
Monkey Puzzle Trees


Monkey Puzzles

Monkey Puzzles are amazing architectural trees with spiky, dark green foliage arranged in spirals around the branches. When young they can be kept in pots and make striking feature trees. Although slow growing, they will eventually reach impressive heights of 40ft or more. Eventually the trees lose the lower branches, giving them a 'palm tree' like silhouette. Monkey Puzzles aren't too fussy about soil type but make sure not to over-watered if planted in a pot

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  • Monkey puzzle (30/40cm)
    1 plant, currently approx 30-40cm in height. A slow growing architectual, evergreen tree with triangular shaped leaves.  Height: 12m / 39ft Spread: 8m / 26ft Full sun/ partial shade  Season of interest: All year  Pruning is not...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Small Monkey Puzzle Tree (1.5-2ft)
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    Price: £42.00
    Out of stock