) 3L
    A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red peeling bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with unusual, red strawberry like fruits are produced from August to October. Average height 8-12ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Cytisus praecox 3L
    Common name: Gold spear broom A showy, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with primrose-yellow, scented flowers that are borne along the branches in spring. Average height 4-5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Pyracantha 'Saphyr Yellow' (Jaune) 3L
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of bright yellow berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Photinia 'Red Robin' 1.8m trellis (20ltr)
    1 plant in a 20 litre pot on a trellis, currently approx. 1.8m Common name: Christmas Berry An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. Small white flowers are sometimes followed by bright red fruit. Can be trained agaist...
    Price: £82.00
  • Rhododendron 'Shamrock' (dwarf)
    A dwarf evergreen shrub with dense clusters of funnel-shaped, pale yellow flowers tinted green and spotted yellow inside in early spring. Average height 2-2.5ft. Flowers May to June. Full sun. Hardy
    Price: £9.50
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  • Halimium 'April Sun'
    Common name: rock rose A compact, evergreen shrub with narrow dark green leaves. It produces yellow flowers with a deep yellow centre from late spring to early summer. Average height & spread 2ft. Full sun Hardy
    Price: £14.00
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  • Offer
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    Ilex aquifolium 'Madame Briot' (Holly) 60-80cm - 3ltr
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £11 £8.80 Common name: Holly (female) An evergreen shrub with purplish stems which make a strking backdrop for the berries. The dark green leaves have spiny, bright gold margins and scarlet berries are produced in...
    Was: £12.00
    Now: £9.60
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  • Hebe rakaiensis - 5ltr
    Common name: Rakai Hebe A rounded shrub with glossy bright green leaves and small clusters of white flowers from June to July. Average height 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
  • Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem' p17
    A medium evergreen shrub narrow leaves on purple stems. Small light red and white flowers, are borne over the winter months. ·      Height: 1m / 3ft ·      Spread: 1.5m / 5ft ·      Full shade/ partial shade  ·      Season of interest: winter  ·     ...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Photinia 'Pink Marble' 80/100cm (18.5L)
    1 plant in an 18.5 litre pot Common name: Christmas Berry. The evergreen leaves are variegated with various shades of pink and green and red, making an eye-catching shrub. Good for screens and informal hedges. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average Height:...
    Price: £40.00
  • Ceanothus Delight 1.2m (20L).
    Common name: Californian Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, pale green leaves. Long panicles of dark blue flowers are produced in profusion from April to May. Average height 8ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £68.00
  • Ceanothus 'Puget Blue' 1.4m (20L)
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading evergreen shrub with large deeply veined, dark green leaves. Profuse dark blue flowers from March to April. Average height 6-8ft (if left un-pruned). Full Sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £68.00
  • Offer
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    Osmanthus burkwoodii- 3ltr
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £9 £6.80 A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers that are borne from April to May. Average height: 9-12ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full sun/partial...
    Was: £9.50
    Now: £7.60
  • Choisya ternata (Mexican Orange Blossom) 3ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer.  Average height/spread: 4-5ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Mahonia 'Winter Sun' - 3ltr
    Common name: Oregon grape An architectural shrub with dark green leaves, sharply toothed, that take on red tints in winter. Bright yellow fragrant flowers in dense arching clusters are produced from late autumn to late winter. Average height 12-15ft...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Nandina domestica 'Obsessed' - 7.5ltr
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo A compact dwarf evergreen shrub with narrow leaves  that are a stunning ruch red when young. Pretty clusters of tin white flowers with large yellow anthers appear in mid summer followed by bright red fruit in August...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Golden Glow' 75-90cm - 10ltr
    'Firethorn. An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of yellow-orange berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial...
    Price: £30.00
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  • Ceanothus 'Concha' - 2.4 metre trellis
    1 plant in a 35 litre pot on an 8ft bamboo trellis Common name: Californian Lilac A dense, evergreen shrub with arching branches and finely toothed, dark green leaves. In late spring, reddish purple buds open to dark blue flowers which clothe the...
    Price: £145.00
  • Choisya x dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl' - 3ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A new variety of compact evergreen shrub with narrow green leaves and masses of pink-tinged white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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  • Pieris 'Flaming Silver' 2L
    A compact round evergreen shrub, with dark green leaves which are yellow when young.  Small white flowers are borne in spring. Average height: 1.5m - 5ft Average spread: 1m - 3ft Full Sun - Partial Shade  Hardy   
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' - 10ltr pot
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A new variety of compact evergreen shrub with narrow leaves and masses of pink-tinged white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £35.00
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  • Photinia 'Red Robin' 2.4m trellis
    One wall shrub on trellis, currently approx. 2.4m An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. Small white flowers are sometimes followed by bright red fruit. Can be trained against a wall for evergreen coverage...
    Price: £145.00
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  • Ilex aquifolium 'J. C. Van Tol' 10ltr
    Common name: Holly A handsome shrub with spineless glossy green foliage. This is a female, self-fertile variety that produces an abundance of red berries from September. Average height 20ft (but can be pruned to desired height). Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Fatsia japonica -3L
    Common name: Castor oil plant, Japanese aralia  An evergreen shrub with palmately-lobed, glossy green leaves. Sheltered position Average height 6-8ft. 1 plant in a 3ltr pot
    Price: £12.00
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  • Photinia 'Pink Marble' 125-150cm
    Common name: Christmas Berry The evergreen leaves are variegated with various shades of pink and green and red, making an eye-catching shrub. Good for screens and informal hedges. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average Height 9-10ft (if left...
    Price: £85.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Rouge' - 125/150cm 10L
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £35.00
  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Yellow' - 125/150cm 10L
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of bright yellow berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £35.00
  • Euonymus japonica 'Bravo' - 3ltr
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A bushy upright evergreen shrub. The leaves are long and smooth, plump but roughly lance-shaped. They are dark green in the centre and have a broad, slightly irregular, creamy white edging. Average height and spread...
    Price: £12.00
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  • Leucothoe 'Curly Red' - 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot A compact  evergreen mound forming shrub. With twisted glossly leaves which are green turning red in autumn - winter. Average Height : 1.5m - 5ft Average Spread: 2m - 6.5ft Full sun /partial shade Hardy   
    Price: £12.00
  • Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin'
    A dwarf low-growing evergreen shrub. The new growth unfolds as pure white, gradually developing to a green and white speckling on the leaves, slight pink tints in winter. Average height and spread 2-3ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 5 ltr
    Common name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to desired height or shape. Full Sun...
    Price: £18.00
  • Convolvulus cneorum - 3 litre pot
    Common name: Silverbush A compact evergreen shrub with silvery narrow leaves It produces large pink tinged white flowers with yellow centres are produced from May - July. Average height: 2ft - 60cm Average spread: 3ft - 1m  Hardy   1 plant in 3ltr pot 
    Price: £12.00
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  • Choisya ternata - 5ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Low maintenance any pruning should be done April to May or after...
    Price: £18.00
  • Olearia haastii (Daisy Bush) - 3ltr
    Common name: Daisy Bush A large, upright shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. In July and August it is clothed in dense clusters of fragrant, daisy-like, white flowers. Makes a nice low hedge. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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