
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)


Bareroot hedging available November - March

Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam)

Carpinus betulus, or hornbeam, is a deciduous, elegant plant with good autumn colour. The mid-green leaves are toothed, and both yellow male and greenish female catkins are borne in spring. Hornbeam an be grown as a hedge, where it can be kept pruned to 6-10ft, or or as a specimen tree, where it will reach heights of 40ft+. It is ideal for heavy, wet soils.


 Bundles of 10 and 25 plants are available below. For large quantities and local deliveries please contact us before purchase so we can ensure you get the bulk price and are not overcharged on delivery. Quantities of under 10 plants can only be purchased in person at the nursery.

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