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  • Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' -  2L
    Common name: Silk-tassel Bush An upright male shrub with dark, sea-green evergreen leaves. Beautiful, long dense clusters of silver-grey catkins are produced  in mid-winter. Average height / spread 8-12ft. Full Sun/Partial Shade Hardy   "A shrub that can...
    Price: £5.25
  • Mahonia eurybracteata 'Sweet Winter' - 3L
    A brand new compact and spine-free variety of Mahonia. An evergreen shrub with abundant long narrow leaves and spires of bright yellow flowers that are borne from August to October. The flowers are followed by attractive blue berries. Average height and...
    Price: £15.00
  • Ilex crenata 'Dark Green' bush  30cm
    Common name: Box-leaved Holly A versatile evergreen shrub with tiny dark green leaves that are very similar in appearance to Box. Small white spring flowers are followed by glossy black berries in September. Average height 10ft, but can be kept at any...
    Price: £13.50
  • Loropetalum chin. 'Fede' cone 120cm
    Common name: Chinese fringe flower A rounded, evergreen shrub with oval purple to dark green leaves. It bears fragrant, spider-like, deep rose-pink flowers in late winter or early spring. Average height and spread 4-5ft. Prune to desired shape. Full...
    Price: £135.00
  • Griselinia littoralis 80/100cm (10ltr)
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot, current height approx 3-4ft, not including pot A dense upright, evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery light green leaves. Very small yellow/green flowers are borne in spring. Very good in coastal areas. Eventual height 4-8ft...
    Price: £38.00
  • Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'A dense rounded shrub with holly-like, glossy, dark green leaves edged in creamy white. Clusters of fragrant tubular white flowers are produced from August to September. Average height 4-5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya 'Green Fingers' 3L
    Common name: Orange blossom A dense, evergreen shrub with scented foliage.  It produces scented white flowers in spring and autumn. Average height 3-4ft. Full sun - sheltered spot Hardy    "A great evergreen for a hedge or sheltered garden"
    Price: £14.50
  • Choisya ternata 'Sundance' - 10L
    Common name: Mexican orange blossom A compact evergreen shrub with unusual golden yellow foliage. It produces masses of fragrant creamy-white flowers in spring & later in the summer.  Loved by butterflies and pollinators. Full sun /partial...
    Price: £35.00
  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum' 3L
    A variegated, evergreen shrub with attractive grey-green leaves with a neat creamy white margin. Chocolatey tinted, purple flowers are borne in summer. Average height 5-6ft. Full sun/partial shade and any soil in a sheltered spot.
    Price: £14.00
  • Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Bannow Bay' 3L
    A compact shrub with colour changing foliage. The light green leaves with cream edges transform to mottled green and burgundy colours from late summer into autumn. Average height 3ft, spread 2ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Pittosporum 'Silver ball' 3L
    A new variety of Pittosporum with a neat, rounded habit. A bushy shrub with silvery green leaves with wavy margins. Bell-shaped, honey-scented, brown-red flowers are produced from May to June. Average height/spread 2.5ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £14.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' (Holly) 40-60cm - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot, approx height 40-60cm (not including pot) Bulk Offer: 10+ plants for £9 each This female cultivar has the classic spiny green leaves and red berries of common holly but has the benefit of being self-pollinating so...
    Price: £9.50
  • Cornus kousa 'Milkyway'
    Common name: Dogwood A broadly conical tree with dark green foliage which turns a lovely medley of reds and oranged in autumn. A profusion of long lasting long-lasting large white bracts smother the tree in spring, followed by strawberry-like fleshy red...
    Price: £250.00
  • Coprosma repens 'Pacific Dawn' 5L
    Common name: Looking-glass plant A compact shrub with spreading branches. It's attractive leaves are olive green at the centre with edges that are shades of pink and red. In colder weather these pink and red colours become more distinct.  Bright red...
    Price: £20.00
  • Photinia 'Red Robin' (5L)
    1 plant in a 5 litre pot  An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, that are a stunning bright red when young. Clusters of small white flowers are produced in late spring/early summer if not pruned every year.  Makes a good hedging...
    Price: £42.00
  • Viburnum davidii (5L)
    Common name: David's viburnum An evergreen bushy shrub with veined dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring followed by metallic blue berries. Both male and female plant needed to produce fruit.  Average height 3ft   Full sun /...
    Price: £18.00
  • Sambucus 'Golden Towers' - 5L
    Common name: Elder A variety with a narrower habit than others, it has attractive feathery leaves that are flushed yellow from spring to autumn.  It produces frothy panicles of white flowers that are scented in the summer followed by berries. Average...
    Price: £18.00
  • Sambucus 'Black Lace' - 5L
    Common name: Elder An upright bushy deciduous shrub with very finely cut, almost black foliage that turns a rich red in the autumn. It produces pink-flushed blooms from May to June which perfectly compliment the dark foliage.  Average height...
    Price: £18.00
  • Eucalyptus urnigera (Urn Gum) 5.5L
    Common name: Urn Gum One of the most cold tolerant Eucalyptus species with smooth peeling bark in a patchwork of colours including grey, cream and orange. The aromatic silver-green foliage is rounded when young and elongated when mature. White flowers...
    Price: £9.50
  • Eucalyptus dalrymplena (Mountain Gum) 5.5L
    Common name: Mountain Gum A tall, handsome tree suitable for a large garden with decorative flaking bark in shades of creamy pink and grey with pure white underneath. The silver-green aromatic foliage is rounded when young and narrow on mature branches...
    Price: £9.50
  • Skimmia 'White Dwarf'
    An evergreen shrub with shiny dark green aromatic leaves. Clusters of lime green buds form in the autumn, which remain on the shrub throughout winter before opening into masses of scented, creamy-white, star-shaped flowers in spring. Male variety that...
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya tern. Sundance - 3L
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom Compact shrub with bright golden yellow foliage and fragrant white flowers in late spring and summer. Average height 2-3ft  or can grow taller if left unpruned.  Full sun / Partial shade Hardy 
    Price: £15.00
  • Choisya tern. Sundance - 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10ltr pot Mexican Orange Blossom Compact shrub with bright golden yellow foliage and fragrant white flowers in late spring and summer. Average height 2-3ft  or can grow taller if left unpruned.  Full sun / Partial shade Hardy 
    Price: £48.00
  • Hebe 'Joan Mac'
    Common name: Shrubby Veronica Dark, glossy evergreen foliage looks good all year round with pink flowers in summer that are attractive to bees and other pollinators. Average height/spread 2ft. Full Sun. Hardy.    
    Price: £11.00
  • Hebe 'Bronze Glow'
    Evergreen foliage turning bronze in autumn/winter. Bears masses of lilac flowers in early summer, with a second flush of blooms in autumn. Useful shrub for pots and borders to provide a long season of interest. Average height 1.5ft, spread 2ft. Full Sun...
    Price: £11.00
  • Ceanothus 'Puget Blue' (Californian Lilac) - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 5ltr pot  California Lilac. A spreading evergreen shrub with large deeply veined, dark green leaves. A profusion of dark blue flowers are produced from March to April. Average height: 2m / 6.5ft (if left un-pruned). Average spread: 2m / 6...
    Price: £8.50
  • Viburnum davidii (10L)
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot 'An evergreen bushy shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by metallic-blue fruit in June. Both male and female plants needed to produce fruit. Average height 3-4ft. Full...
    Price: £55.00
  • Camellia reticulata 'Mary Williams' 10L
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot Common name: Camellia An evergreen shrub with glossy leaves and rose pink flowers in spring. Prefers neutral to acidic soil. Ideal for a woodland border. Average height/spread: 5-6ft Aspect: Partial Shade/Full...
    Price: £70.00
  • Hydrangea paniculata 'Wims Red' (p19)
    A stunning shrub producing panicles of creamy white flowers in July that gradually turn pink and eventually red by October. The mid-green leaves contrast nicely with the red-tinted stems.    Average height/spread: 6ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full...
    Price: £16.00
  • Viburnum Tinus 'Eve Price' (p17)
    Cpmmon name: Laurus tinus A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit. Average height 6-8ft. Prune to desired height or shape. Full Sun or...
    Price: £12.00
  • Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata' (3ltr)
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'Red-barked Dogwood. A vigorous shrub with red winter shoots. Grey-green leaves, margined white, turn red in autumn, white flowers from April to June are followed by white berries, often tinged blue. Max Average height and spread...
    Price: £8.50
  • Ceanothus 'Concha' (California Lilac) 3L
    Common name: California Lilac A dense, evergreen shrub with arching branches and finely toothed, dark green leaves. In late spring, reddish purple buds open to dark blue flowers. Lovely trained against a sunny wall on wires or trellis. Average...
    Price: £8.50
  • Ceanothus 'A.T. Johnson' (California Lilac) 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'California Lilac. Upright evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, bright green leaves. Fragranced, brilliant blue flowers are produced en masse in early summer and again in early autumn. Great for attracting pollinators...
    Price: £8.50
  • Euonymus 'Emerald & Gold' 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'An outstanding evergreen shrub that has bright green leaves with a broad golden contrasting margin, tinted pink in winter. Prune to desired size.  Average height 3-4ft Average spread 5ft Full Sun/Partial Shade Hardy
    Price: £9.50
  • Euonymus 'Emerald Gaiety' 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot Silver Euonymus, Wintercreeper. 'An evergreen, compact and bushy shrub. The bright green leaves have white margins and are tinged pink in winter. Average height: 3ft Average spread: 5ft Full Sun/Partial Shade Hardy
    Price: £9.50
  • Ceanothus 'Victoria' 3L
    Common name: Californian lilac A vigorous, evergreen, upright growing shrub with dense branching and small glossy dark green leaves.  Abundant spike-like clusters of fragrant deep blue flowers from late spring to summer. Average height 5ft, spread 6ft...
    Price: £9.50
  • Daphne odora aureomarginata 3L
    Sweetly fragrant clusters of small but numerous pink and white flowers are set against the glossy, yellow-margined leaves from January to March when little else is flowering. A must for the winter garden. Average height/spread 5ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £18.00
  • Photinia 'Red Robin' 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, that are a stunning bright red when young. Clusters of small white flowers are produced in late spring/early summer. Can be planted as specimen shrub, trained against a wall...
    Price: £9.50
  • Sarcococca confusa (Christmas Box) 15L
    1 plant in a 15 litre pot 'Christmas Box, Sweet Box. A dense, bushy suckering shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Clusters of very fragrant white flowers in winter are followed by glossy black fruit in March. Average height 3ft. Partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £45.00
  • Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' 15L
    1 plant in a 15 litre pot 'Mock Orange. An arching shrub with clusters of fragrant, single cup-shaped, white flowers with a purple-flushed centre that are borne from May to June. Average height 4ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £52.00
  • Viburnum davidii - 15ltr
    Common name: David viburnum    An evergreen bushy shrub with veined dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring followed by metallic blue berries. Both male and female plant needed to produce fruit.    Average height 3ft     Full sun...
    Price: £51.00
  • Deutzia x 'Yuki Cherry Blossom' - 3ltr
    Common name: Yuki cherry blossom  A compact, deciduous shrub with foliage that turns an attractive shade of purple and bronze in the autumn. It produces panicles of small white flowers that have a soft pink tint on the inside.  Average height: 2ft Full...
    Price: £13.50
  • Garrya elliptica (60-75cm) 10ltr
    Common name: Silk-tassel Bush (male form). An upright shrub with glossy, evergreen green leaves. Attractive grey-green catkins are produced in mid-winter. Very well-suited well-suited to being grown as a fan or an espalier supported on wires or...
    Price: £35.00
  • Ceanothus 'Italian Skies' 75-90cm (10L)
    Common name: California Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with finely toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. Bright blue flowers in dense panicles are produced in abundance from May-June. Average height 6ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £30.00
  • Ceanothus 'Delight' 1.2m (10L)
    Common name: Californian Lilac A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, pale green leaves. Long panicles of dark blue flowers are produced in profusion from April to May. Average height 8ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £45.00
  • Edgeworthia chrysantha grandiflora  (20L)
    A stunning deciduous specimen shrub, with deep green leaves. It produces beautifully scented, rounded yellow flowerheads on the tips of the bare branches from Feb-April.  Full sun or partial shade. Average height/spread 5ft. Hardy down to -5°C but needs...
    Price: £95.00
  • Skimmia confusa ‘Kew Green’ 2L
    A compact evergreen shrub with shiny mid-green, aromatic  leaves. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced in clusters from April to May. Ideal for brightening a shady part of the garden and providing year-round interest. Average height 3ft...
    Price: £7.50
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  • Chaenomeles Geisha Girl 2.5L
    Common name: Flowering quince, Japanese quince or japonica A spreading deciduous thorny shrub with rounded dark-green glossy leaves. Peach flowers in small clusters are borne from April to May, followed by green yellow edible fruits in August. Average...
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya x dewitteana 'Scented Gem' 3L
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot 'A useful and easy to grow evergreen shrub with palmate narrow dark green leaves that are aromatic when crushed. Masses of very fragrant white flowers appear from pink buds in spring and again in early autumn. Average height 5ft...
    Price: £12.00
  • Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' 10L
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot 'Eastern Redbud. A spreading shrub with beautiful, heart-shaped, dark purple-red leaves. Deep crimson, purple or pink flowers are borne before the leaves appear. Average ultimate height 25-30ft (if left un-pruned). Full...
    Price: £60.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Elaeagnus ebbingii 'Compacta' - 5ltr
    1 plant in a 5ltr pot Common name: Oleaster  A more compact and dense form of ebbingei. A vigorous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, silvery beneath. Fragrant creamy white flowers are produced from September to October, followed by orange speckled...
    Price: £20.00
  • Osmanthus burkwoodii (10ltr)
    1 plant in a 10ltr pot 'A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant, tubular white flowers that are borne from April to May. Average height: 9-12ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full sun/partial shade Hardiness:...
    Price: £36.00
  • Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' (2ltr)
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot A compact evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Pink - white flowers are borne in early summer. Average Height: 2.5m / 8ft Average Spread: 2.5m / 8ft Full sun /Partial shade Hardy   
    Price: £8.50
  • Abelia 'Edward Goucher' 2ltr
    1 plant in a 2ltr pot 'A semi-evergreen arching shrub with delicate lilac-pink flowers that are produced over a long period from June to August. summer. Average height: 6ft Average spread: 8ft Aspect: Full sun Hardiness: Hardy
    Price: £9.50
  • Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3ltr pot A rounded shrub with glossy dark green leaves and spectacular large round clusters of creamy flowers that are produced from July to August. Average height: 6ft Aspect: Full sun/partial shade Hardiness: Hardy
    Price: £12.00
  • Choisya ternata (Mexican Orange Blossom) 3ltr
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer.  Average height/spread: 4-5ft (if left un-pruned) Aspect: Full...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Viburnum tinus 'French White' 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3ltr pot A bushy, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. It produces flat cymes of white flowers in late winter and spring, followed by bluish black berries.   Average height: 5ft Average spread: 4-5ft Aspect: Full...
    Price: £12.00
  • Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' 10ltr
    Common name: Chinese redbud A larges-spreading shrub or small tree with heart-shaped vibrant leaves that turn bright yellow in autumn.  A profusion of long-lasting vivid fuchsia-pink flowers clothe the bare branches in spring.  Average height: 9ft Full...
    Price: £49.50
  • Olearia Paniculata 12L
    Common name:  Akiraho, Golden Akeake A mid-size evergreen shrub or small tree from New Zealand with attractive olive green foliage that has a distinctive wavey form and velvety young growth. P anicles of scented white flowers appear in dense clusters on...
    Price: £22.00
  • Osmanthus 'Fragrans' 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3ltr pot Sweet Olive. An unusual evergreen shrub with attractive glossy, foliage and masses of sweetly scented white flowers in summer.  Average height/spread: 18-20ft.  Aspect & soil...
    Price: £13.00
  • Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' - 10L
    Common name: Mexican Orange Blossom A compact evergreen shrub with narrow dark green leaves and masses of pink-tinged white flowers borne in spring and again in late summer. Average height 4-5ft. Full Sun. Hardy.
    Price: £48.00
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  • Cotoneaster horizontalis (2ltr)
    1 plant in a 2 litre pot Common name: Rockspray cotoneaster A spreading shrub with branches forming a herringbone pattern. Glossy, dark green leaves, turn red in autumn. Pink-tinged white flowers are borne from March to April, followed by bright red...
    Price: £6.50
  • Pittosporum 'Silver Ball' 5L
    A new variety of Pittosporum with a neat, rounded habit. Evergreen silvery green leaves with wavy margins. Bell-shaped, honey-scented, brown-red flowers are produced from May to June. Average height/spread 2.5ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £18.00
  • Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot 'A large, bushy shrub with white leaves that are attractively  mottled with green. Bell-shaped, black-red flowers are borne from may to June. Average height 4ft, spread 2ft. Full sun in a sheltered position. Hardy.'
    Price: £48.00
  • Mahonia 'Charity' - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3ltr pot An architectural, upright shrub with dark green leaves, sharply toothed. Striking, bright yellow fragrant flowers are produced in tall, dense clusters from late autumn to late winter. Average height: 4m / 13ft. Can be pruned down...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Bulk Offers
    Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' (Holly) 125/150cm - 10ltr
    Bulk rate 10+ = £35 each   1 plant (approx 125-150cm tall) in a 10 litre pot This female cultivar has the classic spiny green leaves and red berries of common holly but has the benefit of being self-pollinating so doesn't require a male to produce...
    Price: £42.00
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  • Bulk Offers
    Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' 100/120cm (Holly)
    1 plant in a 5 litre pot, approx height 100-120cm (not including pot) This female cultivar has the classic spiny green leaves and red berries of common holly but has the benefit of being self-pollinating so doesn't require a male to produce berries...
    Price: £35.00
  • Bulk Offers
    Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' (Holly) 60-80cm - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot, current height approx 2.5ft (not including pot) Bulk Offer: 10+ plants for £11 each   This female cultivar has the classic spiny green leaves and red berries of common holly but has the benefit of being...
    Price: £12.00
  • Forsythia 'Spectablis' - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3ltr pot A bushy shrub that in spring is totally clothed in clusters of deep yellow flowers. It makes a stunning focal point in March/April, particularly as the flowers emerge before the toothed green leaves. Average height:...
    Price: £8.50
  • Hydrangea pan. 'Vanille Fraise' (19cm)
    An incredibly unique hydrangea  that creates flowers that looks like pink candy floss.The flowers at the bottom of each panicle are speckled pink and gradually fade to white at the tips. Height: 2.5m Spread: 1.5m Full sun/ partial shade  Season of...
    Price: £16.50
  • Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree) - 3ltr
    1 plant in a 3 litre pot Strawberry Tree. A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red peeling bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with unusual, red strawberry like fruits are produced from August to October. Average height: 8-12ft Position: Full...
    Price: £15.00
  • Cornus 'Midwinter Fire' - 10ltr
    1 plant in a 10 litre pot Common name: Dogwood One of the most strikng coloured stemmed varieties. A vigorous shrub with branches that are yellow at the base, deepening to fiery orange at the tips in winter. Small white flowes are produced in spring...
    Price: £28.00
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  • Eucalyptus gunnii 'France bleu' -10ltr
    'Cider Gum. A more compact variety that only grows to less than half the size of E. gunnii. The lovely blue-green leaves are round when young followed by longer, slimmer adult leaves. Umbels of white to cream flowers are borne from June to September...
    Price: £38.00
  • Daphne odora 'Perfume Princess'
    An upright evergreen shrub that produces beautifully scented clusters of unusually large light pink flowers that open from deep tinged buds. The blooms are produced in late winter and early spring. Average height and spread 5ft  but slow growing. Partial...
    Price: £25.00
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  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Orange' 90-120cm - 10ltr
    'Firethorn. An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by an abundance of bright orange berries, loved by birds. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial...
    Price: £30.00
  • Pyracantha 'Saphyr Red' 90-120cm - 10ltr
    Firethorn. An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries. Eventual height approx 7-9ft (if left un-pruned) Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £30.00
  • Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' - 10L
    1 plant  An evergreen shrub with a compact habit. It has dark green leaves that are edged with a golden line. It produces fragrant lilac-pink flowers in clusters in early spring.  Average height 3ft . Full sun/partial shade Hardy   
    Price: £55.00
  • Nandina 'Flirt'
    'Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo. A compact, dwarf evergreen shrub with narrow leaves that are a stunning rich red when young. Pretty clusters of tiny white flowers with large yellow anthers in mid-summer are followed by bright red fruit in August. Older foliage...
    Price: £30.00
  • Choisya ternata - 10L
    1 plant in a 10ltr pot Mexican Orange Blossom. A compact evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, and masses of sweetly scented white flowers borne in spring  and again in late some.r  Average height 4-5ft  Full sun  Hardy   
    Price: £48.00
  • Abelia grandiflora 'Lucky Lots' - 3ltr
    'A compact, semi-evergreen shrub with an arching habit. Bears scented white flowers from June to August and has attractive variegated foliage with creamy margins on the leaves. The flowers helpp to attract bees and butterflies into the garden. Average...
    Price: £20.00
  • Hydrangea 'Annabelle' - 10L
    1 plant in a 10ltr pot A rounded shrub with glossy dark green leaves and very large round clusters of creamy  flowers that are produced from July - August. Average height and spread 6ft  Full sun / partial shade   Hardy
    Price: £48.00
  • Pyracantha 'Red Column' (Firethorn)  3ltr pot
    Common name: Firethorn An upright shrub with glossy bright green leaves. Clusters of white flowers are produced in early summer followed by cluster of bright red berries.  Average height approx: 2.5m / 8ft (if left un-pruned). Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £9.50
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  • Calycanthus 'Hartlage Wine' (10L)
    Common name  Sweetshrub A multi stem shrub with aromatic foliage and deep red - burgundy flowers bloom from mid summer. Average height: 2m - 6.5ft Average spread: 2m - 6.5ft Hardy  Full sun
    Price: £45.00
  • Cupressus goldcrest 'Wilma' (7.5L)
    Common name: Monterey Cypress A handsome evergreen conifer with lemon scented bright yellow foliage. Average height 6-9ft after 10 years. Ideal for containers. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.'
    Price: £12.00
  • Aucuba jap. 'Crotonifolia' (Spotted Laurel) - 3L
    Common name: Spotted laurel A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy yellow green leaves. Small purple red flowers are produced from April - May, followed by bight red berries. * Height: 2.5m / 6ft * Spread:2.5m / 6ft * Full sun/part shade - Well drained...
    Price: £9.50
  • Koelruteria 'Coral Sun'
    Golden-rain Tree, Star of India. A spreading tree with leaves emerging a strong red-pink then turning mid-green. Small yellow flowers are followed by bladder-like pink or red flushed fruit. The stems are dark red. Average height and spread 25ft. Full sun...
    Price: £28.00
  • Lonicera 'Gold Flame' (4L)
    Honeysuckle. A twining climber with dark green leaves, blue-green beneath. Bright clusters of tubular, pink, orange and yellow flowers from June to August. Average height 15ft+. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy
    Price: £18.00
  • Photinia 'Red Robin' - 1.2-1.5m trellis
    One wall shrub on trellis An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. Small white flowers are sometimes followed by bright red fruit. Can be trained agaist a wall for evergreen coverage. Average height 12ft (if left...
    Price: £65.00