
Wildlife Friendly Perennials - 1ltr pots


Wildlife Friendly Perennials - 1ltr pots

To make is easier to choose the right plant for the right place we have filtered our 1ltr perennials into categories. All the plants on this page attract butterflies, bees and  pollinating insects.

Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (mix and match varieties)

Delivery information: Delivery cost is dependent on postcode and will work out automatically at checkout. Click here for more info. We are dispatching all orders as fast as we can but please bear with us if it takes a little longer.

Click and collect: Select this option at checkout if you would like to collect from the nursery. We will then email you when your order is ready (collection times are 10am-12:30am every day except Sundays). 


More products to be added to this page soon!

See 'All Perennials in 1ltr pots A-Z' for our full range in the meantime


All Products

  • Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Chile Black' 1ltr
    Common name: Sweet Scabious A free-flowering perennial that is loved by pollinating insects. Dramatic, deep claret-purple, almost black pincushion-like flower heads are produced in the summer which are highly attractive to butterflies and bees. The...
    Price: £4.50
  • Astrantia 'Ruby Wedding' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort, Hattie's Pincushion Striking dark crimson flowers from June to August and attractive lobed foliage. Great for attracting pollinators into the garden and for adding colour to shadier parts of the garden. Average height 2ft,...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Pride' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces elegant pink pincushion-like flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of elegant pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut flowers...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Cerise Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of deep cerise pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Fire' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Stonecrop An improved selection of the popular 'Autumn Joy' that forms a larger clump and flowers for longer. Blush-pink flower heads form in mid to late summer and gradually deepen in colour, eventually becoming a rich rusty-red lasting...
    Price: £4.50
  • Lavandula stoechas LavLov 'Deep Pink' 1ltr
    Common name: French Lavender A compact, bushy, evergreen, shrub with narrow grey-green, aromatic leaves and rounded spikes of deep pink flowers in summer. Average height 1-1.5ft. Full Sun (in well-drained soil).  Hardy if not allowed to get too...
    Price: £4.50
  • Lavandula angustifolia 'Forever Blue' 1ltr
    Common name: English Lavender This variety flowers earlier than most with deep purple-blue blooms appearing from early summer and will often repeat-flower to prolong the season. Ideal for a low hedge along a path or border Average height/spread 2ft...
    Price: £4.50
  • Geum 'Cocktail Cosmopolitan' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Avens Geums are great for adding a pop of colour to the garden in pots or dotted throughout a mixed border. This variety has pretty semi-double flowers in creamy pink tones held aloft on tall stems throughout late spring and early summer...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A tall, upright, spreading geranium with attractive leaves heavily zoned with chocolate brown. It produces pretty, red-brown, saucer-shaped flowers from May to June. Average height 32in. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Helenium 'Mardi Gras' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sneezeweed A neat, compact variety forming a generous mound of foliage with masses of daisy-like flowers in attractive coppery orange shades. A useful late flowerer in the border adding colour from July to September. Great for attracting...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium 'Joy' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A mound of evergreen marbled leaves, pretty bowl-shaped soft pink flowers with prominent darker veins from June to September.  Average height 2-3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium sang. 'Dreamland' 1 ltr pot
    Common name: Bloody Cranesbill A low, mat-forming geranium with finely cut foliage and pale pink, saucer-shaped flowers from June to September. A good choice for the front of the border and wildlife-friendly, attracting pollinators into the garden...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium x oxonianum 'Miss Heidi' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A pretty hardy geranium with divided green leaves and an abundance of pink flowers with purple veins from May to September. Average height 1-1.5ft, Average spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Penstemon 'Purple Passion' 1ltr pot
    A bushy, semi-evergreen perennial with pretty tubular-shaped, purple-maroon flowers from July to September. Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun/partial shade.   Hardy but will benefit from a thick mulch to protect the roots during winter.
    Price: £4.50
  • Penstemon 'Alice Hindley'-1ltr
    A bushy perennial with semi-evergreen narrow foliage and pretty tubular-shaped, pale lilac-blue flowers with white throat.  Flowers June to September. Average height 3ft. Average spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Digiplexis illumination 'Berry Canary'  1ltr pot
    Common name: Hybrid Foxglove A beautiful and unusual variety that is reliably perennial and flowers for longer than the usual biennial types. The upright flower spikes bear deep rose pink tubular flowers with peach coloured throats from June to late...
    Price: £5.50
  • Rhodanthemum hosmariense 'Tangiers' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Moroccan Daisy A fast-spreading, long-flowering perennial with evergreen divided silver leaves and daisy-like white and pink flowers with a yellow centre. Flowers March to September. Average height up to 1ft. Average spread 1ft. Full sun...
    Price: £5.50
  • Monarda didyma 'Sugar Buzz Pink Frosting' 1ltr
    Common name: Bergamot A wildlife-friendly perennial with aromatic foliage and whorls of pale pink flowers with purple-pink bracts that are held on strong upright stems. The flowers are loved by bees and insects. Flowers June to August. Average height...
    Price: £4.50
  • Achillea 'Fanal' (The Beacon) - 1ltr
    Common name: Yarrow A mat-forming perennial with greyish green leaves. It produces bright red flowers on flat heads from May to June. Average height & spread: 2-2.5ft.  Full sun Hardy   "A great perennial for pollinators"  
    Price: £4.50
  • Francoa sonchifolia - 1L
    Common name: Bridal Wreath, Wedding Flower A rosette-forming perennial with deeply lobed green leaves and spikes of pretty pink flowers with dark pink markings.   Flowers June to July. Average height 2-3ft. cm. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy...
    Price: £4.50
  • Helenium 'Short 'n' Sassy' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sneezeweed.  A compact, late-flowering perennial with daisy-like flowers in shades of yellow and orange from July to September. The blooms are held upright on strong stems and provides a sea of autumn colour. Average height...
    Price: £5.50
  • Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby'-1L
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: Elephant's Ears Evergreen perennial with glossy broad, deep green leaves, crimson beneath, turning dark red in winter. Deep rose-red flowers from April to May. Easy to grow, low-maintenance and tolerant of most...
    Price: £4.50
  • Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' 1ltr pot
    A beautiful tall perennial adding late colour and height with upright spikes of rich blue and purple-blue flowers from August to October. Great for bees and other pollinators. Average height 5ft. Full sun. Not fully hardy so needs a sheltered spot.
    Price: £4.50
  • Gaura lindheimeri 'Gaudi Red 1L
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: Beeblossoms.  A compact perennial with star-shaped red flowers from July to September on on slender stems above the dark reddish-green foliage. The flowers are attractive to pollinators. Average height/spread...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novae-angliae 'Barrs Blue'-1L
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: New England Aster A lovely variety that was introducedi n the 1920's. Large purple-blue daisy-like flowers, up to 2.5" across, are held on tall strong stems from August/September to October. Attractive to...
    Price: £4.50
  • Osteospermum 'Jucundum'-1L
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot A neat, clump-forming perennial with greyish green leaves and mauve-pink flowers with purple on the reverse and a purple eye. Flowers May to September. Average height 1.5ft, spread 2.5-3ft. Full sun. Hardy in a sheltered...
    Price: £4.50
  • Meconopsis betonicifolia 1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy An unusual perennial with rosettes of light bluish green soft leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped blue flowers, with a subtle purple tint and delicate yellow stamens are borne from May to July. Tricky to grow but worth a...
    Price: £5.50
  • Fragaria x ananassa 'Red Ruby
    Common name: Ornamental Strawberry Semi-evergreen bushy mounds of tri-foliate, toothed leaves with red flowers from May to November. Average height 6". Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Geum 'Tropical Tempest'-1L
    Common name: Avens A robust, clump-forming perennial that produces attractive semi-double flowers from late spring to early autumn.  Average height 1.5ft. Full sun or partial shade Hardy   "A long-flowering perennial that is great for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Nepeta faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' 1ltr pot
    Common name: catmint A hardy perennial with aromatic green-grey foliage and lavender blue flowers than are borne in proofusion in summer. Creates dense mounds of blue that are perfect for the front of the border.   Average height 1.5ft. Full sun...
    Price: £4.50
  • Campanula garganica-1L
    plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Sedum  'Weihenstephaner Gold'-1L
    plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in stock, we will...
    Price: £4.50
  • Astrantia 'Star of Beauty'-1L
    Common name: Greater masterwort A clump-forming deciduous perennial with compact umbels of dark red flowers during summer. Full sun or partial shade Average height 2.5ft Average spread 2ft
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia Florence-1L
    Common name: Hattie's Pincushion A long-flowering perennial with mounds of divided green foliage and elegant pale lavender-pink flowers held on strong stems from June to September. Great for the wildlife garden as a source of nectar and pollen for many...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia 'Burgandy Manor'-1L
    Common name: Greater masterwort A beautiful deciduous perennial with compact umbels of dark red flowers throughout summer that are lovedy by bees and other pollinators. Useful for brightening shadier parts of the garden and very resistant to slugs and...
    Price: £5.50
  • Achillea 'Terracotta' 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Yarrow A perennial with finely cut, mid-green foliage.  It produces flattened heads of many tiny orange flowers, that gradually fade to cream over time which are loved by pollinating insects. Average...
    Price: £4.50
  • Leucanthemum Sante 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: Shasta Daisy. A lovely perennial for the garden and the vase, this variety has large daisy-like blooms with pale yellow centres and many layers of pure white petals giving a 'shaggy' look tot he flowers. Flowers from...
    Price: £4.50
  • Veronica spicata 'Red Fox'-1ltr
    Common name: Speedwell A mat-forming perennial with toothed green leaves. Erect spikes of deep pink flowers in summer from June to August.  Average 1ft.   Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £4.50
  • Liatris spicata 'Kobold' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Leucanthemum Superbum 'Real Charmer' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Geum Cocktail ‘Sea Breeze’ 1ltr
    A clump-forming perennial with lobed leaves with toothed edges.  It produces semi-double, rich orange ruffled flowers from late spring to early summer.  Average height 1-1.5ft.  Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Coral Tempest' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Dianthus 'Whatfield Wisp' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Dianthus 'Whetman Star' 'Starburst
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Polemonium 'Pink Beauty' 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Leucanthemum vulgare 'Filigran' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Dianthus Scent First 'Slap 'n Tickle' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Campanula poscharskyana 'Lilac Sky' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Lavatera 'Eyecatcher' - 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in...
    Price: £4.50
  • Hesperantha coccinea 'Major' 1ltr
    Common name: Kaffir Lily A pretty clump-forming perennial with sword-like bright green leaves. Spikes of large red flowers on stiff stems from August to November Average height 2ft. Full sun Hardy   "A long-flowering perennial with striking...
    Price: £5.50
  • Campanula poscharskyana 'Pinkins' 1ltr pot
    Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have the exact variety that you have ordered in stock, we will substitute it...
    Price: £4.50
  • Campanula glomerata 'Superba' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Clustered Bellflower Spreading perennial with dark green leaves. Dense clusters of tubular-bell-shaped violet-purple flowers from June to August.  Max Height 60cm. Flowers June to August. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. Water...
    Price: £4.50
  • Galium odoratum 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sweet Woodruff An upright perennial with attractive bright green foliage with star-shaped white scented flowers held above the leaves. Average height1.5ft. Flowers May to July. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
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  • Lavandula intermedia 'Dilly Dilly' 1ltr
    A vigorous hybrid variety of English lavender with a rounded bushy habit and aromatic grey-green leaves. Slender spikes of strongly fragranced deep purple flowers are produced from June to August. Average height/spread 2-3ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Helenium 'The Bishop' 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot 'Sneezeweed. A shorter variety of helenium that produces an abundance of cheerful, bright yellow daisy-like flowers, loved by bees and butterflies, from June to September. Great for a mixed flower border or mix with grasses,...
    Price: £4.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Geranium 'Rozanne' 1ltr
    Common name: Hardy Geranium, Cranesbill.  A mound-forming perennial with marbled leaves. it produces large, cupped, blue flowers with white centres and maroon veins from early to late summer. Average height 1-2ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £5.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Alchemilla mollis 1ltr pot
    Common name: Ladys Mantle A useful and easy-to-grow 'filler' perennial with attractive lobed, downy green leaves and frothy clouds of abundant yellow-green flower panicles from June to September. Self-seeds.  Average height/spread 2-2.5ft...
    Price: £4.50
    Add To Barrow
  • Meconopsis sheldonii -1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy A choice perennial with rosettes of light bluish green hairy leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped bright blue flowers with yellow stamens in early summer. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade Hardy - mulch in winter
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum chiloense Sunrise-1ltr
    A clump-forming perennial that produces large double golden yellow flowers in late spring and summer. Average height 1.5-2ft.  Full sun or partial shade.  Hardy.   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out...
    Price: £4.50
  • Geum 'Flames of Passion' 1ltr
    Common name: Avens A small floriferous perennial that is perfect for the front of the border. A profusion of semi-double red flowers with golden anthers, are held on purple stems above mounds of foliage from May to July. Average height/spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £5.50
  • Monarda didyma 'Sugar Buzz Bubblegum Blast' 1ltr
    Common name: Bergamot A wildlife-friendly perennial with aromatic foliage and whorls of bright pink flowers with purple-pink bracts that are held on strong upright stems. The flowers are loved by bees and insects. Flowers June to August. Average...
    Price: £4.50
  • Tellima grandiflora 1ltr pot
    Common name: Fringe Cups A clump-forming perennial with bright green leaves. Slender spikes of greenish white flowers are produced from late spring to mid-summer. Average height 2.5ft, spread 1ft. Shade Hardy.   "A woodland plant that thrives...
    Price: £4.50
  • Erigeron karvinskianus Profusion 1ltr pot
    Common name: Fleabane A spreading perennial with grey-green leaves. Pretty yellow centred flowers with white petals, fading through pink to purple with age, are produced prolifically throughout the whole of spring and summer. Average height 15-20cm,...
    Price: £4.50
  • Astrantia 'Star of Passion' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of deep maroon pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Scabiosa 'Kudo Pink' 1ltr
    Common name: Pincushion Flower A free-flowering perennial that is loved by pollinating insects. It has grey-green leaves and pretty, larger than average pale pink 'pincushion' flowerheads from July to August.   Average height and spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £4.50
  • Veronica ' Pink Damask' 1ltr
    Common name: Speedwell A compact perennial that forms a mound of small, pointed green leaves. Upright stems of pink flowers are produced above thr foliage from late spring to mid-summer. Average height/spread 2ft.  Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Veronica longifolia First Match 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Full sun/ partial shade Average height & spread 60 x 55cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that...
    Price: £4.50
  • Salvia nemorosa 'Marcus' 1ltr
    Common name: Balkan Clary A lovely compact perennial with aromatic, greyish green leaves and a profusion of blue flowers on strong, upright stems from July to September.  Average height & spread 1ft.  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Monarda 'Mahogany' (Bergamot) 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Full sun / partial shade Average height & spread 90 x 45cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that...
    Price: £4.50
  • Veronica longifolia Pink Eveline 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Full sun Average height & spread 50 x 60cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't have...
    Price: £4.50
  • Scabiosa 'Vivid Violet' 1ltr
    Common name: Pincushion Flower A clump-forming perennial with grey-green leaves and bright violet 'pincushion' flowerheads from July to August that are loved by butterflies. Average height and spread 2ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain' 1ltr
    Common name: Purple Rain Sage A lovely sage that was introduced by Piet Oudolf. It forms a low mound of softly hairy, mid-green leaves with striking deep purple flowers in summer from June to August. Loved by bees Average height 3ft, spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £5.50
  • Veronica longifolia 'First Glory' 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot - Meadow Rue Full Sun  Average height and spread 60 x 60cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case...
    Price: £4.50
  • Monarda didyma 'Lace Purple' (Bergamot) 1ltr pot
    Common name: Bergamont Scented foliage compact deciduous perennial Full sun / partial shade Anerage height & spread 40 x 60cm 1 plant in a 1ltr pot  Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at...
    Price: £4.50
  • Helenium 'Pumilum Magnificum' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Full sun  Average height & spread 50 x 60cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the unlikely case that we don't...
    Price: £4.50
  • Bergenia purpurascens 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: Elephant's Ears. Evergreen perennial with deep green leaves, purple-red beneath turning deep purple in winter. Flowers from March to April are rich purple-red on reddish brown stems. Low-maintenance and tolerates...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novi-belgii 'Snow Cushion' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot- Michaelmas Daisy    Full Sun / partial shade   Average height & spread   30 x 45cm     Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at...
    Price: £4.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Aster novi-belgii 'Normans Jubilee' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot Michaelmas Daisy. Produces a mass of large daisy-like flowers in soft pink from later summer into autumn when many other flowers are fading. Compact variety, ideal for a pot or the front of a border or Average height/spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novi-belgii 'Jenny' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy  Now re-classified as Symphyotrichum, but still commonly known as Asters. Forms a low mound with stems bearing double rpink daisy-like blooms in autumn. Loved by bees and a valuable plant for adding late burst of...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novi-belgii 'Fellowship' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Michaelmas daisy A robust, upright and late-flowering perennial with clusters of starry, yellow-centered pale pink flowers from late summer into autumn when many other flowers are beginning to fade.  A late source of nectar for...
    Price: £4.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Aster novi-belgii 'Alice Haslem' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot 'Michaelmas Daisy. A useful, late-flowering perennial with green leaves and masses of daisy-like rose-red flowerheads from late summer into autumn. Average height 1ft, spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.'   Bulk Offer Any 6...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novae-angliae 'Barrs Pink' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy A robust, late-flowering perennial with green foliage and upright stems bearing pretty semi-double, yellow-centred daisy-like pink flowerheads. Average height 3-4ft. Average spread 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster dumosus 'Island Barbados' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy Masses of pretty daisy-like purple flowers with yellow centres from May to September. Long-flowering and a fantastic source of pollen and nectar late in the season. Average height 1-2ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Green Wizard' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot - Cone Flower Full sun / Partial shade Average height & spread 150 x 45cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the...
    Price: £4.50
  • Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow' 1ltr pot
    1 plant in a 1ltr pot - Cone Flower Full sun / Partial shade Average height & spread 100 x 80cm   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £24 (discount will work out automatically at checkout)   Please note: In the...
    Price: £4.50