
Christmas Tree Hints & Tips

Christmas Tree Hints and Tips

Here are a few hints to help keep your Christmas tree looking good over the whole Christmas period:


  • 1. When you get your tree home, cut an inch off the bottom of the trunk, and score the bark around the stump, then place it securely in a container that holds water (ideally once you've done this leave it outside overnight or for a few hours to drink). Your tree will drink up to a pint of water everyday – so remember to keep the water topped up regularly.


  • 2. Choose a cool place for your tree, away from hot radiators and fires.


  • 3. Leave the tree to stand for an hour or so before decorating it to give the branches time settle and relax as they adjust to the change in temperature.


  • 4. Sit back and enjoy your tree!


Freshness guarantee: Our Nordman low-drop trees should last well beyond Christmas if given the right conditions. If you have any problems please let us know before Christmas so we can put it right (we want you to have a special tree & come back to us year after year).


Needle Necrosis: This is a blight that affects one in every few hundred Christmas trees and causes the needles to turn brown and fall off the tree very rapidly. If you unlucky enough to have an affected tree, please contact us immediately and we will be happy to replace your tree immediately.

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