
Large evergreen shrubs

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    Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 125-150cm bush (45L)
    Common name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Was: £230.00
    Now: £215.00
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  • Pittosporum tobira 120_+ (30L)
    Common name: Japanese Mock Orange A large evergreen bushy shrub with lustrous deep green leaves with recurved margins. Clusters of sweetly scented, creamy white flowers are produced in summer. Can be grown as a hedge. Average height 8ft, spread 4ft...
    Price: £130.00
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  • Nandina 'Obsessed' (9L)
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo A compact, evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a stunning rich red when young. Pretty clusters of tiny white flowers with large yellow anthers in mid-summer are followed by bright red fruit in August. Average height 2...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Euonymus jap. 'Bravo' bush (9L)
    Common name: Spindle A bushy upright evergreen shrub. The leaves are long and smooth, plump but roughly lance-shaped. They are dark green in the centre and have a broad, slightly irregular, creamy white edging. Average height and spread 7ft Full sun/...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' bush 60-80cm (p30)
    Cpmmon name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to desired height or shape. Full Sun...
    Price: £75.00
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  • Viburnum davidii
    An evergreen bushy shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by metallic-blue fruit in June. Both male and female plants needed to produce fruit. Average height 3ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00 - £55.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Escallonia 'Donard Seedling' 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot An evergreen, arching shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty pink-tinted white flowers opening from pink buds are produced over a long period from may to July. Average height/spread 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Camellia 'Nuccio's Cameo' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with striking double soft pink blooms. Flowers appear in spring from March to May. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 9-10ft. Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Yellow' 175-200cm 10L
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of bright yellow berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Red Column' (Firethorn) 175/200cm
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Average height approx: 2.5m / 8ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Camellia wil. 'Volunteer'
    An evergreen plant hich produce strong large ruffled deep pink flowers. Flowers are produced in late autumn up until Christmas. Plant in ericaseous soil  Average Height 4-6ft Partial shade Best protected when temperatures drop below 12c   
    Price: £25.00
  • Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen' (80-100cm) 10ltr
    Common name: Holly (male) A dense evergreen upright shrub with purple stems and spiny green leaves with creamy white margins. This is a male variety that produces flowers and will pollinate female hollie plants. Average height 30ft+ (if left...
    Price: £48.00
  • Pyracantha cocc. 'Golden Paradise' 3L
    Common name: Firethorn A bushy shrub with reddish stems and lime-yellow leaves that are flushed with red in spring.  Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by orange-red berries. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Pyracantha 'Soleil d'Or' (Firethorn) 3L
    Common name: Firethorn  An upright shrub with red tinged stems and glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced from June to July followed by golden yellow berries in July. Average height: 2.5-2.5m / 6-8ft Full sun/partial shade. Hard
    Price: £9.50
  • Common name: Firethorn An evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and thorny stems. It produces clusters of frothy white flowers followed by bright orange berries. Full sun /partial shade Average height and spread 4-5ft Hardy    "A strong shrub that is...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Viburnum Lisa Rose (5L)
    Common name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from striking bright res buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit.  Average height: 1.2m - 4ft Average spread: 1.5m - 5ft. Full...
    Price: £15.00
  • Nandina 'Obsessed' (10L)
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo A compact, evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a stunning rich red when young. Pretty clusters of tiny white flowers with large yellow anthers in mid-summer are followed by bright red fruit in August. Average height 2...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Nandina 'Lemon Lime' 10L
    Common name: Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo A compact evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a vibrant lime green when young, aging to a slightly richer green as the season progresses. Sprays of small white flowers in summer are followed by red berries. For...
    Price: £48.00
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  • Pittosporum eugenioides 'Variegatum' 5L
    Common name: Japanese mock orange A very large bushy shrub with glossy, dark  green leaves, margined white. Clusters of sweetly scented, yellow flowers are produced in summer. Average height 12ft, spread 10ft. Flowers May to June. Full Sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £20.00
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  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 7.5L
    A large bushy shrub with mid-green leaves. An excellent evergreen foliage plant that makes a lovely foil for perennials. Good for screens and hedges and tolerant of partial shade. Tint bell-shaped, honey-scented, black-red flowers are produced from May...
    Price: £20.00
  • Fatsia (small)
    Common name: Castor oil plant, Japanese aralia  An evergreen shrub with palmately-lobed, glossy green leaves. Sheltered position Average height 6-8ft.
    Price: £4.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Argenteum' (30-40cm) 3L
    Common name: Silver Privet A conical, evergreen shrub with rich green leaves, margined creamy white. White flowers from August to September are followed by black berries. Average height 13-14ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £6.50
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    Ligustrum ovalifolium (Privet) 30-40cm - 3ltr
    Common name: Garden Privet Privet is a quick growing, evergreen/semi-evergreen shrub with oval, rich green leaves. It produces clusters of pretty white flowers from August to September (only if not pruned every year) followed by black berries in August...
    Price: £7.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Photinia Red Robin (60-80cm) 5ltr
    Bulk offer: 5+ plants £15.50 each / 20+ plants £13 each An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, that are a stunning bright red when young.  Clusters of small white flowers are produced in late spring/early summer if not pruned every year...
    Price: £19.50
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  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 5L
    A large bushy shrub with mid-green leaves. An excellent evergreen foliage plant that makes a lovely foil for perennials. Good for screens and hedges and tolerant of partial shade. Tint bell-shaped, honey-scented, black-red flowers are produced from May...
    Price: £22.00
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  • Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' - 5ltr
    A vigorous, spreading, evergreen shrub which has rich gold variegation. Strongly scented white flowers are produced from May to July, followed by red fruit in October to November.  Average height 6-8ft. Full sun  Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' 5L
    A large, bushy shrub with white leaves that are attractively  mottled with green. Bell-shaped, black-red flowers are borne from may to June. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft. Full sun in a sheltered position. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Escallonia 'Peach Blossom' - 2ltr
    A bushy evergreen, arching shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty peach-pink flowers with white centres are produced from May to July. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' bush 7.5L
    Common name: Californian lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with dark glossy leaves. It produces compact trusses of blue flowers in late summer/autumn.  Loved by butterflies and pollinators. Full sun /partial shade Average height and spread 8ft
    Price: £28.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Pyracantha 'Saphyr Rouge' - 2ltr
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Euonymus jap. 'Ovatus aureus' 3L
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
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  • Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' 40cm ball (12L)
    Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October, followed by orange speckled silver fruit in February...
    Price: £78.00
  • Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Vivileg' 18L
    Bulk 10+ rate = £83 £66.40 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster This is a new variety with particularly dark green leaves which create a real contrast with the yellow margins. It is particuar;y vigorous and dense, making it ideal for a...
    Price: £85.00
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  • Ceanothus Yankee Point - 1.2m trellis
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse bright blue flowers are produced from April to June. Can either be left to grow horizontally where it will reach 2-3ft or grown on wire or trellis where...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' (20L) 1.2-1.5m cane
    1 plant in a 20 litre pot Common name: California Lilac. A spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse bright blue flowers are produced from April to June. Can either be left to grow horizontally where it will reach 2-3ft or...
    Price: £68.00
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    Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 80-100cm (3L)
    BULK OFFER: 10+ £8 £6.40 Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen...
    Was: £9.00
    Now: £7.20
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  • Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' 5L
    Common name: Oleaster A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves with golden yellow margins, silvery beneath. Creamy white flowers followed by orange speckled silver fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
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    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' 100-125cm (20L)
    Bulk rate (10+ plants) = £75 £60 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October,...
    Was: £78.00
    Now: £62.40
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    Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' 80-100cm (10L)
    Bulk rate (10+ plants) = £42 £33.60 HEDGING OFFER Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September...
    Was: £45.00
    Now: £36.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' (60-80cm) 5L
    Bulk offer: 5+ plants £15.50 each / 20+ plants £13 each Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced...
    Price: £19.50
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  • Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree) - 12L
    Common name: Strawberry Tree A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red peeling bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with unusual, red strawberry like fruits are produced from August to October.  Average height 8-12ft. Full Sun.  Hardy.
    Price: £72.00
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  • Pittosporum 'Variegatum' - 5L
    A variegated, evergreen shrub with attractive grey-green leaves with a neat creamy white margin. Chocolatey tinted, purple flowers are borne in summer. Average height 5-6ft.  Full sun/partial shade Hardy but prefers a sheltered spot.
    Price: £20.00
  • Ceanothus 'Skylark'  3L
    Common name: Californian Lilac Bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Abundant dark blue flowers clothe the shrub from March to May. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
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  • Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree) 3L
    A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red peeling bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with unusual, red strawberry like fruits are produced from August to October. Average height 8-12ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Pyracantha 'Saphyr Yellow' (Jaune) 3L
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of bright yellow berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Elaeagnus x ebbingei (3L tall)
    Bulk rate 10+ = £10 each An evergreen shrub with dark green foliage, silvery underneath. Small scented white flowers are produced in autumn. Tough and tolerant and good for hedging. Average height/spread: 6-8ft (but prune to desired height) Aspect: Full...
    Price: £12.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus x ebbingei (80-100cm) 10L
    Common name: Oleaster.  A vigorous evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves, silvery underneath. A tough and tolerant plant that is good for hedging. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October followed by orange...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Elaeagnus ebb. 'Compacta' bush 120cm
    Common name: Oleaster A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October, followed by orange speckled silver fruit in February...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Ceanothus Delight 1.2m (20L).
    Common name: Californian Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, pale green leaves. Long panicles of dark blue flowers are produced in profusion from April to May. Average height 8ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £68.00
  • Ceanothus 'Puget Blue' 1.4m (20L)
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading evergreen shrub with large deeply veined, dark green leaves. Profuse dark blue flowers from March to April. Average height 6-8ft (if left un-pruned). Full Sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £68.00
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    Bulk Offers
    Osmanthus burkwoodii- 3ltr
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £9 £6.80 A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers that are borne from April to May. Average height: 9-12ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full sun/partial...
    Was: £9.50
    Now: £7.60
  • Mahonia 'Winter Sun' - 3ltr
    Common name: Oregon grape An architectural shrub with dark green leaves, sharply toothed, that take on red tints in winter. Bright yellow fragrant flowers in dense arching clusters are produced from late autumn to late winter. Average height 12-15ft...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Ceanothus 'Concha' - 2.4 metre trellis
    1 plant in a 35 litre pot on an 8ft bamboo trellis Common name: Californian Lilac A dense, evergreen shrub with arching branches and finely toothed, dark green leaves. In late spring, reddish purple buds open to dark blue flowers which clothe the...
    Price: £145.00
  • Pieris 'Flaming Silver' 2L
    A compact round evergreen shrub, with dark green leaves which are yellow when young.  Small white flowers are borne in spring. Average height: 1.5m - 5ft Average spread: 1m - 3ft Full Sun - Partial Shade  Hardy   
    Price: £12.00
  • Offer
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    Elaeagnus 'Limelight' - 3ltr
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £9 £7.20 each Common name: Oleaster A vigorous shrub with silvery young leaves, which become marked with yellow and pale green in the centres, silvery beneath. Creamy white flowers from September to October, followed...
    Was: £10.00
    Now: £8.00
  • Offer
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    Griselinia littoralis 80-100cm (5ltr)
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £19 £15.20 each Common name: New Zealand Broadleaf A dense upright, evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery light green leaves. Very small yellow/green flowers are borne in spring. Good in coastal areas. Average...
    Was: £22.00
    Now: £17.60
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  • Ceanothus 'Trewithen Blue' - 1.5-1.75m on cane
    1 plant in a 20ltr pot  Common name: Californian Lilac   A tall, evergreen shrub with toothed, dark green leaves.   Masses of fragrant mid-blue flowers are produced from April to June which are good for attracting pollinators into...
    Price: £68.00
  • Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' - 1.4-1.5 metre trellis
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse bright blue flowers are produced from April to June. Can either be left to grow horizontally where it will reach 2-3ft or grown on wire or trellis where...
    Price: £72.00
  • Ceanothus 'Trewithen Blue' - 1.5m trellis
    1 plant in a 20 litre pot Common name: California Lilac A tall, evergreen shrub with toothed, dark green leaves. Masses of fragrant mid-blue flowers are produced from April to June. Perfect trained against a sunny wall. RHS Award of Garden Merit...
    Price: £72.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Osmanthus burkwoodii- 5ltr
    Bulk offer: 5+ plants £15.50 each / 20+ plants £13 each A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers that are borne from April to May.  Average height 9-12ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £19.50
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    Pyracantha 'Orange Glow' - 3ltr
    Common name: Firethorn An evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and thorny stems. It produces clusters of frothy white flowers followed by bright orange berries. Full sun /partial shade Average height and spread 4-5ft Hardy    "A...
    Price: £8.50
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    Ilex aquifolium 'Argentea Marginata' (60-80cm) 3ltr
    BULK OFFER 10+ = £11 £8.80 Common name: Holly (Female) An evergreen shrub with spiny, silver margined, glossy, dark green leaves. Small white flowers in summer are followed by abundant bright red berries. Self-pollinating Average height...
    Was: £12.00
    Now: £9.60
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