
Perennials in 1ltr pots (6 for £30)

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  • Iris 'Senlac'-1L
    Common name: Tall bearded iris Rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial with strappy leaves.  It produces large maroon red purple flowers during summer.  Average height 2.5ft.  Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Iris 'Constant Wattez'-1L
    Common name: Bearded iris A rhizomatous perennial that has sword-shaped grey-green leaves.  It produces cream with pink-flushy flowers in early summer.  Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun.  Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Iris 'Cimmaron Strip'-1L
    Common name: Bearded iris A rhizomatous perennial that has sword-shaped grey-green leaves.  It produces peach & burgundy flowers in early summer.  Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun.  Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Iris 'Bruno' 1ltr
    Common name: Bearded iris A rhizomatous perennial that has sword-shaped grey-green leaves.  It produces lavender & burgundy flowers in early summer.  Average height 2-3ft.  Full sun.  Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Camassia leichtlini Caerulea-1L
    Common name: Wild Hyacinth A bulbous perennial with wavy-margined narrow leaves. Star-shaped blue to violet flower spikes from March to April.  Average height 2ft. Full sun. Frost hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Vinca minor 'Alba'-1L
    Common name: Lesser Periwinkle A mat-forming evergreen shrub with trailing stems of dark green leaves. White flowers are produced over a long period from May to September.  Average height 4" to 8". Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Sanguisorba 'Pink Brushes' 1ltr
    Common name: Burnet A recent introduction with attractive soft pink bottlebrush-like flowerheads produced on arching stems throughout summer. Great for adding a graceful and airy presence to the border.   Average height/spread 4ft Full...
    Price: £5.50
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 1ltr
    Common name: Ivy-leaved Cyclamen A tuberous perennial with deep green leaves, often with silver marbling. Delicate pink flowers with deep maroon at the base of each petal, are produced before the leaves in autumn. Flowers January to March and will...
    Price: £5.50
  • Aster frikartii 'Monch' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Michaelmas Daisy An upright, perennial with narrow, dark green leaves. Bears masses of long lasting clear lavender-blue daisy-like flowerheads on stout stems. Average height 3ft, spread 2.5ft Flowers August to late September. Good disease...
    Price: £5.50
  • Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind' 1ltr
    Common name: Windflower Erect perennial with suckering shoots, mid-green leaves. Semi-double white flowers are produced from August to September. Average height 4ft Average spread 2ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy
    Price: £5.50
  • Anemone hupehensis 'Praecox' 1L
    Common name: Windflower Erect perennial with suckering shoots, dark green leaves. It produces single, purple-pink flowers from August to September. Average height 2.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy   "Happy in a shady border to add some interest"
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia 'Ruby Wedding' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort, Hattie's Pincushion Striking dark crimson flowers from June to August and attractive lobed foliage. Great for attracting pollinators into the garden and for adding colour to shadier parts of the garden. Average height 2ft,...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Pride' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces elegant pink pincushion-like flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Pink Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of elegant pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut flowers...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Cerise Button' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of deep cerise pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Kniphofia pyromania 'Orange Blaze' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Red Hot Poker Add a touch of drama with this striking plant that has spiky green foliage and stunning, upright heads of vibrant orange flowers throughout summer and into early autumn. Drought tolerant and easy to grow. Average height 2...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Cocktail Cosmopolitan' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Avens Geums are great for adding a pop of colour to the garden in pots or dotted throughout a mixed border. This variety has pretty semi-double flowers in creamy pink tones held aloft on tall stems throughout late spring and early summer...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A tall, upright, spreading geranium with attractive leaves heavily zoned with chocolate brown. It produces pretty, red-brown, saucer-shaped flowers from May to June. Average height 32in. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Helenium 'Mardi Gras' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sneezeweed A neat, compact variety forming a generous mound of foliage with masses of daisy-like flowers in attractive coppery orange shades. A useful late flowerer in the border adding colour from July to September. Great for attracting...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium 'Joy' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Cranesbill A mound of evergreen marbled leaves, pretty bowl-shaped soft pink flowers with prominent darker veins from June to September.  Average height 2-3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium sang. 'Dreamland' 1 ltr pot
    Common name: Bloody Cranesbill A low, mat-forming geranium with finely cut foliage and pale pink, saucer-shaped flowers from June to September. A good choice for the front of the border and wildlife-friendly, attracting pollinators into the garden...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium x oxonianum 'Miss Heidi' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A pretty hardy geranium with divided green leaves and an abundance of pink flowers with purple veins from May to September. Average height 1-1.5ft, Average spread 3ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Digiplexis illumination 'Berry Canary'  1ltr pot
    Common name: Hybrid Foxglove A beautiful and unusual variety that is reliably perennial and flowers for longer than the usual biennial types. The upright flower spikes bear deep rose pink tubular flowers with peach coloured throats from June to late...
    Price: £5.50
  • Rhodanthemum hosmariense 'Tangiers' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Moroccan Daisy A fast-spreading, long-flowering perennial with evergreen divided silver leaves and daisy-like white and pink flowers with a yellow centre. Flowers March to September. Average height up to 1ft. Average spread 1ft. Full sun...
    Price: £5.50
  • Rudbeckia fulgida 'American Gold Rush' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Black-eyed Susan A clump-forming perennial with mid-green leaves. A multitude of large golden yellow daisy-like flowers with black centres are produced from August to October.  Ideal for reliable autumn colour. Average height 2ft &...
    Price: £5.50
  • Eupatorium Baby Joe - 1ltr pot
    Common name: Joe Pye Weed An excellent and resilient perennial with lance-shaped mid-green leaves. Bears domed clusters of purple flowers on strong purple-red stems from July to September. Average height/spread 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. "This...
    Price: £5.50
  • Lavandula stoechas 'Ruffles Mulberry' 1ltr pot
    Common name: French lavender A scented bushy evergreen perennial with silvery foliage.  It produces spikes of pink flowers with fluffy lighter pink tufts on top.  Average height 2ft.  Full sun.  Hardy - protect in very cold winters.
    Price: £5.50
  • Koeleria glauca 1ltr pot
    Common name: Glaucous Hair Grass A densely tufted grass with narrow, glaucous, grey-green leaves and silver-grey spikelets from June to July.  Average height 1ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Briza media 1ltr pot
    Common name: Common Quaking Grass,Trembling Grass Perennial grass with blue-green leaves. Flowerheads are a mass of tiny nodding lockets, purple tinted at first later becoming straw coloured. Flowers April to July. Average height 2-3ft & spread 1ft...
    Price: £5.50
  • Belamcanda chinensis 1ltr pot
    Common name: Blackberry Lily or Leopard Lily Clump-forming short-lived perennial with fans of sword-shaped green leaves. Bears wide opening flowers of bright yellow to orange-red with maroon spots from June to August.  Average height 2-3ft. Full...
    Price: £5.50
  • Hesperantha coccinea 'Professor Bernhard'-1L
    Common name: River Lily A vigorous semi-evergreen perennial quickly forming a clump of erect, grassy foliage, with bowl-shaped dark pink flowers from late summer to late autumn. Average height 2ft. Full Sun/Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Senecio candidans 'Angel Wings' 1ltr
    Common name: Shining-white ragwort  A stunning foliage plant with soft, vibrant silver leaves. Especially effective when planted with dark foliage plants such as Black Grass (Ophiopogon). Good for containers. Average height/spread 1.5ft. Hardy...
    Price: £5.50
  • Leucanthemum superbum Real Glory 1ltr pot
    Common name: Margurite A clump-forming and reliable perennial with glossy, dark green leaves. The white daisy-like flowers have many layers of petals which gives a ruffled look, and large, bright yellow centres. The blooms are held atop sturdy stems and...
    Price: £5.50
  • Tradescantia Andersoniana Group Purple Dome 1L
    Common name: Spiderwort A compact,  robust clump-forming perennial with narrow green leaves. Clusters of large, three-petalled rich purple flowers that are borne from June to September. Prefers damp soil in full sun or partial shade. Average height and...
    Price: £5.50
  • Tricyrtis 'Autumn Glow'-1L
    Common name: Toad Lily An erect perennial with softly hairy stems and speckled green leaves that give the appearance of a toad's skin.  Striking upward-facing, star-shaped shaped flowers appear from late summer through to early autum. The colour palette...
    Price: £5.50
  • Primula auricula 'Stanzerl'-1L
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Bear's ear A pretty evergreen perennial that is perfect for spring pot displays with scented blooms in a striking mix of creamy white and burgundy from April to May. Average height 25cm. Full sun/Partial shade...
    Price: £5.50
  • Primula auricula 'Gretel'-1L
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Bear's ear A pretty evergreen perennial that is perfect for spring pot displays with scented blooms in a striking mix of white and red from April to May. Average height 25cm. Full sun/Partial shade. Hardy. Bulk...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Hosta 'First Frost' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Plantain Lily A perennial with elegant heart-shaped, blue-green leaves that have deep grooves and yellow-cream margins. The foliage will provide superb colour and texture until the first frosts. The lilac flowers are held on tall stems in...
    Price: £5.50
  • Helenium 'Short 'n' Sassy' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sneezeweed.  A compact, late-flowering perennial with daisy-like flowers in shades of yellow and orange from July to September. The blooms are held upright on strong stems and provides a sea of autumn colour. Average height...
    Price: £5.50
  • Corydalis flexuosa 'Pere David' 1ltr pot
    An upright perennial with light green divided leaves and dense racemes of slender tubed, electric blue flowers from May to July. Prefers a cool moist position. Average height 1ft.  Partial shade. Hardy.   1 plant in a 1ltr...
    Price: £5.50
  • Primula auricula 'Zenzi'-1L
    A compact perennial with evergreen foliage. In spring they have pretty single pale salmon peachy flowers with pale yellow/cream centre Average height 25cm, average spread 20cm. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
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  • Primula auricula 'Fanny'-1L
    A very pretty variety with dark, almost black flowers edged white with a yellow centre. Max Height 15cm. Max Spread 15cm. Flowers March to May.  Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Hosta 'June' 1ltr
    A perennial with vibrant lime green/yellow foliage with darker green margins. The leaves have prominent parallel veining. Tall flower spikes of lavender blue flowers are produced in early summer. Average height 15.5ft. Hardy.  
    Price: £5.50
  • Hosta (tardiana group) 'Halcyon' 1ltr
    Common name: Plantain Lily Elegant, heart-shaped glaucous blue foliage forms neat mounds and pretty lilac-grey trumpet-shaped flowers appear in summer from July to August. Hostas are easy to grow and a good 'filler' plant for the border. Average height...
    Price: £5.50
  • Hosta 'Sum and Substance' 1ltr pot
    A perennial with elegant heart-shaped, yellow-green leaves that have deep grooves. The lilac flowers are held on tall stems in mid to late summer. This variety has quite good resistance to slug damage. Average height 3ft, spread 2ft. Partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum ‘Tempo Rose’ 1ltr
    Stunning rose-pink flowers bringing a shot of early colour to the garden from April to June. Loved by bees. Average height 2ft Full sun/Partial shade Hardy   1 plant in a 1ltr pot   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £30 (discount...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 'Buckland'-1L
    Common name: Hattie's Pincushion A popular, easy-to-grow perennial with lobed green leaves. In June it produces attractive pale pink flowers with white bracts surrounding them. Average height 2ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Polemonium reptans Lambrook Mauve 1L
    Common name: Jacob's Ladder A clump-forming perennial with ferny dark green foliage and pretty lilac-mauve flowers in late spring and early summer. Average 1.5ft.  Flowers May to June. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. 
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'Superstition' 1L NEW
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large dark purple flowers during summer.  Moist or well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect perennial for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'White Cliffs of Dover' 1ltr
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large white flowers during summer.  Moist or well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect perennial for creating a...
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'Springtime Madonna' 1L
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large pale powder blue flowers during summer.  Well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect perennial for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Heuchera 'Marmalade' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Coral bells A semi-evergreen perennial with attractive lobed pinky orange foliage It produces sprays of white flowers during the summer.  Average height 1-1.5ft Full sun/Partial shade.  Hardy.   Please note: In the...
    Price: £5.50
  • Acorus gramineus variegata 1ltr
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Variegated Slender Sweet Flag A variegated evergreen with aromatic, foliage that has striking bright yellow and green stripes along its length. Grows in attractive fans to form low-growing clumps. Ideal for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'  1ltr
    1 plant in a 1 litre pot Common name: Golden Variegated Slender Sweet Flag A variegated evergreen with aromatic, foliage that has striking bright yellow and green stripes along its length. Grows in attractive fans to form low-growing clumps. Ideal for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'Indian Chief' - 1L
    Common name: Bearded Iris A lovely variety that was introduced in the 1920s with a striking combination of burgundy and pink blooms from late spring to early summer.  Average height: 3-3.5ft Average spread 2ft  Full...
    Price: £5.50
  • Ophiopogon niger 'Black Dragon'-1L
    A small but striking perennial with narrow, curving, dark green (almost black) leaves.  Clusters of pale purplish white flowers followed by dark blue-black fruit. Great in pots or at the edge of a path or border. Average height 1.5ft. Full sun/partial...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia major 1ltr
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of pale pink and white flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful...
    Price: £5.50
  • Meconopsis betonicifolia 1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy An unusual perennial with rosettes of light bluish green soft leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped blue flowers, with a subtle purple tint and delicate yellow stamens are borne from May to July. Tricky to grow but worth a...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Tropical Tempest'-1L
    Common name: Avens A robust, clump-forming perennial that produces attractive semi-double flowers from late spring to early autumn.  Average height 1.5ft. Full sun or partial shade Hardy   "A long-flowering perennial that is great for...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Tempo Yellow'-1L
    A clump-forming semi-evergreen perennial.  It produces semi-double yellow flowers from spring to early summer.  Average height 1.5ft.  Full sun  Hardy  
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium 'Mavis Simpson'-1L
    Common name: Cranesbill A low spreading geranium with silky pale green leaves and many rounded shell pink flowers with a silvery sheen and darker veins produced on trailing stems from May to September. Average height 1ft. Average spread 2ft...
    Price: £5.50
  • Stipa tenuissima (Grass) 1ltr pot
    Common name: Feather Grass A perennial grass with erect narrow bright green leaves. Soft feathery greenish white panicles of flowers ore borne in early summer, ageing to buff  and remaining ornamental until late autumn. Ultimate height approx...
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'Glowing Seraphin'-1L
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large white flowers during summer.  Moist or well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect perennial for creating a cottage style...
    Price: £5.50
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  • Iris 'Grand Chief' 1L
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large orange red & golden yellow flowers during summer.  Moist or well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect...
    Price: £5.50
  • Anemone hybrida 'Serenade' - 1ltr
    Common name: Windflower or September flower Lovely semi-double, rose pink flowers are borne on tall, strong stems that seem to float high above the foliage from August to September. Average height 3ft, spread 2ft Full sun/partial...
    Price: £5.50
  • Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' - 1ltr pot
    Common name: Blood Grass A beautiful deciduous grass with pointed leaves that emerge green developing a rich ruby red colour from the tip downwards. The leaves look wonderful in the late summer sun as they become semi-transparent. Average...
    Price: £5.50
  • Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' - 1ltr pot
    Common name: Sedge A slowly spreading evergreen grass with arching narrow, variegated cream and green leaves. Subtle green flower spikes are borne over a long period from May to August. Average height 1ft, spread 1.5ft Full sun/partial shade. Hardy...
    Price: £5.50
  • Anemone x hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte'-1L
    Common name: Japanese Anemone A lovely, late-flowering perennial with large semi-double pink flowers on graceful arching stems from August to September.  Average height 3-4ft, spread 2ft Full sun/partial shade Hardy.   'Lovely for adding...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia 'Star of Beauty'-1L
    Common name: Greater masterwort A clump-forming deciduous perennial with compact umbels of dark red flowers during summer. Full sun or partial shade Average height 2.5ft Average spread 2ft
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia Florence-1L
    Common name: Hattie's Pincushion A long-flowering perennial with mounds of divided green foliage and elegant pale lavender-pink flowers held on strong stems from June to September. Great for the wildlife garden as a source of nectar and pollen for many...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia 'Burgandy Manor'-1L
    Common name: Greater masterwort A beautiful deciduous perennial with compact umbels of dark red flowers throughout summer that are lovedy by bees and other pollinators. Useful for brightening shadier parts of the garden and very resistant to slugs and...
    Price: £5.50
  • Heuchera 'Ginger Ale' - 1L
    A semi-evergreen perennial with attractive lobed foliage in zingy green and ginger shades.  It produces sprays of yellow and light pink flowers during the summer.  Average height 1-2ft Full sun/Partial shade.  Hardy. Please note: In...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum Cocktail ‘Sea Breeze’ 1ltr
    A clump-forming perennial with lobed leaves with toothed edges.  It produces semi-double, rich orange ruffled flowers from late spring to early summer.  Average height 1-1.5ft.  Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Phygelius x rectus 'Salmon Leap' - 1ltr
    Common name: Cape Figwort A compact variety with evergreen dark green leaves and tubular, orange flowers in summer from June to August. Great for pots or the front of a border. Average height 1.5-2ft. Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Hesperantha coccinea 'Major' 1ltr
    Common name: Kaffir Lily A pretty clump-forming perennial with sword-like bright green leaves. Spikes of large red flowers on stiff stems from August to November Average height 2ft. Full sun Hardy   "A long-flowering perennial with striking...
    Price: £5.50
  • Iris 'Rimfire' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Tall bearded iris A clump forming deciduous rhizomatous perennial. It produces large purple & yellow flowers during summer.  Moist or well-drained soil Full sun or partial shade Average height 2-3ft.   "Perfect perennial...
    Price: £5.50
  • Geranium 'Spinners' 1ltr
    Common name: Cranesbill A magnificent upright perennial with deeply divided green leaves. Tall stems of deep purplish blue bowl-shaped flowers from May to July. Average height 2.5ft. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50
  • Bulk Offers
    Geranium 'Rozanne' 1ltr
    Common name: Hardy Geranium, Cranesbill.  A mound-forming perennial with marbled leaves. it produces large, cupped, blue flowers with white centres and maroon veins from early to late summer. Average height 1-2ft. Full sun/partial shade...
    Price: £5.50
  • Anemone x hybrida 'September Charm' 1ltr
    Common name: Windflower Produces an abundance of pale pink, bowl-shaped single flowers held hight above a mound of attractive semi-evergreen foliage.  Easy to grow but needs plenty of room to spread out Average height/spread 3ft Full sun/partial...
    Price: £5.50
  • 1 plant in a 1ltr pot Common name: Bears breaches Fast-growing clump-forming semi-evergreen perennial. Full sun or partial shade. Average height and spread 3ft   Bulk Offer Any 6 perennials or grasses in 1ltr pots for £30 (discount will...
    Price: £5.50
  • Meconopsis sheldonii -1ltr
    Common name: Himalayan Blue Poppy A choice perennial with rosettes of light bluish green hairy leaves. Beautiful saucer-shaped bright blue flowers with yellow stamens in early summer. Average height 3-4ft. Partial shade Hardy - mulch in winter
    Price: £5.50
  • Geum 'Flames of Passion' 1ltr
    Common name: Avens A small floriferous perennial that is perfect for the front of the border. A profusion of semi-double red flowers with golden anthers, are held on purple stems above mounds of foliage from May to July. Average height/spread 1.5ft...
    Price: £5.50
  • Astrantia 'Star of Passion' 1ltr pot
    Common name: Masterwort A beautiful perennial that produces umbels of deep maroon pink flowers throughout the summer from June until August. Great for brightening up shady areas and generally avoided by slugs and snails! Astrantias make beautiful cut...
    Price: £5.50
  • Salvia nemorosa 'Marcus' 1ltr
    Common name: Balkan Clary A lovely compact perennial with aromatic, greyish green leaves and a profusion of blue flowers on strong, upright stems from July to September.  Average height & spread 1ft.  Full sun. Hardy.
    Price: £5.50