



Conifers are evergreen so perfect for providing year-round interest or screening. We usually stock a wide variety of types and sizes from low-growing miniature conifers to big screening trees


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  • Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir) 36L
    Douglas fir is a tall conifer with soft dark green needles and distinctive pointed brown cones that hang pendant-like from the branches. The bark is smooth and grey when young, turning a dark, fissured brown with age. Douglas fir has a columnar shape,...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 300/350cm
    Currently approx. height 300-350cm Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen screening...
    Price: £220.00
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  • Offer
    Picea glauca 'Biesenthaler Fruhling' 3L
    A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a neat, cone-shaped habit.  It has attractive bright green needles & the new shoots are creamy yellow. Annual growth rate 2-6cm. Eventual height up to 30ft (20-50 years) Full sun. Hardy.
    Was: £12.00
    Now: £9.50
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  • Cypresses Goldcrest Wilma 4L
    Common name: Monterey Cypress A handsome evergreen conifer with lemon scented bright yellow foliage. Average height 6-9ft after 10 years. Ideal for containers. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Pinus parviflora 'Negishii' 5L
    Common name: Japanese white pine A striking dwarf tree which forms a flat top when mature has deep bluish-green leaves with bluish-white inner surfaces.  Ideal for creating a bonsai. Slow growing (5-10cm per year!) so perfect for pots or small spaces...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Pinus nigra 'Richard' 5L
    Common name: Black pine A upright tree with a branching habit - great as a statement tree.   It has dark green foliage and produces tan coloured candles with new bright green needles in the spring.  Slow-growing (8-10cm per year).  Average height 9ft...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Pinus mugo 'Zundert' 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A compact dwarf conifer with golden green foliage but yellow in the winter.  Slow growing (5-10cm per year!) so perfect for pots or small spaces. Average height/spread 3ft. Full sun in well-drained soil. Hardy (if not...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Pinus mugo 'Sunshine' 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A rounded conifer with bright green needles that produces dark brown cones.    It is very slow-growing with annual growth of 8-12cm Average height 9ft (20-50 years). Full sun in well-drained soil. Hardy.
    Price: £35.00
  • Pinus pumila 'Globe' 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Siberian pine A small, slow-growing upright confifer with soft silver-blue needles.   It is very slow-growing with annual growth of 5-10cm Average height 9ft (30-50 years). Full sun in well-drained soil. Hardy.
    Price: £35.00
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  • Pinus pumila 'Barmstedt' 5L
    Common name: Ghost pine An upright evergreen conifer with long twisted silvery-blue needles.  It produces purplish-violet cones that fade to reddish brown with age.  It is slow growing - It grows around 6" per year (15cm) & can eventually grow to 9ft...
    Price: £35.00
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  • Pinus pumila 'Nana' 5L
    Common name: Japanese stone pine A shrubby, evergreen conifer with a spreading habit.  It is densly covered with thick, bluish green needles borne in clusters of five. It produces purplish-violet cones that fade to reddish brown with age.  It grows 6-12"...
    Price: £35.00
  • Pinus mugo 'Green Candle' 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A dwarf rounded conifer with short dense light green needle-like leaves turning golden yellow in winter. It gets its name from the colour of its male cones which form at the base of the new candles throughout the plant. ...
    Price: £35.00
  • Pinus mugo 'Ophir' 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A dwarf rounded conifer with short dense light green needle-like leaves turning golden yellow in winter.  Occasionally pine cones form. Slow growing (1" per year!) so perfect for pots or small spaces. Average...
    Price: £35.00
  • Taxodium distichum 'Shawnee Brave' 4L
    Common name: Swamp Cypress A large deciduous conifer that is well-suited to growing in damp or even waterlogged soils. Has a narrow growth habit and pale narrow green foliage that turns rusty-coloured in autumn. Produces cones in autumn. Average...
    Price: £58.00
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  • Pinus mugo 'Humpy' 3L
    Common name: Dwarf Mountain Pine A dwarf neat conifer with short dense bright green needle-like leaves. Prominent purple-brown winter buds. Average height 1ft & spread 2ft.  Full sun. Frost hardy. 
    Price: £28.00
  • Offer
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    Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 80-100cm (3L)
    BULK OFFER: 10+ £8 £6.40 Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense evergreen...
    Was: £9.00
    Now: £7.20
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  • Juniperus 'Blue Arrow' (Juniper) 3L
    Common name: Rocky Mountain Juniper A narrow, upright conifer with red-brown bark. It has attractive, vivid-blue leaves which lie flat to the branches. Excellent conifer for small gardens. Average height 6ft after 10 years. Full sun. Hardy.    
    Price: £12.00
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  • Cupressocyparis leylandii (Green) 2-2.5m
    Currently approx. height 2-2.5m, supplied in a 50ltr pot Common name: Leyland Cypress A fast growing coniferous tree with flat rays of dark green leaves. Leylandii can be easily clipped into hedges 6ft and above. They provide an excellent, dense...
    Price: £45.00
  • Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood) 60-80cm
    Common name: Coast redwood A fast growing, very large and long-lived evergreen tree. Known for its distinctive fibrous, soft reddish-brown bark. It produces small hanging brown cones. Perfect to grow as a specimen tree. Height: 12m +
    Price: £60.00
  • Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood) 100/125cm
    Common name: Coast redwood A fast growing, very large and long-lived evergreen tree. Known for its distinctive fibrous, soft reddish-brown bark. It produces small hanging brown cones. Perfect to grow as a specimen tree. Height: 12m +
    Price: £75.00
  • Chamaecyparis laws. 'Dik's Weeping'
    'Lawson Cypress. A very unusual variety of conifer with a exceptionally narrow habit. The top section of the tree hangs down in an elegant pendulous shape. The silvery blue/green needles create a year-round feature. Good for a small space. Average height...
    Price: £72.00
  • Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood)
    A neat narrow deciduous conical tree with bright green, feathery leaves turning gold in autumn. It has attractive deep cinnamon coloured bark. Produces brown round cones. Average height 40ft in 20 years (will grow taller eventually). Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £30.00
  • Sequoiadendron giganteum 'Glaucum' - 3ltr pot
    Common name: Blue sequoia A tree of unique appearance, this unusual form of the Califonian evergeen tree has a narrow conical shape & beautiful blue-green, glaucous foliage.  Height: 25ft in 10 years.  Full sun, partial shade. 
    Price: £22.00
  • Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar) 175-200cm potted
    1 potted plant approx 175-200cm tall   A tall conifer with cinnamon-red bark and aromatic bright green leaves that are tinted bronze in winter. Thuja are vigorous, but are ideal for formal or informal hedging if clipped regularly (preferably twice a year...
    Price: £60.00
  • Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar) 150-175cm potted
    1 potted plant approx 150-175cm tall   A tall conifer with cinnamon-red bark and aromatic bright green leaves that are tinted bronze in winter. Thuja are vigorous, but are ideal for formal or informal hedging if clipped regularly (preferably twice a...
    Price: £44.00
  • Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar) 125-150cm potted
    1 potted plant approx 125-150cm tall   A tall conifer with cinnamon-red bark and aromatic bright green leaves that are tinted bronze in winter. Thuja are vigorous, but are ideal for formal or informal hedging if clipped regularly (preferably twice a year...
    Price: £33.00
  • Pinus sylvestris - 100/120cm (10ltr)
    Common name: Scot's Pine A tall conical to columnar, evergreen tree with blue-green, slightly twisted needles. Produces green cones ripening brown. An attractive specimen tree for large gardens. Tolerant of dry soil and wind resistant. Average height:...
    Price: £42.00
  • Goldcrest 'Wilma'
    Common name: Monterey Cypress A handsome evergreen conifer with lemon scented bright yellow foliage. Average height 6-9ft after 10 years. Ideal for containers. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Pinus sylvestris 175/200cm (45ltr pot)
    1 tree in a 45 litre container, current height 6-7ft (1.75-2m) Scot's Pine. One of the few conifers native to the UK. A tall conical to columnar, evergreen tree with blue-green, slightly twisted needles. Produces green cones ripening brown. Average...
    Price: £195.00
  • Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar) - 10-12ft
    These tree have been grown on here at the nursery and are variable in shape and height ranging from 9-10ft up to 12-13ft tall (not including pot) and will create an instant, year-round evergreen screen. Please enquire for availability on the different...
    Price: £195.00
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  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' (Irish Yew) 3ft
    Current height 3ft (not including pot) Irish Yew. A narrowly columnar evergreen conifer with narrow dark green needles. Grows in a neat-column shape without the need to prune. Very tolerant of dry shade and many different soil types. Average height...
    Price: £22.00