
1ltr Aquatic Plants

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  • Luronium natans 1 ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Floating water plantain A pretty native plant with green oval leaves that float on the surface of the water and small white flowers with yellow centres from August to September. Aspect: Full sun Average...
    Price: £8.00
  • Juncus inflexus 1 ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Hard Rush A native rush with stiff, upright narrow blue-grey stems that were traditionally used for weaving baskets. Clusters of small cream seed heads appear in spring that darken to brown. An...
    Price: £8.00
  • Carex pendula 1 ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Pendulous Sedge A native sedge found on riverbanks and in ancient boggy woodlands. Dark green, grassy foliage with attractive pendulous flower spikes in July and August. The leaves are evergreen providing...
    Price: £8.00
  • Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' 1 ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Colourful, scented leaves in a mix of red, yellow and green and white flowers from May to September. Grow in full sun for the brightest foliage. Suitable for a bog garden or pond margin. Aspect: Full...
    Price: £8.00
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  • Ranunculus flammula 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Lesser Spearwort Ranunculus meaning “little frog” in Latin because they like to grow near water. Lanceolate leaves with branching stems hold a large number of little, yellow,...
    Price: £8.00
  • Stachys palustris (Marsh Woundwort) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Marsh Woundwort, Marsh Hedgenettle A pretty UK native that is a magnet for bumble bees, flowering freely all summer with spikes of nectar-rich bright purple flowers from June to September...
    Price: £8.00
  • Mentha aquatica (Water Mint) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Water Mint A strong mint-scented herb, covered with lilac-pink flowers from July to October. Good for pollinators. Native UK species. Ideal for damp ground or pond margins. Aspect: Full...
    Price: £8.00
  • Lysichiton camtschatcensis 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: White Skunk Cabbage, Water Banana A striking plant with large, broad foliage and pure white flowers from April to May which resemble the popular Peace Lily houseplant. The common name refers to the...
    Price: £8.00
  • Mimulus cupreus 'Red Emperor' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Covered in numerous, attractive bright red, trumpet-shaped flowers all summer. It has oval, toothed leaves. Ideal for damp ground or pond margins. Aspect: Full sun Average height: 20-40cm Planting depth:...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris ensata (Japanese Water Iris) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Japanese Water Iris A beautiful iris that flowers from June to July in varying colours with broad, rounded falls. The narrow, upright foliage forms a dense clump. Prefers moist to boggy soils...
    Price: £8.00
  • Glyceria maxima variegata 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Variegated Reed Sweet Grass A relatively vigorous plant but with attractive, pinky-red striped grass foliage in spring maturing to yellow and white later inthe year. Purplish-green flower...
    Price: £8.00
  • Mimulus guttatus 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Common Monkey Flower Numerous bright yellow flowers with small, reddish spots throughout summer from June to August make this a popular plant for the bog or water garden. Aspect: Full...
    Price: £8.00
  • Sisyrinchium californicum 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Golden-eyed grass Semi-evergreen that will form a clump of attractive, mini iris-like foliage. Masses of pretty, star-shaped yellow flowers appear from June to August. Ideal for damp ground or pond...
    Price: £8.00
  • Mimulus luteus 'Queen's Prize' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Very free flowering, bright yellow flowers with reddish blotches throughout the summer. A popular plant for the bog or water garden. Aspect: Full sun Average height: 30-50cm Planting depth: 0-1cm Growth...
    Price: £8.00
  • Lobelia cardinalis 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Cardinal Flower, Scarlet Lobelia Looks great planted at the water's edge to reflect the glorious colour of the brilliant red flowers against the green foliage. Ideal for damp ground or pond margins...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris louisiana 'Black Gamecock' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Louisiana Iris A cultivated variety of the Louisiana iris which are native to the coastal swamps of the US state of Louisiana which makes them ideal for boggy conditions or pond margins. 'Black...
    Price: £8.00
  • Tulbaghia violacea (Society Garlic) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Society Garlic Beautiful, large soft purple blooms held on tall stems from July to October. The common name refers to the strong garlic scent released from crushed stems or foliage...
    Price: £8.00
  • Saururus cernuus (Lizard's Tail) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Lizard's Tail Green, lance-shaped leaves with slender, nodding, solitary spikes of tiny, white, fragrant flowers from June to August. The common name refers to the drooping shape of the flowers. Ideal for...
    Price: £8.00
  • Pontederia cordata (Pickerel Weed) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Pickerel Weed An attractive plant native to the Americas with heart-shaped, green leaves and clusters of pretty blue, camassia-like flowers on upright spikes from July to September. Useful for...
    Price: £8.00
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  • Gratiola officinalis (Hedge Hyssop) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Hedge Hyssop, Herb of Grace Pretty spires of white or pink flowers from May to September. Grows abundantly in Switzerland in damp pastures. Aspect: Full sun/Partial shade Average...
    Price: £8.00
  • Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Gardener's garters An attractive, fast-growing, grass-like aquatic plant with narrow leaves that are boldly striped in green and Ideal for damp ground or pond margins where it can be given room to...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris sibirica (Siberian flag) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Siberian flag A pretty iris with narrow, strap-like foliage and delicate purple-blue flowers that have a white and yellow throat from May to June. Ideal for damp soils. Aspect: Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris louisiana 'Ann Chowning' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Louisiana Iris A cultivated variety of the Louisiana iris which are native to the coastal swamps of the US state of Louisiana which makes them ideal for boggy conditions or pond margins. 'Ann...
    Price: £8.00
  • Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' 1 ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Variegated Water Dropwort Beautiful tricoloured foliage in shades of pink, white and green when the leaves emerge in spring maturing to darker green and pink in autumn. Tiny creamy white umbels...
    Price: £8.00
  • Sagittaria sagittifolia (Arrowhead) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Arrowhead A UK native plant with long, arrow-shaped leaves and attractive white flowers that have deep purple, almost-black centres from July to September. Good for pollinators. Ideal for pond...
    Price: £8.00
  • Orontium aquaticum 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Golden Club This unusual plant is the only remaining species from the Orontium genus and has attractive poker-like yellow and white flower spikes from May to June and hosta-like foliage. It can be...
    Price: £8.00
  • Dichromena colorata (Star Grass) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Star Grass A useful plants for late in the season with its attractive green and white star-like bracts rising above the grassy foliage from July to November. Ideal for damp ground or pond...
    Price: £8.00
  • Myosotis scorpioides 'Snowflakes'  1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: White Water Forget-me-not A delicate plant with numerous clusters of long-flowering, small white flowers from May to September which will attract abundant pollinators throughout the summer. Ideal...
    Price: £8.00
  • Typha angustifolia (Lesser Bulrush) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Lesser Bulrush A UK native species that is smaller than the Common bulrush but still makes an impact with tall upright stems topped by dark chocolate coloured seed heads. Will quickly spread to...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris pseudacorus 'Alba' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: White Water Iris Broad, green foliage and large creamy white flowers from June to July. The signal is etched in charcoal grey. Ideal for damp ground or pond margins. Aspect: Full...
    Price: £8.00
  • Iris versicolor 'Kermesina' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Handsome, grey-green foliage sets off rich, claret-purple flowers highlighted with white veining. Flowers June to July. Ideal for damp ground or pond margins. Aspect: Full sun/Partial shade Average height:...
    Price: £8.00
  • Mentha pulegium (Pennyroyal) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Pennyroyal, Pudding Grass A creeping plant with small, mint-scented leaves and lilac pink flowers from July to October. Good for pollinators. Native UK species. Ideal for damp ground or pond...
    Price: £8.00
  • Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Golden Variegated Slender Sweet Flag A variegated evergreen with aromatic, foliage that has striking bright yellow and green stripes along its length. Grows in attractive fans to form low-growing...
    Price: £8.00
  • Alisma plantago aquaticum (Water Plantain) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Water Plantain, Mad Dog Weed A tall aquatic plant with thin stems, broad lanceolate leaves and upright upright flower stems bearing delicate lilac-white flowers from June to September. Good for...
    Price: £8.00
  • Cyperus longus (Sweet galingale) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Sweet galingale A tough, vigorous, grass-like plant that is native to the UK with pendulous dark green foliage and attractive brown seed heads from August to October. A good wildlife-cover plant...
    Price: £8.00
  • Acorus calamus variegatus 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Variegated Sweet Flag, Vacha Variegated form of Sweet Flag forming architectural clumps of creamy white and green striped evergreen foliage which has a citrus scent when crushed. Ideal for damp ground or...
    Price: £8.00
  • Cardamine pratensis (Cuckoo Flower) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Cuckoo Flower, Lady's Smock Mounds of pale green, ferny foliage with pale lilac blooms. It is one of the main food sources for the Orange Tip Butterfly. Good for pollinators. Native UK species...
    Price: £8.00
  • Carex pseudocyperus (Cyperus Sedge) 1ltr
    3 FOR £23 1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Cyperus Sedge Bright green, grassy foliage with pendulous flower spikelets from May to August. The leaves are evergreen providing year round interest. Native UK species. Ideal for damp ground...
    Price: £8.00