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  • Choisya tern. Sundance 7.5L
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom Compact shrub with bright golden yellow foliage and fragrant white flowers in late spring and summer. Average height 2-3ft  or can grow taller if left unpruned.  Full sun / Partial shade Hardy 
    Price: £28.00
  • Choisya 'Goldfingers' 5L
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom An evergreen shrub that forms a rounded shape with finger-shaped, fragrant foliage of bright yellow. Sweetly scented white flowers are borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft, spread 4-5ft...
    Price: £22.00
  • Choisya 'Aztec Gold' - 5ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A new variety of compact evergreen shrub with narrow golden leaves and masses of pink-tinged white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
  • Rhododendendron 'Eucharitis' 15L
    An evergreen shrub with pale green leaves. Clusters of pretty, bell-shaped, fragrant pale pink flowers with darker edges in early summer from May to June. Prefers a sheltered spot in lime-free soil. Average height 5ft but slow-growing. Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £95.00
  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 3L
    Common name: Holly tea olive, Holly osmanthus or False holly A dense rounded shrub with holly-like, glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of fragrant tubular white flowers from September to November. Average height 4-6ft. Full sun/partial shade. Frost...
    Price: £15.00
  • Phillyrea angustifolia 5L
    Common name: Narrow-leaved Mock Privet A tough evergreen shrub with narrow dark green leaves and small creamy white fragrant flowers bloom mid to late June. Looks good when clipped into topiary balls. Drought tolerant. Average height/spread 10ft (if...
    Price: £20.00
  • Pyracantha 'Dart's Red'- 1.2 metre trellis
    Common name: Firethorn A vigorous bushy shrub with arching branches of glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced from June to July followed by bright red berries in July. Can be trained against suppports as a wall shrub. Average...
    Price: £45.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Red Column'- 1.2 metre trellis
    Common name: Firethorn A vigorous bushy shrub with arching branches of glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced from June to July followed by bright red berries in July. Can be trained against suppports as a wall shrub. Average...
    Price: £45.00
  • Ceanothus 'Skylark' - 1.2m trellis
    Common name: California Lilac Bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Abundant dark blue flowers clothe the shrub from March to May. Average height 6-8ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £45.00
  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' 5L
    A rounded  shrub with glossy dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers in april - May.  Average height 9 - 12ft (if left unpruned)  Full sun / partial shade  Hardy 
    Price: £18.00
  • Viburnum davidii (7.5L)
    Common name: David's viburnum An evergreen bushy shrub with veined dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring followed by metallic blue berries. Both male and female plant needed to produce fruit.  Average height 3ft   Full sun /...
    Price: £28.00
  • Pieris Forest Flame 3L
    An upright, evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves - red when young, turning pink, white and finally green. Clusters of pendent white flowers are borne from April to May. Average height 4-6ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)  25L
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo. An unusual, evergreen shrub with elegant green foliage and pretty white flowers with large yellow anthers, produced from July, followed by bright red fruit in August. The new foliage emerges a bronze/red. Average...
    Price: £95.00
  • Photinia x fraseri 'Louise' 100-125cm (36L)
    Common name: Christmas Berry The evergreen leaves emerge a varieged pink and cream, turning to cream and green when older, making an eye-catching shrub. New pink shoots are produced severl times throughout the season. Good for screens and informal hedges...
    Price: £36.00
  • Photinia x fraseri 'Louise' 100-125cm (45L)
    Common name: Christmas Berry The evergreen leaves emerge a varieged pink and cream, turning to cream and green when older, making an eye-catching shrub. New pink shoots are produced severl times throughout the season. Good for screens and informal hedges...
    Price: £42.00
  • Skimmia rubella 3L
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves. Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from dark red buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
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  • Fatsia japonica (Large)
    Common name: Japanese Aralia A spreading evergreen shrub with deeply lobed, dark green leaves. Round creamy white flowers on long stalks are produced from September to October, followed by black fruit. Excellent for containers. Average height 3-5ft. Full...
    Price: £38.00
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  • Sarcococca hook. Digyna 5L
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box A compact suckering shrub with narrow, glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of fragrant white flowers in winter are followed by black or blue-black fruit. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
  • Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian' 10L
    Common name: Laurustinus A compact evergreen shrub that is good for hedging. Clusters of pink-flushed, white flowers open from dark pink buds, from February to May, followed by dark blue-black fruit. The buds are a deeper pink than 'Eve Price'. Has the...
    Price: £30.00
  • Offer
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    Photinia fraseri 'Carre Rouge' 5L
    Bulk rate 10+ = £22 £17.60 each HEDGING OFFER Common name: Red robin, christmas berry A compact variety of red robin. An evergreen shrub with glossy leaves which are brilliant red when young, later turning dark green. Panicles of...
    Was: £24.00
    Now: £19.20
  • Camellia 'Adolph Audusson' 2L
    3 FOR £27 Common name: Japanese Camellia Beautiful red semi-double flowers in spring with attractive glossy evergreen leaves.  Flowers March to April. Prefers acidic to neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average...
    Price: £9.50
  • Sarcoccoca rusc. 'Dragon Gate' 3L
    Common name: Christmas Box, Chinese sweet Box.  A dense, bushy suckering shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of very fragrant white flowers in winter are followed by glossy black fruit in March. Average height 3ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Sarcococca confusa (Christmas Box) large
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box  A dense, bushy suckering shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of very fragrant white flowers in winter are followed by glossy black fruit in March. Average height 3ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Sarcococca confusa (Christmas Box) 5L
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box  A dense, bushy suckering shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of very fragrant white flowers in winter are followed by glossy black fruit in March. Average height 3ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
  • Nandina domestica 5L
    Common name: Heavenly Bamboo An unusual, evergreen shrub with elegant green foliage and pretty white flowers with large yellow anthers, produced from July, followed by bright red fruit in August. The new foliage emerges a bronze/red. Eventual...
    Price: £15.00
  • Sarcococca confusa (p17)
    Common name: Christmas box, sweet box Great for hedges - as an alternative to buxus (box). Prune to keep neat.  A compact evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves.   It produces clusters of small fragrant creamy-white flowers in the winter, followed...
    Price: £13.00
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  • Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' 3L
    An unusual and amazingly long-flowering semi-evergreen Daphne. It produces highly scented, tubular pale pink flowers from April all the way until October.  The foliage is deep green and glossy.  Flowers on new growth. Average height and spread 3ft, but...
    Price: £24.00
  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball' 5L
    A new variety of Pittosporum with a neat, rounded habit and minty green leaves with wavy margins. Bell-shaped, honey-scented, brown-red flowers are produced from May to June. Average height 4ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Nandina domestica 'Fire Power' (Heavenly Bamboo) 5L
    Common name: Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo A compact dwarf evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a stunning rich red when young. Pretty clusters of tiny white flowers with large yellow anthers appear in mid summer followed by bright red fruit in August...
    Price: £18.00
  • Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' (5L)
    Common name: California Lilac A spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse bright blue flowers are produced from April to June. Can either be left to grow horizontally where it will reach 2-3ft or grown on wire or trellis where...
    Price: £18.00
  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Elizabeth' 5L
    A large, bushy, evergreen shrub with wavy green leaves which have a white margin, tinged pink. Small, purple, scented flowers are borne in summer. Great for decorative hedges. Average height 7ft in 10 years (if left un-pruned). Full sun/Partial...
    Price: £18.00
  • Mahonia × media 'Winter Sun' 5L
    Common name: Oregon Grape An architectural shrub with dark green leaves, sharply toothed, that take on red tints in winter. Bright yellow fragrant flowers in dense arching clusters are produced from late autumn to late winter. Average height 12-15ft...
    Price: £18.00
  • Skimmia japonica 'Fragrant Cloud' (p17)
    A male, evergreen shrub with shiny mid-green leaves. Panicles of fragrant creamy white flowers open from greenish white buds from April to May. The flowers are long lasted and sweetly scented. Average height 3ft. Shaded site in acid soil. Hardy.
    Price: £20.00
  • Skimmia japonica 'Finchy' (p17)
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves.  Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from lime green buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £22.00
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  • Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' (p23)
    A compact male variety with dark, glossy, evergreen leaves.  Panicles of fragrant white flowers open up from dark red buds which add interest to the garden or pot displays during winter. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £28.00
  • Coprosma - rainbow mix
    Common name: New Zealand laurel A rounded evergreen shrub really striking leaves, in shades of green, gold and orange, turning red later in the season. Makes an excellent year-round foliage plant. Average height 4-5ft, spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' 2L
    A new variety of Pittosporum with a neat, rounded habit. A bushy shrub with minty green leaves with wavy margins. Bell-shaped, honey-scented, brown-red flowers are produced from May to June. Average height 4ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
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  • Garrya Elliptica (1.2-1.5m trellis) 20ltr
    Common name: Silk-tassel Bush (male form) An upright shrub with glossy, evergreen green leaves. Attractive grey-green catkins are produced in mid-winter. Very well-suited well-suited to being grown as a fan or an espalier supported on wires or trellis...
    Price: £72.00
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  • Camellia 'E.G. Waterhouse' 2L
    3 FOR £27 Narrow upright evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves.  Bears large double, pale pink flowers from February to March. Average height 10ft+. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Camellia japonica 'Centifolia Alba' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with pure white double blooms in spring. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 6-7ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £95.00
  • Camellia japonica 'Bonomiana' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with striking double blooms in soft pink with darker stripes. Flowers appear in spring from March to May. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Camellia 'Black Lace' 10L
    A glossy evergreen with double flowers in a beautiful deep shade of red from March to May. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 6-7ft. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £85.00
  • Camellia japonica 'Doctor King' 10L
    Common name: Japanese Camellia A glossy evergreen with large semi-double flowers from February to April, the blooms are deep rose pink with yellow centres. Prefers acidic/neutral soil or grow in a pot using ericaceous compost. Average height/spread 6-7ft...
    Price: £95.00
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  • Camellia × williamsii 'Jury's Yellow' 10L
    An upright, evergreen shrub or small tree. with glossy, dark green leaves.  Stunning, semi-double, white flowers with pale yellow centres are produced from February to March. Average height 15ft, spread 9ft. Partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £95.00
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  • Ceanothus 'A.T. Johnson' (California Lilac) - 2L
    Common name: California Lilac Upright evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, bright green leaves. Fragranced, brilliant blue flowers are produced en masse in early summer and again in early autumn. Great for attracting pollinators into the garden...
    Price: £7.50
  • Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' - 2L
    Common name: Californian lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with dark glossy leaves. It produces compact trusses of blue flowers in late summer/autumn.  Loved by butterflies and pollinators. Full sun /partial shade Average height and spread 8ft
    Price: £7.50
  • Ceanothus 'Victoria' - 2L
    Common name: Californian Lilac A mound-forming, evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, dark green leaves. The whole shrub is clothed in violet blue flowers from April to September. Average height 3m / 10ft. Average spread 2.5m / 8ft. Full sun...
    Price: £7.50
  • Ceanothus 'Italian Skies'
    Common name: California Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Bright blue flowers in dense panicles are produced in abundance from May-June. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £7.50
  • Passiflora 'Purple Haze' (passionflower)
    Common name: Passion flower A vigorous climber with rich green leaves and bowl-shaped, soft purple flowers with green anthers from August to November. Average height 8-12ft. Hardy in a sheltered spot only.  Partial shade.'
    Price: £7.50
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    Calluna 'Beauty Ladies Trio' (heather)
    Common name: Heather A bushy, dwarf shrub withs stems of narrow tightly-packed green leaves.  It produces pink or white flowering spikes.  Long-lasting display of colour.  Acid soil.  Full sun. 
    Was: £5.50
    Now: £4.50
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  • A large bushy shrub with greyish green, pink-spotted leaves margined white. Bell-shaped dark purple flowers are produced from May to June. Average height: 10-12ft Full Sun or partial shade Hardy - sheltered spot     
    Price: £9.50
  • Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' 3L
    A large, bushy shrub with white leaves that are attractively  mottled with green. Bell-shaped, black-red flowers are borne from may to June. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft. Full sun in a sheltered position.  Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
    A rounded  shrub with glossy dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers in april - May.  Average height 9 - 12ft (if left unpruned)  Full sun / partial shade  Hardy 
    Price: £9.50
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  • Daphne transatlantica 'Summer Ice' 3L
    A lovely scented shrub with attractive semi-evergreen variegated foliage and gorgeously fragranced white flowers from spring until summer. Creates a neat mound that is perfect for the border or a large container. Lightly prune in spring to tidy and...
    Price: £18.00
  • Daphne gemmata 'Royal Crown'
    Common name: Spurge laurel A compact, rounded shrub with smooth, bright green leaves.  Small, fragrant, butter-yellow flowers are produced in clusters from May to June followed by bright red berries. Average height 2ft (slow-growing) Full sun/partial...
    Price: £22.00
  • Ceanothus 'Victoria' 2L
    Common name: Californian Lilac A mound-forming, evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, dark green leaves. The whole shrub is clothed in violet blue flowers from April to September. Average height 3m / 10ft. Average spread 2.5m / 8ft. Full sun...
    Price: £12.00
  • Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' 10L
    A large, bushy shrub with white leaves that are attractively  mottled with green. Bell-shaped, black-red flowers are borne from may to June. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft. Full sun in a sheltered position.  Hardy.
    Price: £55.00
  • Pittosporum 'Elizabeth' 10L
    A large, bushy, evergreen shrub with wavy green leaves which have a white margin, tinged pink. Small, purple, scented flowers are borne in summer. Great for decorative hedges. Average height 7ft in 10 years (if left un-pruned). Full sun in a sheltered...
    Price: £55.00
  • Choisya 'White Dazzler' 10L
    A useful and easy to grow evergreen shrub with palmate narrow dark green leaves that are aromatic when crushed. Masses of very fragrant white flowers appear from pink buds in spring and again in early autumn. Average height 5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £48.00
  • Escallonia 'Pink Elle' 3L
    'A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of pretty, pink flowers with white centres are borne from May to June and again in the autumn. Average height and spread 3ft. Full sun. Hardy.'
    Price: £12.00
  • Eucalyptus gunni 'Azura' (2ltr)
    Common name: Cider gum A new form of gunni which can withstand temperatures of -20C. A compact evergreen shrub with aromatic silvery grey leaves.   Full sun Average height 10ft+ Hardy.  
    Price: £15.00
  • Choisya ternata - 2ltr pot
    1 plant in a 2 litre pot Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom.  A compact, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height/spread 4-5ft (if left un-pruned)...
    Price: £8.50
  • Euonymus jap. 'Ovatus aureus' (p17)
    Common name: Japanese Spindle A useful evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves that have broad, vibrant golden margins. Tolerant of being pruned to maintain a compact size. Average height 8-10ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £10.50
  • Euonymus 'Harlequin' (p13)
    A dwarf low-growing evergreen shrub. The new growth unfolds as pure white, gradually developing to a green and white speckling on the leaves, slight pink tints in winter. Average height and spread 2-3ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £6.50
  • Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) 3ltr
    1 plant in 3 litre pot Common name: Rosemary A useful and attractive upright shrubby herb with aromatic needle-like foliage that can be used to flavour many dishes and pretty lilac blue flowers from mid-spring to early summer. Loved by bees and...
    Price: £13.50
  • Thymus serpyllum (Thyme) 'Pink Chintz' 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot Common name: Thyme A mat-forming alpine shrub with creeping stems, narrow aromatic grey-green leaves and whorls of purple-pink flowers from May to July. Average height 3cm Average spread 25cm Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £8.00
  • Offer
    Pyracantha 'Orange Glow' - 1.5m trellis (12ltr)
    £55 £38 1 plant in a 12 litre pot with a 1.5m bamboo trellis Common name: Firethorn An evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and thorny stems. It produces clusters of frothy white flowers followed by bright orange berries. Full sun...
    MSRP: £55.00
    Was: £55.00
    Now: £38.00
  • Eriostemon myoporoides 'Flower Girl White'
    Common name: long leaf wax flower This evergreen shrub produce an abundance of white, star-shaped flowers opening from pink buds. Flowers from late spring to early summer and produce a sweet fragrance. Average height 1.5m - 5ft Average spread 1.5m...
    Price: £15.00
  • Choisya × dewitteana 'White Dazzler' 5L
    A compact evergreen shrub with palmate narrow dark green leaves that are aromatic when crushed. Masses of very fragrant white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4ft. Full Sun. Hardy.  
    Price: £18.00
  • Fatsia Spider's Web (p19)
    An evergreen shrub with unique foliage with dapple white patches.  Average height: 2.5m - 8ft Average spread: 2.5m - 8ft Partial shade Frost Hardy  - May need winter protection.
    Price: £28.00
  • Fatsia 'Greenfingers' (p17)
    Common name: Japanese Aralia A new variety with narrow finger-like leaves that give a delicate appearance. Evergreen shrub for indoors or outdoors. Round creamy white flowers on long stalks are produced from September to October, followed by black fruit...
    Price: £18.00
  • Choisya ternata (p17)
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height/spread 4-5ft (if left un-pruned). Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Euonymus jap. 'Pierrolino'
    A variegated and compact evergreen shrub with small deep green leaves that are attractively splashed with creamy-white. An excellent year-round foliage plant. Average height and spread 1.5ft Full sun/ partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £11.00
  • Convolvulus cneorum (p19)
    Common name: Silverbush A compact evergreen shrub with silvery narrow leaves It produces large pink tinged white flowers with yellow centres are produced from May - July. Average height: 2ft - 60cm Average spread: 3ft - 1m  Hardy
    Price: £18.00
  • Photinia serr. 'Crunchy' 3L
    Common name: Christmas berry A new variety with distinctive 'crunchy' wavy edges to the leaves.  It's new growth in the spring is coppery coloured that turns green.   Evergreen. Creamy white flowers in Spring Great for topairy Full Sun/partial...
    Price: £15.00
  • Escallonia 'Crimson Spire' 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot An evergreen shrub with peeling brown bark and glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty, tubular, deep crimson flowers are produced in abundance from June to September. Average height 6ft. Full sun Hardy.
    Price: £8.50
  • Ceanothus 'Italian Skies' 3L
    Common name: California Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Bright blue flowers in dense panicles are produced in abundance from May-June. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Ceanothus 'Concha' 3L
    Common name: Californian Lilac A dense, evergreen shrub with arching branches and finely toothed, dark green leaves. In late spring, reddish purple buds open to dark blue flowers which clothe the whole bush Average height & spread 8ft Full sun Hardy
    Price: £12.00
  • Ceanothus 'Puget Blue' 1.2-1.5m cane (20ltr)
    1 plant in a 20 litre pot Common name: California Lilac A spreading evergreen shrub with large deeply veined, dark green leaves. Profuse dark blue flowers from March to April. Average height 6-8ft (if left un-pruned). Full Sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £58.00
  • Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty apple-blossom-pink flowers with white centres from May to June. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £9.50
  • Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' (p23)
    Common name: Oleaster A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves with golden yellow margins, silvery beneath. Creamy white flowers followed by orange speckled silver fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £38.00
  • Choisya ternata 'Lich' (p17)
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact shrub with bright golden yellow foliage and fragrant white flowers in late spring and summer. Average height 7-8ft . Full Sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya ternata 'White Dazzler' (p17)
    A compact evergreen shrub with palmate narrow dark green leaves that are aromatic when crushed. Masses of very fragrant white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer.  Average height 4ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £12.00
  • Ceanothus 'Concha' 1.8m trellis (20ltr)
    1 plant in a 20 litre pot Common name: Californian Lilac A dense, evergreen shrub with arching branches and finely toothed, dark green leaves. In late spring, reddish purple buds open to dark blue flowers which clothe the whole bush Average height...
    Price: £75.00
  • Photinia x fraseri 'Louise' 1.2m (10ltr)
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot Common name: Christmas Berry The evergreen leaves emerge a variegated pink and cream, turning to cream and green when older, making an eye-catching shrub. New pink shoots are produced several times throughout the season...
    Price: £42.00
  • Sarcococca hook. 'Purple Gem'
    Common name: Christmas Box, Sweet Box A compact, slow-growing shrub with narrow, glossy dark green leaves and purple stems. It produces clusters of fragrant purple-tipped white flowers from February to March, followed by black or blue-black fruit...
    Price: £15.00
  • Mahonia 'Soft Caress' (p13)
    A brand new compact and spine-free variety of Mahonia. An evergreen shrub with abundant long narrow leaves and spires of bright yellow flowers that from August to October. The flowers are followed by attractive blue berries. Average height and spread...
    Price: £15.00
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  • Euonymus jap. Paloma Blanca (p17)
    A compact evergreen shrub with small, dark green leaves, that emerge a bright creamy white in the spring, before turning deep green. The dense foliage lends itself well to creating low hedges. Very tolerant of a a wide range of soils. Average height and...
    Price: £14.00
  • Camellia jap. 'Brushfield's Yellow' 3L
    £15 £9.50 A compact evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves.   It produces large, double creamy white/yellow flowers from February to April. Partial shade Acid-loving (ericaceous compost when potting) Average height & spread 6ft. Hardy.  
    Price: £9.50
  • Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' -  2L
    Common name: Silk-tassel Bush An upright male shrub with dark, sea-green evergreen leaves. Beautiful, long dense clusters of silver-grey catkins are produced  in mid-winter. Average height / spread 8-12ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade Hardy   "A shrub that can...
    Price: £5.25
  • Mahonia eurybracteata 'Sweet Winter' - 3L
    A brand new compact and spine-free variety of Mahonia. An evergreen shrub with abundant long narrow leaves and spires of bright yellow flowers that are borne from August to October. The flowers are followed by attractive blue berries. Average height and...
    Price: £15.00
  • Ilex crenata 'Dark Green' bush  30cm
    Common name: Box-leaved Holly A versatile evergreen shrub with tiny dark green leaves that are very similar in appearance to Box. Small white spring flowers are followed by glossy black berries in September. Average height 10ft, but can be kept at any...
    Price: £13.50