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  • Magnolia 'Little Gem' 1/2 stem (18L)
    Clear stem 95cm Head size 55-60cm An evergreen tree or shrub with large, glossy green leaves that are brown and felted beneath. The creamy white flowers are beautifullly scented and produced throughout summer and autumn. This variety is much more compact...
    Price: £230.00
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  • Acca sellowiana (Feijoa) 1/2 stem (25L)
    Clear stem 95cm Head size 55-60cm An evergreen shrub with grey-green leaves densely white-felted on the underside. It produces flowers with four red petals, white on the outside, appear in the leaf axils in the summer. 
    Price: £195.00
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  • Photinia fr. 'Red Robin' 1/2 standard
    This specimen has an approximately 90cm clear stem with a 60-80cm diameter head Common name: Christmas berry 'Red Robin' An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves. It's new growth in the spring is bright red that turns green.   Creamy...
    Price: £220.00
  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 3/4 standard
    Common name: Laurus tinus A standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £250.00
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  • Bay Lollipop 1m Standard (Laurus Nobilis) 60-65cm Head
    Common name: Bay Tree An excellent foliage plant that lends itself to topiary. Looks impressive when planted in a container at the entrance to the house. Produces small white flowers in April to May. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy in a sheltered position...
    Price: £220.00
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  • Standard Viburnum tinus
    1 standard potted tree, current approximate height 1.7m (including the pot) Laurus tinus. A compact standard shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black...
    Price: £245.00