
Plant Feed & Soil Improvers

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  • Vitax Ericaceous Feed 1 Litre
    Ideal for azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons, Liquid Ericaceous Feed is a concentrated feed with added iron and manganese to encourage the strong, healthy growth of all acid loving plants. Promoting flowering, Liquid Ericaceous Feed has been developed...
    Price: £7.50
  • Bonsai feed (200g)
    Bonsai food for feeding bonsai trees during their growing season. Vitax Bonsai Soluble Feed is formulated with phosphorous and potash for healthy stem & root growth. 200g tub.Bonsai trees, grown in containers, cannot always get the nutrients they...
    Price: £7.00
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  • Yellow Sulphur (225g)
    Sulphur is an important secondary nutrient for all plants. A vital component of many amino acids, it is essential for efficient protein production. A plant nutrient and soil acidifier, Yellow Sulphur helps to grow strong, healthy flowers, fruit, vines...
    Price: £5.60
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  • Hydrangea Colourant (250g)
    If you are looking to change your pink hydrangeas blue, then Hydrangea Colourant is ideal. Hydrangeas that grow where iron or aluminium salts are present tend to change colour and produce blue flowers. Depending on the variety, pale pink hydrangeas will...
    Price: £5.00
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  • Copper Mixture (175g)
    Copper Mixture blends three vital trace elements for use in crops that are suffering from trace element deficiencies – copper, manganese and zinc. Protecting and supporting a range of plants and crops, Copper Mixture can help correct copper deficiency in...
    Price: £6.50
  • Garden Lime (10kg)
    A virtually dust-free granular soil conditioner, Garden Lime has all the advantages of powdered lime, without the need to handle dusty material. Easy-to-use, Garden Lime neutralises acid, sour soils enabling beneficial soil bacteria to flourish and...
    Price: £24.25
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  • Summer Cloud Greenhouse Cleaner (750ml)
    Summer Cloud Greenhouse Cleaner is part of the Enthusiast Range and is a fast way to remove lichen, algae and mould from greenhouses, glass and outbuildings. Covering approximately 6m2, Summer Cloud Greenhouse Cleaner is for outdoor use only. Summer...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Seaweed plus Sequestered Iron (1 Litre)
    Helping plants to develop healthy foliage and intense flower colour, Seaweed with Sequestered Iron is a multipurpose liquid fertiliser that can be used around the garden and even on lawns. An excellent choice for treating acid-loving plants such as...
    Price: £12.25
  • Liquid Herb Feed (500ml)
    Vitax Liquid Herb Feed contains all the essential nutrients needed to produce bountiful, tastier herbs whether grown indoors or outdoors. Enriched with seaweed to encourage strong growth. Produces stronger roots for more robust plants. Fast-acting...
    Price: £6.85
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  • Acer palm. 'Trompenburg' (20L)
    It has narrow lobed leaves that change colour through the seasons. In spring they are deep red-purple before turning greener in the summer. In the autumn the leaves are orange-red. Good for pots (mixture of ericaceous and normal compost) or in the ground...
    Price: £140.00
  • Acer Bi-Hoo (20L)
    Common name: Japanese Maple A beautiful acer with striking stems and leaves. The foliage emerges in shades of salmon pink before developing lemon-green tones in summer before turning rich ochre and coppery oranges in the autumn. Average height/spread...
    Price: £135.00
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  • Acer palmatum 'Metamorphosa' (20L)
    Attractive lobed foliage that has fresh yellow-green new growth in spring, edged with pinky-red and then maturing to a darker shade of green whilst the leaf edges become lighter, eventually turning white in summer. In autumn the leaves turn stunning...
    Price: £140.00
  • Clematis Feed Pouch (900g)
    Clematis Fertiliser is a balanced, organic feed which helps to promote the growth and flowering of clematis and other climbing plants such as honeysuckle, passion flower and ivy. Rich in natural nutrients, Clematis Fertiliser will encourage vigorous...
    Price: £9.75
  • Acer palmatum 'Beni-Shisi-Henge' 20L
    Common name: Variegated Japanese Maple A small upright tree with variegated leaves that are green with white margins and washed with pink and orange tones in spring and summer before turning bright autumnal shades of yellow and orange in autumn. Average...
    Price: £135.00
  • Acer palmatum 'Skeeters Broom' (50L)
    It has small lobed leaves that change colour through the seasons. In spring they are bright red before turning deep purple-red in the summer. In the autumn the leaves are ruby red.  Good for pots (mixture of ericaceous and normal compost) or in the...
    Price: £350.00
  • Acer plam. 'Jerre Schwartz' (50L)
    It has finely-lobed leaves that change colour through the seasons. In spring they are flushed pink before turning bronze-green in the summer. In the autumn the leaves are green.  Good for pots (mixture of ericaceous and normal compost) or in the ground...
    Price: £350.00
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  • Acer 'Sumi Nagashi' (50L)
    A fast-growing maple with large, deeply separated leaves. the leaves change colour from bright purple-red in spring, to a deep maroon colour in summer, and to crimson in autumn. Average height 6-10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £350.00
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  • Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan' (50L)
    It has lobed leaves that change colour through the seasons. In spring they are orange-yellow before turning bright yellow in the summer. In the autumn the leaves are shades of orange and red.  Good for pots (mixture of ericaceous and normal compost) or...
    Price: £350.00
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  • Biofertiliser for Acers (granular) 1kg
    Biofertiliser for Acers:  Bio-active fertiliser with rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a targeted plant food tailored to the needs of acers in the garden or pots. Acers planted directly into the ground benefit from the treatment for...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Biofertiliser for Olives (granular) 1kg
    Biofertiliser for Olives: Bio-active fertiliser with rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a targeted plant food tailored to the needs of acers in the garden or pots. Olives planted directly into the ground benefit from the treatment for...
    Price: £8.50
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  • After plant - ericaceous 5kg tub
    AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS Bio-active plant feed with rootgrow™ ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a tailored plant feed for the needs of all acid-loving/lime hating ericaceous plants. When planted directly into the ground ericaceous plants...
    Price: £28.00
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  • After plant - ericaceous 2.5kg tub
    AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS Bio-active plant feed with rootgrow™ ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a tailored plant feed for the needs of all acid-loving/lime hating ericaceous plants. When planted directly into the ground ericaceous plants...
    Price: £16.75
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  • Vitax Q4 Rootmore - Mycorrhizal Fungi pack
    Q4 Rootmore reduces the need for additional fertiliserQ4 Rootmore contains a blend of mycorrhizal fungi, seaweed, humates, beneficial bacteria and biostimulants to create stronger healthier plants.Ideal for planting out or transferring plants to new...
    Price: £2.65 - £7.00
  • Vitax Liquid Hydrangea Feed - 1 litre
    A stunning hardy plant, hydrangeas are popular amongst most gardeners. To aid growth and flowering, Hydrangea Feed is a tailored feed developed to match the specific nutritional needs of hydrangeas. Liquid Hydrangea Feed contains all the essential...
    Price: £7.50
  • Vitax Winter Tree Wash 500ml
    Winter Tree Wash is a blend of natural plant and fish oils for control of insect and aphid eggs on fruit trees and bushes during the dormant season. Suitable for organic gardening, it can be used on both edible and ornamental crops. Winter Tree...
    Price: £16.25
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  • Vitax Sulphate of Iron 5kg
    Sulphate of Iron is commonly used to reduce the alkalinity of soils, helping make available the natural elements and nutrients essential to the healthy cultivation of plants that thrive in acid conditions. All calcifuge (lime-hating) plants such as...
    Price: £20.75
  • Vitax Sulphate of Iron 1Kg
    Sulphate of Iron is commonly used to reduce the alkalinity of soils, helping make available the natural elements and nutrients essential to the healthy cultivation of plants that thrive in acid conditions. All calcifuge (lime-hating) plants such as...
    Price: £5.85
  • Vitax Stay Wet PLUS 200g
    Fast acting water absorbent granules, Stay Wet Plus can rapidly absorb hundreds of times their own volume of water, acting as a reservoir for plant roots growing in treated media. Its rapid action ensures minimum water loss during watering and...
    Price: £7.95
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  • Vitax Stay Wet 200g
    Fast acting water absorbent granules, Stay Wet can rapidly absorb hundreds of times their own volume of water, acting as a reservoir for plant roots growing in treated media. Its rapid action ensures minimum water loss during watering and re-watering...
    Price: £6.95
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  • Vitax Organic Rose Feed 0.9kg (Box)
    Based on a traditional formula, Organic Rose Food contains the three major plants foods – nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Mixed together with natural magnesium to achieve healthy green leaves and abundant blooms, Organic Rose Food is a favourite...
    Price: £4.75
  • Vitax Organic Rooting Powder - 50g
    Organic Rooting Powder is a growth supplement containing an organic source of seaweed and minerals. It is these minerals and seaweed extracts that help create conditions which encourage deep and healthy root development in cuttings and young plants...
    Price: £2.50
  • Vitax Buxus Feed 5kg (Tub)
    Buxus Feed is part of Vitax’s new specialist fertiliser and feed range, and developed specifically for Buxus growers. A staple for most gardens, Buxus can be used as a structure, in pots or hedges, and is a popular choice for patio planters...
    Price: £22.25
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  • Vitax Buxus Feed 1kg (Pouch)
    Buxus Feed is part of Vitax’s new specialist fertiliser and feed range, and developed specifically for Buxus growers. A staple for most gardens, Buxus can be used as a structure, in pots or hedges, and is a popular choice for patio planters...
    Price: £7.95
  • Vitax Organic All Purpose Food 1ltr
    Give your garden growing power and see it burst to life with Organic All Purpose Plant Food.  Chemical free, this concentrated plant food is made from natural-based ingredients to help produce masses of flowers with eye-popping colour and bigger...
    Price: £8.50
  • Vitax Hydroleca 10ltr
    Water-holding clay pebbles. Hydroleca is extremely lightweight with a smooth attractive outer skin and a honeycomb core. As hard, ceramic pebbles, Hydroleca helps absorb water and then slowly releases it back into the growing media. Hydroleca: Ideal as...
    Price: £14.00
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  • Vitax Hydrangea Feed - 1kg pouch
    A stunning hardy plant, hydrangeas are popular amongst most gardeners. To aid growth and flowering, Hydrangea Feed is a tailored feed developed to match the specific nutritional needs of hydrangeas. One of a new range of specialist fertilisers,...
    Price: £7.25
  • Vitax Granular Garden Lime - 3kg
    A virtually dust-free granular soil conditioner, Garden Lime has all the advantages of powdered lime, without the need to handle dusty material. Easy-to-use, Garden Lime neutralises acid, sour soils enabling beneficial soil bacteria to flourish and...
    Price: £7.25
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  • Vitax Fuchsia Feed 500ml
    A high potash liquid fertiliser, Fuchsia Feed contains added trace elements to promote strong healthy growth and improve flowering. Fuchsias are vigorous plants that thrive in rich porous soil, but when grown in planters, hanging baskets and tubs they...
    Price: £7.50
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  • Vitax Conifer & Shrub Feed 2.5kg
    Containing vital plant foods and trace elements for early establishment and vigorous growth, Conifer and Shrub Fertiliser is ideal for acid-loving shrubs and plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons. Conifer and Shrub Fertiliser: Pelleted Extended...
    Price: £13.25
  • Vitax compost maker 2.5kg
    A compost accelerator containing organic nutrients, Compost Maker speeds up the breakdown of organic garden and household material which may otherwise degrade slowly. Compost Maker: Re-cycles grass cuttings, weeds, leaves, vegetable matter, egg...
    Price: £5.75
  • Vitax Clay Breaker 2.5kg
    Clay Breaker is ideal for conditioning soil without affecting its natural pH. Suitable for all clay-based soils, Clay Breaker will break up the heaviest of soil, making it easier to work. Clay Breaker: Improves drainage and enhances soil warmth to...
    Price: £8.50
  • Sequested Iron Plant Tonic 4 x 20g
    Plants with iron deficiency usually result in pale yellow leaves, poor growth and flowering. It is also one of the main reasons why rhododendrons, heathers and other ‘lime hating’ plants cannot grow well in chalky or alkaline soils...
    Price: £7.25
  • Empathy - After Plant Pump & Feed Orchid** (New)
    Empathy After Plant Orchid Pump & Feed is a 100% organic ready to use biostimulant for all indoor orchids.Orchids have different feeding requirements but are not generally heavy feeders. A blend of seaweed extract and plant-derived amino acid...
    Price: £6.50
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  • Biofertiliser for tree & shrub (granular) 2.5kg tub
    Biofertiliser TREE & SHRUB is a refined plant feed tailored to the needs of all trees and shrubs. Soil grown plants will benefit by being treated during establishment in the first year whilst their root systems and fungal partners develop. Apply...
    Price: £16.75
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  • Biofertiliser for rose food (granular) 2.5kg tub
    Biofertiliser ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The nutrients in...
    Price: £16.75
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  • Empathy Evergreen Feed (granulated seaweed base) 1kg
    AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN is a granulated formula containing seaweed extract, plant-derived amino acids and nutrients specifically formulated to benefit evergreen plants. The organic based biostimulant will encourage strong root and shoot growth and...
    Price: £8.50
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  • ROOTGROW mycorrhizal fungi
    rootgrow™ contains mycorrhizal fungi which naturally increase nutrient and water uptake by forming a highly efficient secondary root system. It is completely natural and plant-friendly fungi suitable for use on flowering plants, trees, shrubs and edibles...
    Price: £2.65 - £12.00
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  • Biofertiliser for Ericaceous (granular) 1kg
    Biofertiliser ERICACEOUS Bio-active plant feed with rootgrow™ ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a tailored plant feed for the needs of all acid-loving/lime hating ericaceous plants. When planted directly into the ground ericaceous...
    Price: £8.25
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  • Empathy Tomato Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    Empathy Tomato feed seaweed is ready to use liquid concentrate that was specially formulated be used on all edible plants. The sustainably harvested seaweed is balanced with a refined fertiliser blend that is designed to promote the healthy development...
    Price: £8.50
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    Tomato  Starter 6 biscuits contain 5 active components for better tomatoes. The product contains rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial bacteria, up to 4 months nutrients, water-retaining crystals and bioadditives Compost blends used in grow bags do not...
    Price: £3.50
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    Basket Starter 12 biscuits contain 5 active components for better baskets and containers. The product contains rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial bacteria, up to 4 months nutrients, water-retaining crystals and bioadditives. Compost blends suited...
    Price: £4.50
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  • Empathy ROOTGROW™ericoid mycorrhizal fungi - 200g
    rootgrow™ ericoid contains ericoid and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that are completely natural and plant-friendly. rootgrow™ ericoid is suitable for use on Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Heathers, Blueberries and other acid-loving ericaceous plants. Comes with...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Biofertiliser for tree & shrubs  (granular) 1kg
    Empathy Biofertiliser TREE & SHRUB is a refined plant feed tailored to the needs of all trees and shrubs. Soil grown plants will benefit by being treated during establishment in the first year whilst their root systems and fungal partners develop...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Biofertiliser for roses (granular) 1kg
    Empathy Biofertiliser ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The...
    Price: £8.25
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  • Empathy Basket & Patio Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    AFTER PLANT BASKET & PATIO Liquid Concentrate with biostimulant is a high potash liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract plant derived amino acids and other nutrients. Regular use will promote strong healthy growth, producing abundant and...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Empathy Grow your Own Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    Empathy AFTER PLANT GROW YOUR OWN seaweed is ready to use liquid concentrate that was specially formulated be used on all edible plants. The sustainably harvested seaweed is balanced with a refined fertiliser blend that is designed to promote the healthy...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Empathy Ericaceous Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    Empathy AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS organic based biostimulant & feed is a liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract, plant derived amino acids, fortified with sequestered iron, specifically formulated to support acid-loving plants. The natural...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Empathy Evergreen Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN is a liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract, plant-derived amino acids and nutrients specifically formulated to benefit evergreen plants. The organic based biostimulant will encourage strong root and shoot growth and...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Empathy All purpose Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    Empathy AFTER PLANT ALL PURPOSE is a ready to use liquid concentrate, derived from sustainably harvested seaweed, that can be used on all outdoor and indoor plants. The natural biostimulants in Empathy AFTER PLANT ALL PURPOSE are taken up by the plant...
    Price: £8.50
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  • Empathy Rose Feed (liquid seaweed base)
    AFTER PLANT ROSE FEED Liquid Concentrate with biostimulant is a high potash liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract plant derived amino acids and other nutrients fortified with plant magnesium formulated to benefit Roses. Regular use will promote...
    Price: £8.50
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