
All Perennials and Grasses A-Z


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All Products

  • Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' - 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot Common name: Lilyturf An evergreen perennial with narrow dark green leaves and tall, dense spikes of bright violet-mauve flowers that are produced from September to November. Good for shady aread. Average height 1.5ft, spread 1-2ft...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Cornus canadensis 2ltr
    Common name: Creeping Dogwood A creeping perennial with rich mid-green leaves. The small green flowers are surrounded by attractive long-lasting white bracts, which are followed by red berries. Ideal groundcover for a damp shaded area. Average...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Hellebore 'Ice n Roses' in gold pot
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £32.00
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  • Liriope 'Samantha' 2L
    Common name: Lilyturf A versatile and undemanding evergreen perennial with long, narrow grass-like leaves and dense spikes of soft purple-pink flowers from late summer into autumn. Average height 1ft, spread 1-2ft. Full sun/Partial shade/Full shade...
    Price: £10.00
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  • Liriope 'Royal Purple' 2L
    Great for ground cover, a semi evergreen perennial producing glossy dark green leaves and upright deep purple flowers.  ·      Height: 60cm / 2ft  ·      Spread: 60cm /2ft ·      Full shade  ·      Season of interest: Late summer early autumn ·      Cut...
    Price: £12.00
  • Liriope 'Big Blue' (2L)
    Common name: Lilyturf An evergreen perennial with narrow dark green leaves and tall, dense spikes of bright violet-mauve flowers that are produced from September to November. Good for shady areas.  Average height 1.5ft,  Average spread...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Liriope 'Monroe White' 2L
    Great for ground cover, a semi evergreen  perennial producing glossy dark green leaves and upright large white flowers.  ·      Height: 50cm / 1.5ft  ·      Spread: 50cm /1...
    Price: £9.50
  • Liriope muscari 'Lilac Wonder' 2L
    Common name: Lily turf A clump-forming evergreen perennial with dark green strappy leaves.  It produces spikes of blue flowers during the autumn.  Average height 1ft.  Partial or full shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Polystichum munitum - 7L deep
    Common name: Sword fern An attractive fern with divided, leathery fronds, tapering at the ends, forming neat shuttlecocks. Average height 2-3ft Shaded site Hardy Note: Remove old fronds in Spring after last frosts to encourage new growth
    Price: £20.00
  • Polypodium cambricum 'Oakleyae' - 7L deep
    Common name: Welsh polypody 'Oakleyae' An attractive dwarf fern with evergreen fronds that can be grown in cracks in walls or paving and will slowly creep to create a green carpet. Average height 1ft, spread 3ft. Partial shade/Full shade.  Hardy.
    Price: £20.00
  • Polystichum setiferum 'Proliferum' - 7L deep
    Common name: Soft Shield Fern An attractive fern with shuttlecock-like, arching soft, dark green fronds. The fronds have a particulary finely cut feathery appearance that contrasts well with other foliage. Average height 4ft, spread 3ft. Excellent for...
    Price: £20.00
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  • Dianthus 'Doris' 1ltr
    Common name: Garden pink A modern pink forming a compact mound of evergreen silvery green foliage. Scented double pale pink flowers with dark pink centres are produced in early summer from May to June. Average height 1ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Geranium phaeum 'Album' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A robust and easy to grow perennial with soft green leaves. Small, pure white rounded flowers are produced on tall wiryt stems from May to June. Well suited to shady areas. Average height 2ft, spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £9.50
  • Geranium 'Spinners'  3ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A robust and easy to grow  perennial with deeply divided green leaves. Numerous deep purplish blue bowl-shaped flowers are produced from May to August. Average height 2.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
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  • Heuchera 'Eternal Flame' 3ltr
    Common name: Coral Bells A gorgeous foliage plant with lobed yellow foliage that has coppery markings along the veins and develops rich orange tones throughout the season.  Delicate sprays of rose pink flowers appear from June to August...
    Price: £11.00
  • Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Chile Black' 1ltr
    Common name: Sweet Scabious A free-flowering perennial that is loved by pollinating insects. Dramatic, deep claret-purple, almost black pincushion-like flower heads are produced in the summer which are highly attractive to butterflies and bees. The...
    Price: £4.50
  • Cerastium tomentosum 1ltr
    Common name: Snow-in-summer Rampant spreading low alpine with silvery foliage and masses of star-shaped white flowers from April to June.  Average height 5cm. Full sun. Hardy. 
    Price: £4.50
  • Physalis alkekengi franchetii 1ltr pot
    Common name: Chinese Lantern A perennial with nodding cream bell-shaped flowers in summer, followed by papery 'lantern' calyces which are deep orange in colour and roughly 5cm long. Lovely for the vase as well as the garden. Average height/spread 3ft...
    Price: £4.50
  • Aster novi-belgii 'Chatterbox' 3ltr
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy Said to be named after the breaders Granddaughter! A late season star with a mass of small lilac pink daisy-like flowers from August to October. Average height 1.5ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
  • Astrantia major 'Claret' 3ltr
    Common name: Masterwort A clump-forming perennial that produces umbels of deep red flowers during the summer.  Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun, partial shade or full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
  • Heuchera 'Wildberry'-3L
    Common name: Coral Bells A beautiful evergreen perennial grown for its attractive leaves, this variety is deep purple with delicate sprays of rose pink flowers from June to August. Average height 1ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
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  • Geranium 'Mary Anne' 3ltr
    Common name: Hardy Geranium, Cranesbill A low-growing and spreading perennial that produces an abundance of large vibrant purple flowers with white centres from throughout summer and into early autumn. Average height 1.5ft, spread 2-3ft. Full...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Geranium x oxonianum 'Miss Heidi' 3ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A pretty hardy geranium with divided green leaves and an abundance of pink flowers with purple veins from May to September. Average height 1-1.5ft, Average spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone 'Frilly Knickers'-3L
    Common name: Windflower A lovely variation on 'Dreaming Swan' with eye-catching ruffled blooms that have a flushed with soft violet. The flowers are held aloft on wiry stems from July to October. Great for brightening up a border in part shade...
    Price: £11.00
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 1ltr
    Common name: Ivy-leaved Cyclamen A tuberous perennial with deep green leaves, often with silver marbling. Delicate pink flowers with deep maroon at the base of each petal, are produced before the leaves in autumn. Flowers January to March and will...
    Price: £5.50
  • Actaea 'Chocoholic' 3ltr
    Common name: Fairy Candle A striking perennial with rich deep purple foliage and tall arching stems bearing fragrant, pale pink, bottlebrush-like flowers in late summer and early autumn. Attractive to butterflies. Average height 5ft. Partial shade...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Actaea simplex 'Hillside Black Beauty' 3ltr
    Common name: Fairy Candle A tall perennial with very deep purple foliage and upright arching stems bearing racemes of fragrant, light pink, bottlebrush-like flowers in late summer and early autumn. Attractive to butterflies. Average height 5-6ft. Partial...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus x grandiflora 'Ice N' Roses Red' 3ltr
    Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, deep red flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Robust and easy to grow. Average height 1.5ft. Partial to full shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus Spring Promise 'Hope' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose Evergreen perennial with leathery mid-green, divided leaves. Numerous clusters of elegant saucer-shaped, maroon flowers are produced from midwinter to early spring. Average height 1.5ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus Double yellow spotted 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen foliage and saucer-shaped double yellow flowers with plum speckles. Brings some welcome colour to the garden from January to April when little else is flowering...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus 'Double White Picotee' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen foliage and saucer-shaped double white flowers flushed and edged in plum. Brings some welcome colour to the garden from January to April when little else is flowering...
    Price: £11.00
  • Helleborus x hybridus 'Double Purple' 3ltr
    Common name: Lenten Rose An elegant winter-flowering perennial with glossy, evergreen divided foliage and saucer-shaped double flowers in gorgeous shades of rich deep purple and black from January to April. Brings some welcome colour to the garden when...
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone x hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte'-3L
    Common name: Japanese Anemone A lovely, late-flowering perennial with large semi-double pink flowers on graceful arching stems from August to September.  Average height 3-4ft, spread 2ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy.   'Lovely for adding colour to...
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind'-3L
    Common name: Windflower Erect perennial with suckering shoots, mid-green leaves. Semi-double white flowers from August to September. Average height 3-4ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.   1 plant in a 3L pot Bulk Offer Any 3 perennials or grasses in 3ltr...
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone hybrida 'Royal Pink '-3L
    Common name: Windflower A clump forming upright perennial, producing dark rose-pink flowers throughout out the summer.  Average height 1-2ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy   "Perfect for lightening up shady spots with its pink flowers"
    Price: £11.00
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  • Anemone hybrida 'Royal Blush '-3L
    Common name: Windflower A clump forming upright perennial, producing deep rose-pink flowers throughout out the summer.  Average height 1ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy   "Perfect for lightening up shady spots with its pink flowers"
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone hybrida 'Pamina '-3L
    Common name: Windflower A clump forming upright perennial, producing rose-coloured semi-double flowers throughout out the summer.  Average height 3ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy   "Perfect for lightening up shady spots with its pink flowers"
    Price: £11.00
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  • Anemone hybrida 'Honorine  Jobert '-3L
    Common name: Windflower A clump forming upright perennial, producing pure white semi-double flowers throughout out the summer.  Average height 4ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy   "Perfect for lightening up shady spots with its white flowers"
    Price: £11.00
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  • Anemone hybrida 'Andrea Atkinson'-3L
    Common name: Windflower An excellent late flowering perennial It produces single white flowers, sometimes pink-tinged on reverse, with golden yellow stamens are produced on arching, single stems from August to September Average height 2-3ft Full...
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone hupehensis 'Praecox'-3L
    Common name: Windflower Erect perennial with suckering shoots, dark green leaves. It produces single, purple-pink flowers from August to September. Average height 2.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy   "Happy in a shady border to add some interest"    
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone 'Ruffled Swan'-3L
    Common name: Windflower A compact, upright. clump-forming perennial with toothed dark green leaves  It produces numerous white, lilac backed, semi-double cupshaped nodding flowers with yellow centres from summer to autumn. Average height 2-3ft Full...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Anemone 'Prinz Heinrich'-3L
    Common name: Windflower A late flowering perennial that is perfect for the backs of borders It produces clusters of pink flowers on spreading growth from midsummer onwards bringing late colour to the border. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft Full...
    Price: £11.00
  • Anemone 'Elfin Swan'-3L
    Common name: Windflower A compact, upright. clump-forming perennial with toothed dark green leaves  It produces numerous icy white, lilac-blue backed, semi-double cupshaped nodding flowers with yellow centres from summer to autumn. Average height 1...
    Price: £11.00
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  • Primula elatior (Oxlip) 7cm
    Oxlip. A native woodland perennial with rosettes of soft green leaves.  Stems of sulphur-yellow flowers in spring from April to May. Average height/spread 15cm to 20cm. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £2.50
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  • Salvia marvel mix
    Common name: Balkan Clary A bushy, upright perennial with aromatic, greyish green leaves and a profusion of deep rose pink, white or blue flowers on strong, upright spires from July to September. Excellent plant for attracting bees and other...
    Price: £7.50
  • Salvia greggii 'Mirage' Mix 1.5L
    A bushy perennial that blooms prolifically with racemes of red, white, pink and bi-colour flowers produced from June to September.  The mid to dark green leaves are small and aromatic and evergreen if they get through the winter frosts. Average...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Agapanthus 'Big Blue' 2L
    Common name: African Blue Lily A clump-forming perennial with strap-shaped deep green leaves. Clusters of open bell-shaped, rich blue flowers are produced from July to August. Average height 2-3ft.   Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
  • Euphorbia 'Red Wing' 2L
    A compact, evergreen perennial with dark green foliage that gradually takes on deep red tints. The long-lasting flowers are vivid lime green/yellow and emerge in spring. Average height 2ft, spread 2ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
  • Polemonium 'Bressingham Purple' 2L
    Common name: Jacob's Ladder A clump-forming perennial with ferny, dark purple foliage. It produces light, violet-blue flowers May to June. Average height 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Anemone 'Honorine Jobert' 2L
    Common name: Windflower A popular variety with elegant single white flowers, flushed pink on the reverse and golden yellow stamens. The blooms are held high upon swaying stems from August to September. Average height 3-4ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
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  • Libertia grandiflora 2L
    Common name: New Zealand Satin Flower An evergreen perennial with dark-green, narrow grassy leaves. White flowers bloom from May to July, followed by attractive seedpods in autumn which turn black over time.  Looks good planted with grasses...
    Price: £12.00
  • Astrantia 'Ruby Wedding' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort, Hattie's Pincushion Striking dark crimson flowers from June to August and attractive lobed foliage. Great for attracting pollinators into the garden and for adding colour to shadier parts of the garden. Average height 2ft,...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Pride' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces elegant pink pincushion-like flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of elegant pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut flowers...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Cerise Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of deep cerise pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Offer
    Digitalis (mix)
    Common name: Foxglove Tall, stately spikes of large peach or white flowers, with burgundy spotting are produced in early summer. If deadheaded, smaller spries will be produced from the main stem. The flowers are highly attractive to pollinating insects...
    Was: £7.00
    Now: £4.00
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  • Offer
    Dianthus 'Pink & Proud'
    OFFER £4 £3 Common name: Pot Carnation A bi-colour variety with evergreen foliage and sweetly scented flowers that are a pretty mix of rose pink, dark pink and cream. Great for containers or at the front of a border where they will form...
    Was: £4.00
    Now: £3.00
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  • Nepeta 'Walkers Low' 1ltr
    Common name: Catmint A low-growing perennial with aromatic green leaves and mauve-blue flowers from June to August. Average height 1ft, spread 1.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £6.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Achillea (Yarrow) Mixed Varieties
    OFFER 3 FOR £15 Common name: Yarrow Packed heads of flowers in a mix of colours are displayed above deep green ferny leaves in summer. Great for adding a naturalistic feel and attracting pollinators into the garden. Average height 2-3ft Full...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Offer
    Dahlia 'Sunrise' (small)
    Large flowers in a colourful mix of vibrant pink and yellow. Flowers from July until the first frosts.  Perfect for pots, borders and the cutting garden. Average height 4ft. Full sun. Mulch heavily or lift and store tubers over winter.
    Price: £6.00
  • Offer
    Verbena 'Bampton'
    OFFER £9 £8 Common name: Vervain A lovely verbena that produces elegant purple-pink flowers on long, narrow stems from June to September. The flowers will attract a range of pollinators into the garden and the seedheads provide winter...
    Was: £9.00
    Now: £8.00
  • Geum 'Koi' - 3ltr
    A clump-forming semi-evergreen perennial. It produces saucer-shaped orange flowers in spring and summer.  Average height 1ft.  Full sun or partial shade Hardy
    Price: £7.50
  • Erigeron karvinskianus Profusion 3ltr pot
    Common name: Fleabane A spreading perennial with grey-green leaves. Pretty yellow centred flowers with white petals, fading through pink to purple with age, are produced prolifically throughout the whole of spring and summer. Average height 15-20cm,...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Verbena bonariensis INSTANT (25L)
    A rather tall perennial producing many clusters of small purple flowers throughout the summer. Loved by bees and other pollinators.  Average height 6-8ft  Average spread 1.5ft Full sun/ partial shade  Cut back in spring as new growth emerges from the...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Fire' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Stonecrop An improved selection of the popular 'Autumn Joy' that forms a larger clump and flowers for longer. Blush-pink flower heads form in mid to late summer and gradually deepen in colour, eventually becoming a rich rusty-red lasting...
    Price: £4.50
  • Geranium wlassovianum 'Fay Anna' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A dense mound of velvety green leaves with am attractive pinkish bronze flush. Dark purple flowers with a small white eye and dark veining.   Flowers June to September. Average height & spread 2-3ft. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £11.00
  • Actaea 'Black Negligee' 3L
    A tall, clump-forming perennial with very deep purple, almost black, foliage and arching stems bearing racemes of fragrant, light pink, bottlebrush-like flowers in late summer and early autumn. Average height 5ft. spread 3ft. Partial shade in moist...
    Price: £12.00
  • Geranium 'Blushing Turtle' 2L
    Common name: Cranesbill An excellent mound-forming variety of semi-evergreen perennial. It  produces pink magenta flowers with a purple vein from May to August. Vigorous and long-flowering. Average height 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £10.00
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  • Tulbaghia 'Lady Skelmersdale' 2L
    Common name: Society garlic An elegant, semi-evergreen perennial with narrow silvery green leaves and tall, open umbels of beautiful lilac flowers produced on tall stems from July to September. Great for pollinators. Average height 2ft. Full sun...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Gaura lindheimeri 'Gaudi Rose'-3L
    Common name: Beeblossom A compact form of gaura with rose pink star-shaped flowers produced on slender stems above a low mound of green foliage. Flowers June/July to September. Great for bees and other pollinators. Average height/spread 35-50cm. Full...
    Price: £9.50
  • Gaura lindheimeri 'Pink Fountain'-3L
    Common name: Beeblossoms A bushy perennial with narrow, grey/green foliage and cherry-red stems.  Produces star-shaped pink flowers over a long period from July to September. Suits wild/naturalistic planting schemes. Attracts butterflies. Average height...
    Price: £11.00
  • Digitalis 'Apple Blossom' 3L
    Common name: Hybrid Foxglove A beautiful new hybrid foxglove that made its debut at Chelsea Flower Show this year. Narrow tubular creamy pink and white speckled flowers are borne on upright spires throughout summer. Great for attracting bees into the...
    Price: £11.00
  • Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'-3L
    Common name: Bee Blossom A tall and gracelful perennial that produces airy stems of pink butterfly-like flowers atop tall waving stems from May to September. The flower stems are held high above the pink tinted narrow foliage. Drought tolerant. Loves...
    Price: £11.00
  • Lavandula stoechas LavLov 'Deep Pink' 1ltr
    Common name: French Lavender A compact, bushy, evergreen, shrub with narrow grey-green, aromatic leaves and rounded spikes of deep pink flowers in summer. Average height 1-1.5ft. Full Sun (in well-drained soil).  Hardy if not allowed to get too...
    Price: £4.50
  • Achillea millefolium 'Lilac Beauty' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Yarrow A beautiful perennial with large heads of soft ilac flowerheads that deepen to pink as they age. Flowers freely from June to September and is a great for attracting pollinators to the garden. Average height 3ft, spread 2ft. Full sun...
    Price: £9.50
  • Salvia hybrida 'African Sky'-3ltr
    A bushy salvia producing lots of attractive pale blue flowers from June to October. Ideal for a sunny, sheltered border or container display. Cut back after flowering to encourage re-blooming. Average height 6ft, spread 3ft. Full sun/ partial shade...
    Price: £9.50
  • Sisyrinchium striatum 1ltr
    A clump-forming perennial with long, narrow grey-green leaves. Tall, upright stems bearing pretty pale yellow flowers are produced from June to July. Average height 3ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £4.50
  • Achillea 'Paprika' 3ltr pot
    Common name: Yarrow A perennial with dark green leaves. It produces orange-red flowerheads from June to September that fade with age. Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
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  • Lavandula angustifolia 'Forever Blue' 1ltr
    Common name: English Lavender This variety flowers earlier than most with deep purple-blue blooms appearing from early summer and will often repeat-flower to prolong the season. Ideal for a low hedge along a path or border Average height/spread 2ft...
    Price: £4.50
  • Kniphofia pyromania 'Orange Blaze' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Red Hot Poker Add a touch of drama with this striking plant that has spiky green foliage and stunning, upright heads of vibrant orange flowers throughout summer and into early autumn. Drought tolerant and easy to grow. Average height 2...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Cocktail Cosmopolitan' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Avens Geums are great for adding a pop of colour to the garden in pots or dotted throughout a mixed border. This variety has pretty semi-double flowers in creamy pink tones held aloft on tall stems throughout late spring and early summer...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Miss Clementine' - 3ltr
    Common name: Avens Geums are great for adding a pop of colour to the garden in pots or dotted throughout a mixed border. This variety has zingy orange, semi-double flowers held aloft on tall stems throughout late spring and early summer. Average...
    Price: £11.00
  • Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A tall, upright, spreading geranium with attractive leaves heavily zoned with chocolate brown. It produces pretty, red-brown, saucer-shaped flowers from May to June. Average height 32in. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Helenium 'Mardi Gras' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sneezeweed A neat, compact variety forming a generous mound of foliage with masses of daisy-like flowers in attractive coppery orange shades. A useful late flowerer in the border adding colour from July to September. Great for attracting...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium 'Joy' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A mound of evergreen marbled leaves, pretty bowl-shaped soft pink flowers with prominent darker veins from June to September.  Average height 2-3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium sang. 'Dreamland' 1 ltr pot
    Common name: Bloody Cranesbill A low, mat-forming geranium with finely cut foliage and pale pink, saucer-shaped flowers from June to September. A good choice for the front of the border and wildlife-friendly, attracting pollinators into the garden...
    Price: £5.50
  • Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Emily McKenzie 1ltr pot
    Common name: Montbretia A perennial with sword-like mid-green leaves. Arching spikes of usually downward-facing, bright orange and red flowers are produced from June to August.  Lovely planted among grasses. Average height 2ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £4.50
  • Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Babylon' 1 ltr
    Common name: Montbretia Spikes of tall orange-red flowers, the paler centre has a darker ring surrounding it. The flower spikes are surrounded by upright sword-shaped leaves. Vigorous and free-flowering from August-September. Average height 3ft, average...
    Price: £4.50
  • Geranium x oxonianum 'Miss Heidi' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A pretty hardy geranium with divided green leaves and an abundance of pink flowers with purple veins from May to September. Average height 1-1.5ft, Average spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Digitalis 'Arctic Fox' 3ltr
    A hybrid perennial foxglove with tubular rose pink flowers and speckled apricot throats borne on upright spires in late spring and summer. Loved by pollinators. Average height 2ft, spread 1ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.      
    Price: £12.00
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  • Salvia - Sensation Mix
    Common name: Ornamental Sage A compact perennial with aromatic foliage and spires of flowers in white, pink or purple that are produced over a long period from early summer to autumn. Average height 1.5ft, spread 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy...
    Price: £7.50