
Mature Ornamental Trees


Mature ornamental Trees

The trees on this page are already a substantial size and would make perfect specimen trees.

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  • Robinia ps. 'Myirzegi' 14/16cm
    Common name: False acacia. A tree with feathery green foliage which produces a finely-textured canopy. In late June it produces a profusion of fragrant blossoms. Its flowers are borne in long racemes and are white in colour. Seeds pods follow...
    Price: £225.00 - £300.00
  • Gleditsia 'Sunburst' - 8/10cm
    A mature tree in a 45 litre container with an 8-10cm trunk circumference, current height approx 8-10ft. Common name: Honey Locust A tree with handsome fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green later in the summer. In autumn the...
    Price: £210.00
  • Prunus 'Umineko' (Ornamental Cherry) 12/14cm
    Ornamental Cherry. An elegant fastigiate tree that takes its name from the Japanese word for 'Seagull'. Masses of single white flowers appear in April followed by a lovely display of autumn foliage in various shades of red, orange and purple. Average...
    Price: £250.00
  • Juglans regia (Common Walnut) 12/14cm
    A mature tree with a 12/14cm girth (trunk circumference) 'Common Walnut. A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young, green to yellow flowers followed by edible nuts contained within a round fruit. Average Height...
    Price: £180.00
  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 14/16cm
    A mature tree with a 14/16cm girth (trunk circumference) Black Walnut. A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit in August...
    Price: £260.00
  • Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' 10/12cm (70ltr)
    Mature 10-12cm girth tree in a 70 litre pot, current approx height 10-12ft Ornamental Cherry. A narrow tree with yellowish bronze leaves in spring. Pretty semi-double pale pink flowers are produced in early spring. Great for small spaces. Average height...
    Price: £250.00
  • Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' - 10/12cm (70ltr)
    A mature 10-12cm girth container-grown tree (70 litre), current approximate height 10-12ft Norway maple. A vigorous tree with stunning dark purple leaves that emerge a bright red, mature to purple then finally turn to a medley of oranges and reds in...
    Price: £240.00
  • Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica' - 8/10cm
    Common name: Swedish Birch, Cutleaf Birch A medium to large tree of a slender nature form and with a broadly columnar habit. The leaves are deeply cut and branches weep gracefully. Bark is white and peeling. Very good for parks and woodland...
    Price: £115.00 - £165.00
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  • Sorbus 'Cardinal Royal' 8/10cm (45ltr)
    A mature 8-10cm girth tree in a 45 litre pot, current approx height 8-10ft 'Cardinal Royal Rowan. A vigorous, upright, small tree with a compact head of ascending branches. Large clusters of orange-red fruits are produced in autumn after white spring...
    Price: £165.00
  • Crataegus 'Crimson Cloud' - 6/8cm (45ltr)
    1 container-grown tree (45 litre) with a girth of 8-10cm, current approximate height 8-10ft. May, Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double white flowers, ageing to pink from April to May, followed by red or...
    Price: £165.00
  • Malus 'Rudolph' (Crabapple) - 10/12cm (70ltr)
    1 container-grown tree (70 litre), current approx height 8-10ft Crab Apple. A small ree with attractive dark purple leaves that turn red in autumn. Pretty single flowers in various shades of deep pink are produced from April to May, followed by purple...
    Price: £250.00
  • Acer campestre 'Fastigiata' 10/12cm (45ltr)
    Girth (circumference of trunk): 8/10cm An upright and narrow from of Field Maple. A native British, medium sized tree with green leaves that turn yellow, red or golden in autumn. Flowers small, green, forming typical winged maple fruits. Good for...
    Price: £165.00
  • Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' 8/10cm (45ltr)
    Common name: Norway maple A medium-sized deciduous tree with beautiful golden yellow foliage in spring that develops greener tones through the summer. Bears small yellow flowers in spring which are attractive to pollinators. Average height 40ft (if left...
    Price: £165.00
  • Amelanchier canadensis - 6/8cm (30ltr)
    30 ltr container-grown tree, 6/8cm girth Amelanchier canadensis is often grown as a multi-stemmed tree. Small blue black fruit follow the racemes of blossom. The leaves are soft and grey-green when young, later turning mid green then yellow-orange in...
    Price: £195.00
  • Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - 5ft
    Current approximate height 5ft (not including the pot) Japanese maple. An elegant, slow-growing multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with deeply lobed red-purple leaves turning brilliant red in autumn. Average height 10-15ft (over a long period of time)...
    Price: £180.00
  • Quercus robur (English Oak) - 10/12cm (70ltr)
    A mature, pot-grown specimen with a girth of 10-12cm Common Oak, English Oak. A huge and majestic, long-lived, deciduous, spreading tree with fissured grey-brown bark and dark green leaves which have 4 or 5 lobes on each side. It produces acorns...
    Price: £250.00
  • Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime)  18/20cm girth
    This mature tree is currently approx. 12ft+ tall A broadly columnar tree with rounded dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. It produces clusters of pale yellow flowers in July. Average height 40ft. Excellent as specimen trees or as avenue trees. Flowers...
    Price: £200.00
  • Prunus padus 'Watereri' 12/14cm
    Bird Cherry 'Watereri'. A selection of the native Bird Cherry, this medium-sized tree bears spectacular long spikes of fragrant, cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers from April to May, followed by glossy blue-black fruit in June. The dark...
    Price: £220.00
  • Prunus avium 'Plena' (Double Wild Cherry) 12/14cm
    Double Wild Cherry. A large spreading tree with bronze leaves when young, turning red in autumn. Pretty double white flowers from April to May, are followed by red fruit. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Average eventual height: 30ft+ (after 20-30 years)...
    Price: £240.00
  • Prunus avium (Wild Cherry) 12/14cm
    12/14cm girth Wild Cherry. A large, native deciduous tree with reddish-brown bark that produces beautiful white spring blossom in April-May followed by round dark red berries. The foliage takes on rich autumn tones. An excellent specimen tree if you...
    Price: £250.00
  • Malus floribunda (Japanese Crab Apple) - 8/10
    Japanese Crab Apple. A small deciduous crab apple tree with a neat tapering shape and lavish displays of fragrant white and pink flowers in spring, that open from red buds. Red/yellow berries follow the flowers. These are highly decorative and also...
    Price: £180.00
  • Malus 'Direktor Moerland' (Crabapple) - 10/12cm
    A small crab apple tree with deep red wine coloured blossom that is produced profusion during the spring months. the leaves are a dark red red and fade to a dark coppery bronze colour as the summer goes on.  Average height if left unpruned 25 -30ft Full...
    Price: £250.00
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  • Crataegus prunifolia - 10/12cm
    Broad-leaved Cockspur Thorn 'Prunifolia'. A rounded tree with large thorns and glossy deep green leaves, turning fiery orange and red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in spring are followed by bright red fruit. Average eventual height: 20-25ft...
    Price: £250.00
  • Acer campestre 'Fastigiata' - 10/12cm girth
    Girth (circumference of trunk): 10/12cm An upright and narrow from of the native British Field Maple, a medium sized tree with green leaves that turn yellow, red or golden in autumn. Flowers in spring are small and green, forming typical winged maple...
    Price: £250.00
  • Crataegus 'Paul’s Scarlet' - 10/12cm (70ltr)
    1 container-grown tree (70 litre), current approx height 8-10ft May, Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Abundant clusters of double scarlet flowers are produced in spring, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Average...
    Price: £250.00
  • Cotoneaster cornubia (10/11cm)
    A vigorous semi-evergreen shrub/small tree with arching branches with dark green leaves, some turn bronze in winter. White flowers in May and June are followed by bright red, round fruit that is loved by birds. Average Height 18ft, spread 12ft. Fruits...
    Price: £185.00
  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear) 10/12cm
    Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £165.00 - £195.00
  • Pinus sylvestris 175/200cm (45ltr pot)
    1 tree in a 45 litre container, current height 6-7ft (1.75-2m) Scot's Pine. One of the few conifers native to the UK. A tall conical to columnar, evergreen tree with blue-green, slightly twisted needles. Produces green cones ripening brown. Average...
    Price: £195.00