
Mature Ornamental Trees


Mature ornamental Trees

The trees on this page are already a substantial size and would make perfect specimen trees.

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  • Tilia americana 'Redmond' 10/12cm
    Common name: American Lime An attractive species of lime with large leaves and fragrant yellow flowers in summer. Good for planting in avenues due to its narrow spread (approx 20ft). It is not often cultivated in the UK but is tolerant of most soil...
    Price: £120.00
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  • Juglans regia (Common Walnut) 6/8cm
    A mature tree with a 6/8cm girth (trunk circumference) Common name: Common Walnut A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young. It produces green to yellow flowers rrom May to June followed by edible nuts...
    Price: £85.00 - £95.00
  • Crataegus lavallei - 6/8cm
    Common name: Lavalle Hawthorn A sparingly thorny, deciduous small tree with a dense broad crown and glossy oval leaves turning red in late autumn and falling late. It produces white flowers that are popular with bees and bears large berries afterwards...
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
  • Betula papyrifera - 8/10cm
    Common name: Canoe Birch,Paper Birch. A conical tree with white bark, peeling bark which is orange-brown when newly exposed. Dark green leaves turn yellow to orange in autumn. Yellow catkins are produced  in spring.  Average height 25ft (if left...
    Price: £85.00 - £120.00
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  • Betula pendula 'Purpurea' - 6/8cm
    Common name: Purple-Leaf Birch Conical tree with pendulous branches and peeling purple-tinged bark. Dark purple leaves turn reddish in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Average height 15ft (if left unpruned) Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Betula pendula 'Fastigiata' - 6/8cm
    Common name: Pyramid Birch An unusual birch tree with a narrow, upright habit and attractive peeling white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Average height 65ft+ Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Betula nigra 'Heritage' - 6/8cm
    Common name: River Birch A tall tree with graceful, arching branches. It is known for it's beautiful cinnamon coloured bark, that gradually peels to reveal shining cream and white bark underneath plus attractive diamond shaped foliage. Well suited to...
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Betula albosinensis 'Fascination' - 8/10cm
    Common name: Chinese Red Birch A popular alternative to the white stemmed Birch. This variety has a white/silver bark which peels back to reveal a beautiful coppery pink colour. Produces foliage in early spring, which turns a rich gold in autumn. Average...
    Price: £112.00 - £150.00
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  • Morus kagayme 'Fruitless'
    'A rare variety of Mulberry tree that has a spreading habit but stays quite compact. The luscious glossy green leaves are lobed and create a lovely dense shade beneath, and stay on the tree very late into autumn, sometimes even towards Christmas. Does...
    Price: £72.00
  • Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' 6/8cm (10L)
    Common name: Cherry Plum, Myrobalan A small, spreading tree with dark purple leaves red when young. Pretty pink flowers are produced in early spring with contrast with the dark leaves. Average height 25-30ft (if left unpruned). Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £90.00
  • Juglans regia (Common Walnut) 8/10cm
    A mature tree with a 8/10cm girth (trunk circumference) Common name: Common Walnut A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young. It produces green to yellow flowers rrom May to June followed by edible nuts contained...
    Price: £100.00 - £110.00
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  • Juglans regia (Common Walnut) 10/12cm
    A mature tree with a 10/12cm girth (trunk circumference) 'Common Walnut. A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young, green to yellow flowers followed by edible nuts contained within a round fruit. Average Height...
    Price: £105.00
  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 8/10cm
    A mature tree with a girth (trunk circumference) of 8/10cm Common name: Black Walnut A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit...
    Price: £100.00 - £150.00
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  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 200/250cm
    200/250cm bare root tree Black Walnut. A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit in August. Average height (if left un pruned)...
    Price: £42.00
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  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 10/12cm
    A mature tree with a 10/12cm girth (trunk circumference) Black Walnut. A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit in August...
    Price: £105.00
  • Ulmus hollandica 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' 8/10cm
    Mature tree with a girth (trunk circumference) of 8/10cm: Bareroot tree A hybrid Elm tree with excellent resistance to Dutch Elm diseases that was developed in the 1950's from a cross between the Japanese and Siberian Elm. A lovely ornamental tree with...
    Price: £75.00
  • Ulmus 'Lobel' (Lobel Elm) 8/10cm
    8/10cm girth: Bareroot tree Lobel Elm. A beautiful hybrid elm tree with an upright habit that shows good resistance to Dutch Elm disease. Attractive crinkley-edged leaves emerge with bronze tints before turning dark green as they mature...
    Price: £75.00
  • Ulmus 'Columella' (Columella Elm) 8/10cm
    8/10cm girth: Bareroot tree Columella Elm. A beautiful, narrow tree with dark green, crinkley-edged leaves that turn golden in autumn. Clusters of lime-green flowers appear in spring. This variety shows excellent resistance to Dutch Elm disease. Great...
    Price: £75.00
  • Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' (Small-leaved Lime) - 8/10cm
    Common name: Small-leaved Lime An upright, variety particularly suited to street planting or avenues. A conical tree with rounded dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. Produces clusters of pale yellow flowers in mid-summer. Average height...
    Price: £105.00 - £120.00
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  • Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' (Weeping Pear) -6/8cm
    A mature tree with a 6-8cm girth (trunk circumference), current approximate height 8-10ft Weeping Pear. A small weeping tree with narrow grey-felted leaves. It produces clusters of creamy white flowers in spring followed by green pears in May...
    Price: £75.00
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  • Amelanchier canadensis - 6/8cm
    6/8cm girth: Bareroot feathered tree Amelanchier canadensis is often grown as a multi-stemmed tree. Small blue black fruit follow the racemes of blossom. The leaves are soft and grey-green when young, later turning mid green then yellow-orange in...
    Price: £85.00
  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) 8/10cm
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £120.00
  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) 10/12cm (bare root)
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £150.00
  • Salix sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' 6/8cm
    Common name: Golden Weeping Willow A spreading tree with slender pendent, yellow-green stems and bright green leaves. Produces slender yellow catkins in spring, with the leaves. Average height 30-40ft (if left unpruned). Full sun. Hardy...
    Price: £70.00 - £95.00
  • Salix sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' (Weeping Willow) 8/10cm
    Common name: Golden Weeping Willow A spreading tree with slender pendent, yellow-green stems and bright green leaves. Produces slender yellow catkins in spring, with the leaves. Average height 30-40ft (if left unpruned). Full sun. Hardy...
    Price: £85.00 - £105.00
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  • Malus 'Red Jade' - 6/8cm (45ltr)
    1 container-grown tree (45ltr), current approx height 8-10ft Weeping Crab Apple. A lovely weeping variety which produces white flowers in profusion followed by bright red fruit. The fruits can be made into delicious jelly, are highly decorative and an...
    Price: £150.00
  • Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' 6/8cm (45ltr)
    Ornamental Cherry. A narrow tree with yellowish bronze leaves in spring. Pretty semi-double pale pink flowers are produced in early spring. Great for small spaces. Average height 20ft (if left unpruned). Full sun. Hardy. Ornamental cherries are excellent...
    Price: £150.00
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  • Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' 8/10cm
    Common name: Ornamental Cherry An upright spreading tree, columnar when young, with striking, double deep pink flowers that are borne from April to May. The leaves emerge a dark bronze, turning green later. Excellent autumn colour. Average height...
    Price: £105.00 - £165.00
  • Prunus sargentii - 8/10cm
    Common name: Sargent's Cherry A lovely small ornamental cherry tree that is native to Japan and bears an abundance of single pink flowers in spring from March to April. The foliage emerges a bronze colour and takes on bright red and orange autumn colour...
    Price: £120.00 - £135.00
  • Sorbus 'Sheerwater Seedling' 6/8cm (30ltr)
    A mature 6-8cm girth tree in a 30 litre pot, current approx height 8-10ft 'Upright Mountain Ash Tree. This variety has a particularly neat, upright canopy, so good for small spaces. The toothed mid green leaves turn orange, red and purple in autumn...
    Price: £150.00
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  • Crataegus laevigata 'Rosea Plena' 8/10cm
    Common name: May, Midland Hawthorn A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double white flowers, ageing to pink from April to May, followed by red or orange-red fruit in June Average height 15ft+ (if left un-pruned Full...
    Price: £120.00 - £165.00
  • Castanea sativa (Sweet Chestnut) - 8/10cm
    Common name: Sweet Chestnut Valued for their unique foliage, often oblong to oval in shape with distinctive toothed margins. This vigorous tree often develops small heavily scented cream flowers in summer followed by catkins in late summer/early autumn...
    Price: £120.00 - £150.00
  • Malus 'Evereste' - 8/10cm
    Common name: Crabapple A conical tree with attractive white flowers produced from red buds from May to June, followed by red-flushed orange-yellow fruits in July. The fruits can be made into delicious jelly, are highly decorative and an important food...
    Price: £120.00 - £140.00
  • Acer platanoides 'Drummondii' 6/8cm (45ltr)
    Girth (circumference of trunk): 10/12cm Norway maple. An attractive deciduous tree which has variegated green leaves margined with white. The leaves are a classic maple shape and in autumn turn a beautiful clear yellow. Average height 30-40ft but...
    Price: £150.00
  • Malus 'John Downie' (Crabapple) - 6/8cm
    John Downie is one of the best fruiting crab apple trees, with a profusion of white flowers opening from pale pink buds from May to June, followed by attractive orange and red fruits in July which are perfect for making jelly. These are also highly...
    Price: £85.00 - £150.00
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  • Sorbus 'White Wax' - 6/8cm (30ltr)
    Mature 6-8cm girth tree in a 30 litre pot. 'Mountain Ash, Rowan. A small elegant tree with pinnate, dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers in late spring are followed by drooping clusters of pure white berries (which tend not to be eaten by birds)...
    Price: £150.00
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  • Malus 'Direktor Moerland' (Crabapple) - 8/10cm
    Common name: Crab apple A small crab apple tree with dark red leaves that  fade to a dark coppery bronze colour as the summer goes on.  It produces deep red wine coloured blossom in profusion during the spring months Average height if left unpruned 25...
    Price: £120.00 - £140.00
  • Morus nigra (Black Mulberry) - 250/275cm
    Black Mulberry. A spreading tree with dark green leaves, velvety underneath. Cup-shaped green flowers are produced from May to June, followed by edible green fruit ripening to red and then dark purple in August. Average height 25ft+. Hardy.
    Price: £135.00
  • Morus alba (White Mulberry) - 250/275cm
    A spreading tree with fresh yellow-green veined leaves. It produces cup-shaped green flowers from May to June, which is followed by white fruit which ripens to pink and red during August. Max Height 10m. Max Spread 10m. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £135.00
  • Malus 'Direktor Moerland' (Crabapple) - 6/8cm
    Common name: Crab apple A small crab apple tree with dark red leaves that  fade to a dark coppery bronze colour as the summer goes on.  It produces deep red wine coloured blossom in profusion during the spring months Average height if left unpruned 25...
    Price: £85.00 - £95.00
  • Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) 6/8cm
    A deciduous, elegant tree that can be grown as a specimen tree or trimmed into a hedge. The leaves are toothed and mid-green. Yellow male and greenish female catkins are produced in spring. Perfect grown as a hedge, where it will retain it's brown leaves...
    Price: £85.00
  • Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 12/14cm (15ft)
    This mature potted tree is currently approx. 15ft tall   Black Walnut. A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves. It produces greenish yellow flowers from May to June, followed by edible walnuts contained within a round fruit in August...
    Price: £120.00
  • Liquidambar 'Worplesdon' (Sweet Gum) 8/10cm
    Common name: Sweet Gum A broadly conical, deciduous tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning purple then orange-yellow in autumn. Leaves are followed by mace-like fruit clusters Average height 18ft in 10 years. Average eventual height 80ft. Full...
    Price: £120.00
  • Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer (Callery Pear)  6/8cm
     Common name: Callery Pear An upright, dense, deciduous tree with glossy green leaves that turn a magnificent mix of red and purple in autumn. It produces pretty bowl-shaped white flowers in late spring, sometimes followed by dark purple fruit in June...
    Price: £90.00 - £120.00
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  • Gleditsia 'Sunburst' - 6/8cm.
    Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst'Honey Locust. A tree with handsome fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green later in the summer. In autumn the leaves turn back to a bright yellow. Attractive long seed pods are also produced in...
    Price: £135.00
  • Crataegus 'Paul’s Scarlet' - 8/10cm girth
    Common name: May, Midland Hawthorn A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Abundant clusters of double scarlet flowers are produced in spring, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Average height 15-20ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial...
    Price: £120.00 - £135.00
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