
Rare Plants in stock


Rare & Unusual Plants 

 We stock a varied selection of rare and unusual plants in the nursery. Stock changes throughout the year, with more available in spring and summer. The majority of these plants are hardy in the UK climate and make an exciting change from the usual garden favourites


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  • Paulownia tomentosa (Foxglove tree) 7L deep
    Common name: Foxglove Tree A broadly columnar tree with hairy bright green leaves that reach up to 25cm in diameter. panicles of pretty pinkish lilac flowers marked yellow inside are borne in spring. Average height 25ft, spread 15ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' 25L
    A thicket-forming shrub or small tree with impressively large, lobed leaves that are soft and pale grey beneath and can be up to 2ft across. Produces panicles of small white flowers in autumn. Average height and spread 15ft. Full sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £180.00
  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' 20L
    A thicket-forming shrub or small tree with impressively large, lobed leaves that are soft and pale grey beneath and can be up to 2ft across. Produces panicles of small white flowers in autumn. Average height and spread 15ft. Full sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £140.00
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  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' 7.5L
    A thicket-forming shrub or small tree with impressively large, lobed leaves that are soft and pale grey beneath and can be up to 2ft across. Produces panicles of small white flowers in autumn. Average height and spread 15ft. Full sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' 3L
    A thicket-forming shrub or small tree with impressively large, lobed leaves that are soft and pale grey beneath and can be up to 2ft across. Produces panicles of small white flowers in autumn. Average height and spread 15ft. Full sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £28.00
  • Albizia juli. 'Rosea'
    Common name: Pink Silk Tree A graceful spreading tree or large shrub with fern-like mid-green leaves and clusters of pink spidery flowers from June to July. Brings a tropical touch to the garden. Average height up to 20ft, spread 8-12ft. Full sun...
    Price: £22.00
  • Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadow'
    Common name: Golden Wedding Cake Tree A stunning small tree or multi-stemmed shrub with distinctive spreading, tiered branches. The bold yellow-green leaves have an emerald green centre. Small white flowers are followed by blue-black berries. Average...
    Price: £55.00
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  • Ginkgo 'Saratoga' 4L
    Common name: Maidenhair Tree A beautiful tree with narrownan-shaped green to yellow-green leaves. Clusters of male catkin-like flowers and round female flowers produce plum-like yellow-green fruit. Average height 50-80ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun...
    Price: £35.00
  • Sophora microphylla 'Sun King' 4L
    Spreading, evergreen, bushy shrub with pinnate leaves, each made up of pairs of tiny ovate, dark green leaflets, borne on silky shoots. In late winter and early Spring, bears long-lasting pendent racemes of pea-like, dark-yellow flowers. Eventual height...
    Price: £16.50
  • Abutilon megapotamicum 3L
    A semi-evergreen climbing shrub with arching stems of deep green leaves. Pendant exotic-looking bell-shaped flowers of red and yellow are produced from June to September. Average height 6ft Full sunHardy
    Price: £22.00
  • Leptospurnum 'Red Damask'
    Common name: New Zealand Tea Tree A compact shrub with arching stems of dark green leaves and pretty double red flowers that clothe the branched from May to June. Average height and spread 6ft.   Full sun/partial shade. Needs winter protection.
    Price: £8.50
  • Meconopsis betonicifolia 1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy An unusual perennial with rosettes of light bluish green soft leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped blue flowers, with a subtle purple tint and delicate yellow stamens are borne from May to July. Tricky to grow but worth a...
    Price: £5.50
  • Eucryphia 'Ballerina'
    Columnar, evergreen tree with simple, narrowly oblong, glossy, dark green leaves. Bears saucer-shaped pale pink flowers with crimson centres in early and mid-summer.  Average height 12-25ft Average spread 6-12ft.  Full sun/part shade. Hardy
    Price: £18.00
  • Cercis 'Alleycat' 3L
    Common name: Forest pansy Done-shaped, deciduous small tree with striking marbled green and white heart-shaped leaves.  Masses of small pale pink flowers on bare stems in the spring. Average height 6-12ft. Full sun or partial shade Hardy
    Price: £15.00
  • Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair Tree) - 15L
    Common name: Maidenhair TreeA beautiful tree with fan-shaped green to yellow-green leaves that turn a bright, clear yellow in autumn. The Ginkgo is a 'living fossil' and has been around since Jurassic times. Makes a striking specimen. Average height...
    Price: £98.00
  • Peltoboykinia watanabei
    An unusual, herbaceous perennial from Japan grown for both its flowers & foliage.  It has reddish young growth in spring that continues into glossy palmate leave up to 1ft wide! It produces numerous bell-shaped creamy-yellow flower on tall...
    Price: £12.00
  • Abeliophyllum distichum
    Common name: White forsythia A deciduous shrub with dark green leaves turning purple in Autumn. Racemes of small fragrant white pink tinged flowers are produced from February to April. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
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  • Hedychium (ginger lily)
    Common name: Ginger lily Cream flowers in late summer with large green leaves.  Average height 5-6ft Grow in rich moist soil in sun/part shade * not winter hardy - overwinter in a greenhouse or conservatory 
    Price: £7.50
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  • Chamaecyparis laws. 'Dik's Weeping'
    'Lawson Cypress. A very unusual variety of conifer with a exceptionally narrow habit. The top section of the tree hangs down in an elegant pendulous shape. The silvery blue/green needles create a year-round feature. Good for a small space. Average height...
    Price: £72.00
  • Morus kagayme 'Fruitless'
    'A rare variety of Mulberry tree that has a spreading habit but stays quite compact. The luscious glossy green leaves are lobed and create a lovely dense shade beneath, and stay on the tree very late into autumn, sometimes even towards Christmas. Does...
    Price: £72.00
  • Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood)
    A neat narrow deciduous conical tree with bright green, feathery leaves turning gold in autumn. It has attractive deep cinnamon coloured bark. Produces brown round cones. Average height 40ft in 20 years (will grow taller eventually). Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £30.00
  • Carpinus 'Orange Retz' 10L
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot 'An exciting new variety of hornbeam that is compact and upright with coppery young toothed leaves that turn bright green in summer and then beautiful shades of orange in autumn. Perfect for hedging or as a small tree. Average...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Abutilon x milleri
    A semi-evergreen climbing shrub with arching stems of green leaves. Pendant exotic-looking bell-shaped flowers of red and yellow are produced from June to September. * Height:  2m / 6ft * Spread:  2m / 6ft * Full sun* Season of interest: Summer through...
    Price: £7.50
  • Akebia alba (3L)
    An unusual semi-evergreen climber. Fragrant racemes of white-cream flowers are borne from March to May which stand out aginst attractive dark green leaves. Average height 20ft. Average spread 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Calycanthus 'Hartlage Wine' (10L)
    Common name  Sweetshrub A multi stem shrub with aromatic foliage and deep red - burgundy flowers bloom from mid summer. Average height: 2m - 6.5ft Average spread: 2m - 6.5ft Hardy  Full sun
    Price: £45.00
  • Lonicera 'Serotina' (3L)
    Late Dutch Honeysuckle. A twining climber with mid-green leaves and very fragrant creamy white flowers produced from May to June, streaked dark purple-red. Average height 20ft . Fruits July. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Magnolia 'Little Gem' (7.5L)
    An evergreen tree or shrub with large, glossy green leaves that are brown and felted beneath. The creamy white flowers are beautifullly scented and produced throughout summer and autumn. This variety is much more compact than other Grandifloras and has a...
    Price: £38.00
  • Koelruteria 'Coral Sun'
    Golden-rain Tree, Star of India. A spreading tree with leaves emerging a strong red-pink then turning mid-green. Small yellow flowers are followed by bladder-like pink or red flushed fruit. The stems are dark red. Average height and spread 25ft. Full sun...
    Price: £28.00
  • Pterostyrax hispada (Epaulette tree)
    Epaulette Tree. An unusual spreading tree with peeling aromatic grey bark and pale green leaves. Bell-shaped, fragrant white flowers in impressively long, pendent clusters are produced from June to July,  followed by unusual ribbed fruit. Average height...
    Price: £28.00
  • Lonicera 'Gold Flame' (4L)
    Honeysuckle. A twining climber with dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. Bright clusters of tubular, pink, orange and yellow flowers from June to August. Average height 15ft+. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy
    Price: £18.00
  • Humulus lupulus (Hop)
    Common name: Hop  A herbaceous perennial climber with light green, deeply lobed leaves. Green then straw-coloured flower spikes in summer. Flowers July to August. Average height 20ft.  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £15.00
  • Prunus lusitanica 'Brenelia' (4L)
    A dense evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves that are red-tinted when young. Fragrant white flowers are borne on racemes in early summer, followed by red fruit ripening to black in July. It is more compact than its larger cousin Average height...
    Price: £24.00
  • Magnolia 'Exmouth' (30L)
    Common name: Bull Bay/ Evergreen magnolia A broadly conical evergreen tree with glossy light green leaves. Beautiful, strongly fragranced, large cup-shaped creamy white flowers, up to 25cm wide are produced from late summer to early autumn. Average...
    Price: £55.00
  • Meconopsis sheldonii -1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy A choice perennial with rosettes of light bluish green hairy leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped bright blue flowers with yellow stamens in early summer. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade Hardy - mulch in winter
    Price: £5.50
  • Ginkgo biloba - 3ltr
    Common name: Maidenhair Tree   A beautiful tree with fan-shaped green to yellow-green leaves that turn a bright, clear yellow in autumn. The Ginkgo is a 'living fossil' and has been around since Jurassic times. Makes a striking specimen...
    Price: £28.00
  • Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair Tree) - 125/150cm
    Maidenhair Tree. A beautiful tree with fan-shaped green to yellow-green leaves that turn a bright, clear yellow in autumn. The Ginkgo is a 'living fossil' and has been around since Jurassic times. Makes a striking specimen. Average height 50-80ft (if...
    Price: £50.00
  • Caprinus bet. Lucas - 12ltr
    Common Hornbeam. This variety hasa pyramid structure. Dark green leaves turn into golden-yellow during the autum months. Average height: 12m -40ft Average spread: 8m - 26ft Hardy
    Price: £38.00
  • Liquidambar styraacifula 'Stella' 7ltr
    Sweet Gum. A broadly conical tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning brilliant orange, red and purple in autumn. The leaves stay on the tree well into late autumn and winter, providing a stunning display. Average height: 15m -50ft Average...
    Price: £38.00
  • Sassafras albida - 26ltr
    An attractive and aromatic medium sized tree.greenish yellow flowers are borne in late may. Average Height:15m - 50ft Average Spread: 12m - 40ft Full Sun - partial shade Hardy 
    Price: £95.00
  • Akebia quinata' Cream Form' - 4ltr
    Common name: White flowered Chocolate Vine A semi-evergreen climber. Attractive dark green leaves above, blue-green beneath, purple tinged in winter. Fragrant racemes of cream flowers with purple stamens are borne from March to April followed by fruit...
    Price: £22.00
  • Cercis canadensis 'Texas White'- 4ltr pot
    A beautiful, multi-stemmed variety bearing white flowers April-May. It has large, thick and glossy bright green leaves which turn yellow in autumn. Full Sun/partial shade. Eventual height 16-20ft, after 20 years.  
    Price: £47.50
  • Aesculus parvovirus ‘Koenhei’
    Aesculus parvovirus ‘Koenhei’    An extremely unusual dwarf variety of horse chestnut tree. The leaves are deeply divided and produces candle like flowers during the spring. Loved be bees   Average height 3m   ...
    Price: £46.00
  • Pileostegia viburnoides (Climbing Hydrangea) 4L
    Common name: Climbing Hydrangea A self-clinging, evergreen climber with glossy dark green leaves. It produces panicles of tiny, creamy white starry flowers with conspicuous stamens from August to November. Average height 12ft+. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £28.00
  • Mathiasella bupleuroides ‘Green Dream’
    A lovely and unusual perennial that produces clusters of light green, very long lasting bracts that contain clusters of tiny white flowers. The flowerheads are produced in spring and gradually dry and turn pink. They persist on the plant until autumn,...
    Price: £15.00